| - Mina Bonteri was a female Human senator in the Confederacy of Independent Systems Senate during the Clone Wars. She married a brave and kind-hearted man named Jav Bonteri, and gave birth to a son named Lux Bonteri.
- At an early age, Mina Bonteri mentored the young Senator Padmé Amidala from Naboo. She admired Count Dooku for taking a stand against the Galactic Republic. Mina had a child named Lux Bonteri with her husband. Even though clone forces killed her husband, she advocated a peaceful resolution to the war. Padmé traveled to the Separatist capital, Raxus where she met with Mina, and together their work to broker peace ends when Mina was killed for petitioning for peace in the Separatist Senate by Dooku's agents.
- Mina Bonteri was a female human native to the planet Onderon. Prior to the Clone Wars, Bonteri served as a mentor to Padmé Amidala on Naboo, and the two became close friends. During the war, Bonteri was the senator of Onderon in the Separatist Senate. Following Bonteri's death, her son, Lux Bonteri, filled her position.
- [Source] Mina Bonteri fut la sénatrice de Onderon au Sénat Galactique avant la Guerre des Clones. Avec l'apparition du mouvement Séparatiste elle décida de rejoindre ces derniers, elle représenta alors sa planète au Sénat Séparatiste.
- Mina Bonteri fue una Senadora Humana de Onderon en la Confederación de Sistemas Independientes del Senado Separatista durante las Guerras Clon.
- Con l'avvento delle Guerre dei Cloni, Bonteri entrò a far parte della CSI e partecipò al Parlamento Separatista. Ammirava molto il Conte Dooku, per il fatto che lui riuscisse a tener testa e ad opporsi alla Repubblica, che Bonteri riteneva corrotta. Suo marito fu mandato su Aargonar per costruire una base, ma fu ucciso dalle truppe repubblicane, quando queste attaccarono la base separatista.