- A pigeon is a bird that belongs to the family Columbidae. It inhabits Earth. It was seen in Dark Harvest when Zim gets Head Pigeons.
- thumb|right|250px|Karte von Pigeon. Pigeon - Stadt von Sinhala-Llyrdonis auf Corigani. .
* Segment: Corigani - Reich: Sinhala-Llyrdonis . .
- Tim Carpenter was killed after a number of Pigeons flew into the window of his dentist's office. He left the dentist's office only to be crushed.
- The Pigeon is a minor character who appears occasionally in various places. Pigeon has been observed in the following locations:
* Distracting you while bicycle riding, causing you to crush Cassie.
* Coming in to land on Quill's hand for bird seed while sightseeing.
* Being attacked by Ayano with a baseball bat while sightseeing. Cassie also says "I tried to get pigeons banned from the city, but they are SURPRISINGLY popular." The Pigeon is likely a reference to Hatoful Boyfriend, a pigeon dating simulator.
- Le pigeon est un oiseau non magique.
- Pigeon is a animal in Tony Hawk's Game Series.
- Pigeon (鳩 Hato) is an avatar character appearing in the Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS anime. Along with Frog, he is one of the reporters trying to get a scope on Playmaker and the Knights of Hanoi. He has a camera attached to his head which he used for scoops. Pigeon frequently suffers connection issues when in LINK VRAINS.
- Pigeon is the village sachem of the Ding Dongs. Much of his speech is hard to understand (except for the chief). He also appears to be able to understand volcanoes.
- Pigeons are a type of birds who inhabit Earth. Dr. Radek Zelenka used to raise and race Homing pigeons as a hobby, before he joined the Atlantis expedition. By accident, a flock of Earth pigeons were transplanted to the frozen planet in the Pegasus Galaxy as well. (SGA: "Echoes", "Quarantine", "The Lost")
- Pigeons are small predatory birds. They appear in Hitman 2: Silent Assassin, Hitman: Blood Money, Hitman: Absolution and HITMAN™ (2016).
- Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is AFBDD9
- Pigeon is a pigeon bird who appeared in Big House Blues and Hard Times for Haggis. When Ren & Stimpy are eating bread, The Pigeon would let them stick their tongues out and the Pigeon pecks the bread.
- A bird species not unlike actual pigeons beyond appearance.
- The pigeon represents a youthful generation. Dwelling in the cities, literally and symbolically feeding off the life of the urban society, this bird shows us the ignorance, humor, and pleasantly lost culture of the young. Have patience with pigeons. Yes, they leave behind their droppings. Yes, they harrass you for food. They have to live too; they have to evolve, so give them room!
- Pigeons can be seen in Varrock, the capital of Misthalin. They can be found preening and flying on clothing lines near the city's general store and Varrock Museum. They cannot be interacted with and serve only as scenery. Pigeons also inhabit East Ardougne, as one of the citizens named Jerico has several Pigeon cages and some bird feed. Players release them upon a group of mourners near the West Ardougne gate to create a distraction during the Biohazard quest.
- Pigeon was part of a group of Zionite operative assigned by Niobe to find a way to kill the Assassin after it killed Niobe's lover and friend, Morpheus.
- Pigeons were semi-domesticated birds that were often raised for their meat. These birds also resided in cities such as Cairo, one flock of them taking flight as Dr. Allen Chamberlin ran through the streets of Cairo. A salmi of these birds was made for the passengers of the riverboat Sudan.
- Pigeon is a small town in Utah, that, among other things, is the location of a doll factory. Following a lead provided by Didi Gibbons, Mark Benford and Demetri Noh travels to Pigeon, hoping to catch the right "D. Gibbons". There they encountered a still unidentified man who nearly kills them, but managed to escape. When reviewing his online activity, the FBI discovers that he had been trying to investigate the GBO by himself.
- I know that pigeons shouldn't exist, but the reason why they're here is simply to annoy us humans. You know, for checks and balances. Also, the pigeon is a real threat to our nation. I will not rest until the great people of America know the truth about pigeons! I don’t understand why Bert (of Sesame Street fame) just loves pigeons all they are, is “rats with wings.” Not to mention they poop anywhere at any time that’s convenient for them.
- They were utilised as carrier birds in the Holy Land. By 1400, having witnessed their use during the Crusades, the English imported this tactic. (AUDIO: The Doctor's Tale) In 1943, pigeons were used to test a new chemical weapon planned for use in destroying Russia's government after World War II ended. (TV: The Curse of Fenric) The First Doctor declared that he had "the directional instinct of a homing pigeon". Later, Barbara Wright and Ian Chesterton encountered a large flock of pigeons in Trafalgar Square. (TV: The Chase)
- Issus de l'union contre-nature de balais espagnols avec des archeopteryx, le pigeon a pour unique but de dominer le monde. Les pigeons se dissimulent sous une apparence inoffensive pour nos observer (seuls ou accompagnés de mouettes et goélands près des régions maritimes), et attendent le moment propice pour intervenir. Ils ont à plusieurs reprises, sans succès, tenté de nous pousser à nous entre-tuer : on leur doit la guerre de 100 ans, les invasions vikings, et plus récemment, les guerres mondiales et l'attentat du World Trade Center (le saviez-vous ?, ce sont les pigeons, qui, en se jetant dans les réacteurs des avions ont provoqué leur crash sur les tours, ne croyez pas la télé).
- A Pigeon is left for Roger to release at Strickland Junction in Pigeon Post. Nancy says that Uncle Jim gave us one, and called him Homer because he was a homing pigeon. They got two more for company, which they called Sophocles and Sappho after looking up Greek poets (PP1). When they go camping, Dick has to make the returning pigeon ring a bell to alert Mrs Blackett (PP6). At the end, though Titty says that you cant count on Sappho, Sappho carries the message which calls out Colonel Jolys and the firefighters (PP31).
- In 1986, several pigeons congregated in front of Gillian Taylor's stopped Chevrolet truck. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home) The holographic recreation of the Café des Artistes in Paris in the year 2342 featured a small flock of pigeons. (TNG: "We'll Always Have Paris" ) In 2365, Miles O'Brien said "Time to pluck a pigeon", commenting upon Data's supposed naiveté of poker. (TNG: "The Measure Of A Man" ) In 2374, Vic Fontaine told Odo that in his usual stiff posture he'd only attract pigeons, but not women. (DS9: "His Way")
- Pigeons and doves constitute the family Columbidae within the order Columbiformes, which include some 300 species of near passerine birds. In general parlance the terms "dove" and "pigeon" are used somewhat interchangeably. In ornithological practice, there is a tendency for "dove" to be used for smaller species and "pigeon" for larger ones, but this is in no way consistently applied, and historically the common names for these birds involve a great deal of variation between the term "dove" and "pigeon." This family occurs worldwide, but the greatest variety is in the Indomalaya and Australasia ecozones. The young doves and pigeons are called "squabs."
- Sigmund Freud reported that the oink-like sounds that the pigeon produces have deeper psychological motivations that are mostly related to procreation. Venice used to be full of pigeons until the PHLB headquarters was centered there yesterday. The Pigeon's favorite food is flaming hot cheetos. There is a half-cat-half-pigeon. It has a cat head with wings and pigeon feet. It is likely to scratch people on sight. We have already lost millions of Secret PHLB Agents to its demonic powers. Its real name is unpronouncable in any human language, but it is commonly known as Bkdoknghimersonman Phaleone. It is constantly watching for secret agents to poop on at the park with its acidic poo of doom.
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- Pigeons are small birds found in The Sims 3: Late Night, The Sims 3: Pets, The Sims Medieval and The Sims 4: Get Together. Pigeons are present in The Sims 2 as a neighborhood decoration, but do not actually appear in-game. In The Sims 3: Late Night, pigeons are often seen outside the City Hall in Bridgeport, though they do not have a great impact on gameplay, as they cannot be interacted with, and wander around aimlessly. In The Sims 4: Get Together pigeons are decorations and are often seen wandering in Windenburg.