| - Arukenimon is one of the tertiary antagonists in Digimon Adventure 02 and one of Oikawa's two henchmen.
- Arukenimon is a Dark Animal Digimon whose name and design are derived from the mythological "Queen of Spiders", Arachne. As the queen who presides over all Dokugumon, it is an extremely cunning Digimon with great intelligence. It is skilled at transforming into a human-like appearance, getting the opponent to let down their guard so that it can approach and completely devour them. Also, because of its extremely short temper and ferocious personality, many Digimon are afraid of it.
- Arukenimon sind Tierische Dämonendigimon, die große, rote Spinnen mit langen Beinen darstellen. Sie sind bösartige und rücksichtslose Digimon, die im Kampf intelligent und listig vorgehen, weswegen sie in der Digiwelt sehr gefürchtet sind.