| - Jefferson Airplane foi unha banda estadounidense formada en San Francisco en 1965. Coma pioneira no movemento do rock sicodélico, Jefferson Airplane foi a primeira banda da escea de San Francisco en acadar o éxito comercial e da crítica. A finais da década dos 60, Jefferson Airplane foi un dos grupos máis solicitados e mellor pagados do mundo. As súas gravacións tiveron éxito internacionalmente vendendo enormes cantidades de discos.
- Jefferson Airplane was a San Francisco, California-based band who pioneered the American counterculture movement as well as psychedelic rock. Formed in 1965, the group defined the San Francisco Sound and was the first from the Bay Area to achieve international commercial success. They were headliners at the three most famous American rock festivals of the 1960s—Monterey (1967), Woodstock (1969) and Altamont (1969)—in addition to the first Isle of Wight Festival (1968) in England. Their 1967 break-out record Surrealistic Pillow ranks on the short list of most significant recordings of the "Summer of Love". Two songs from that album, "Somebody to Love" and "White Rabbit", are among Rolling Stone's "500 Greatest Songs of All Time."
- Jefferson Airplane was an American psychedelic band whose song "White Rabbit" appeared in the episode "Duty and Honor" of the series Miami Vice.
- Your creepy aunt is named Grace Slick.
- Jefferson Airplane sind eine amerikanische Rockband. Sie gehörten zu den bekanntesten Gruppen der Hippies-Kultur. White Rabbit und Somebody to Love sind ihre berühmtesten Songs, welche beide im Film Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas vorkommen
- Jefferson Airplane was a 1960s-early '70s rock band in the United States. Their album Surrealistic Pillow is often associated with 1967's Summer of Love. They pioneered psychedelic rock as part of the '60s counterculture movement. This article is a stub. You can help the CounterCulture Wikia grow by expanding it.
- I Jefferon Airplane sono stati un gruppo fondamentale per lo sviluppo della musica e degli ideali hippie, tra i 3 grandi gruppi della scena di San Francisco, insieme a Grateful Dead e Quickilver Messenger Service. Creatori di un rock psichedelico diretto ed efficace, guidati dalla splendida presenza di Grace Slick e dalla forte personalità di Paul Kantner. Dischi come Surrealistic pillow o After bathing at baxter's sono a tutt'oggi considerati delle pietre miliari del rock psichedelico.
- Jefferson Airplane — галлюцинация, волшебный умный самолёт бгрбднадцатого президента Пиндостана Томаса Шмомаса Джефферсона. Был изобретён и сконструирован Доктором Гонзо. После «кИсЛоТнОгО бУнТа» 1961го года присоединился к бунтующим хипкам выплюнул президента в небо, и умчался ввысь. С тех пор самолёт не садится ни в одном аэродроме, а лишь стреляет керосин у встречных авиалайнеров. Тем и живёт. Работает, вопреки распространённому заблуждению, по плану, а не на керосине (керосин нужен персоналу только для разогревания обеда).
- When all of official Washington has strange dreams on the same night, the president is not exempt, dreaming that he disbanded the entire U.S. Air Force and replaced them with the Jefferson Airplane. The terrible part is that the next morning the Jefferson Airplane reported for work. [Mentioned, Episode #124: "Is This Trip Necessary?".]
- Yet there were no more hit singles; the band saw themselves as part of the hippy movement and their music reflected this, moving away from conventional songs towards longer and more complex pieces with unusual vocal harmonies and instrumental passages on the albums After Bathing At Baxters and Crown of Creation (both 1968). A live LP, Bless Its Pointed Little Head, captured their style at this period, as did film of their performances at Woodstock and the disastrous Altamont Festival in the same year. Volunteers (1969) saw them endorsing the idea of a hedonistic "revolution", then in vogue among some US students and hippies, but after this the Airplane began to fragment, with line-up changes and solo projects exacerbating tensions in what had always been a band of strong personalities.
- At any rate, Jefferson Airplane did... made...played psychedelic rock, which was evidently part of some movement of rock music involving LSD. They were also apparently pretty successful, with a bunch of 'hits' and albums and other things that I have no idea what they are, but that's what it says here. I'm just reading the Wikipedia article on them, see. I don't actually know anything about this group...er...band. Thing.
- Jefferson Airplane was quite the biggest band of the San Francisco scene. Their roots date back to the year 1965 and by 1967 (mostly because of the Monterey International Pop Festival and the proclamation of the Summer of Love) they had gained stardom. The dual and sometimes triple voice was their trademark. They combined Psychedelia as well as Blues in their songs. The Airplane became the archetype of the new, young and rebellious generation: free and successful, living together as a family (or at least as good friends), making music, taking drugs. __TOC__
- Jefferson Airplane was an American rock band formed in San Francisco, California in 1965. A pioneer of psychedelic rock, Jefferson Airplane was the first band from the San Francisco scene to achieve international mainstream success. Their 1967 record Surrealistic Pillow is regarded as one of the key recordings of the "Summer of Love". The band performed at the three most famous American rock festivals of the 1960s—Monterey (1967), Woodstock (1969) and Altamont (1969)—as well as headlining the first Isle of Wight Festival. Two hits from the album "Somebody to Love" and "White Rabbit", are listed in Rolling Stone's "500 Greatest Songs of All Time". Successor bands to Jefferson Airplane include Jefferson Starship and Starship; spinoffs include Hot Tuna and KBC Band. Jefferson Airplane was ind
- Jefferson Airplane was an American rock band formed in San Francisco, California in 1965. A pioneer of counterculture-era psychedelic rock, the group was the first band from the San Francisco scene to achieve international mainstream success. Their 1967 record Surrealistic Pillow is regarded as one of the key recordings of the "Summer of Love". The band performed at the three most famous American rock festivals of the 1960s—Monterey (1967), Woodstock (1969) and Altamont (1969)—as well as headlining the first Isle of Wight Festival(1968). Two hits from the album "Somebody to Love" and "White Rabbit", are listed in Rolling Stone's "500 Greatest Songs of All Time". Successor bands to Jefferson Airplane includeJefferson Starship and Starship; spinoffs include Hot Tuna and KBC Band. Jefferson A
- Jefferson Airplane was an American rock band formed in San Francisco, California in 1965. A pioneer of counterculture-era psychedelic rock, the group was the first band from the San Francisco scene to achieve international mainstream success. They performed at the three most famous American rock festivals of the 1960s—Monterey (1967), Woodstock (1969) and Altamont (1969)[1]—as well as headlined the first Isle of Wight Festival (1968). Their 1967 record Surrealistic Pillow is regarded as one of the key recordings of the "Summer of Love".[2][3][4] Two hits from that album, "Somebody to Love" and "White Rabbit", are listed in Rolling Stone's "500 Greatest Songs of All Time".