| - Categoría:Incompleto Con los Emotes podemos reproducir animaciones para los personajes, he aqui una lista de los Emotes disponibles:
- Emotes(bevægelser) er animationer som spilleren kan vælge at udføre. Nogle animationer kan kun udføres hvis man er member, mens andre kræver at man har gennemført et event eller bærer en bestemt genstand. Emotes er primært kun til underholdning og giver ingen bonus ved brug. De emotes der er farvelagte er dem der er tilgængelige. Hvis man højreklikker på dem der er låste, kan man få at vide hvad der skal til for at unlocke dem.
- An emote is a way for your character to perform some action. Each emote word is to be typed in general chat surrounded by asterix (*) characters. Typically an emote is just a short animation (such as *wave*) but some emotes are held until canceled. These are designated as (state) in the Note column. To cancel an emote state just push a direction key or press Esc.
- Emotes are actions characters can do when the player wants to. There are currently 7 emotes. Emotes were added quite a while ago. The player must type in /e [emote] into the chat for the character to do an emote. There are also different animations for players with the R15 Player Model.
- Emotes are actions made by the player by typing a certain command (F2 -> Emotes for PC). The player can access the emotes through chat or through the canned chat/emotes menu. The player's personality affects certain emotes, e.g. the dance moves vary for different personalities.
- These are all the emotes in Lost Planet 2
- Typing /help will bring up a list of emotes.
- Emotes, of Emoties, zijn animaties waarbij spelers kunnen communiceren. Het is een soort lichaamstaal. Je kan een emotie activeren bij je Emote menu op je scherm.
- Emotes are a kind of action that your character can perform, usually purely cosmetic (apart from /sit and /rest, which regenerate HP faster than normal). Emotes can be acquired in a number of ways, some are obtained via special emote puzzles, some are the rewards of quests while others are obtained straight from using Emote Scrolls. While most Emotes are obtained in P2P areas, it is possible for F2P players to obtain a few of them, and of course, to buy them from P2P players. For a raw searchable list of all Emotes see Emotes/Raw.
- Emotes are actions your character can perform within the game. Your character acts most of them out physically, but some also have accompanying audio. All emotes display a text line in your chat window describing what your character is doing. If a target is selected, the emotes will be addressed to your current target. If no target is selected, the action will be generic. Emotes are available as slash commands or via the Socials menu.
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- leftright Emotes eli tunteet tai ylinäyttelyt ovat animaatioita, joita pelaajat tehdä. Ennen Quick Chat -päivitystä nämä olivat ainoa tapa kommunikoida toisten pelaajien kanssa jos pelaaja oli hiljennetty.
- Emoticons are used as the portrayal of expressions over the internets. They were created in the 1800s by a very smart man. Emotes were used on the TLOEM Forum that Shaff created in 2008. The forum died a few months later, but had some awesome emotes created by Psywing.
- Emotes are Commands used to perform various actions or display moods with your character in a Room or in-game/Plaza. These are not case sensitive. Some emotes are dependent on gender or class of a character.
- Items on the list in parenthesis are animated reactions. Quotes indicate what displays in the local chat. Other pirates will see your name followed by the action.
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- For example, if you click on the heart emote in your backpack and then on another person, they will see an image of a heart appear above their head along with a small picture of you. Certain emotes can be given to Crystal critters. You can make an emote "fly" to another user by making that certain emote a hotkey. After, press that number on your keyboard and click on that person.
- eine Liste der Charakter Emotes. /amazed (erstaunt aber neugierig) /angry (wütend) /blush (verlegen) /bow (verbeugen) /cheer (anfeuern) /clap (klatschen) /comfort (aufmuntern) /cry (weinen) /dance1 (Samba) /dance2 (Walzer) /dance3 (herrlicher Tango) /dance4 (leichtfüßiger Tango) /disgusted (angewiedert) /doubt (zweifeln) /doze (einschlafen) /farewell (aufwiedersehen) /fume (vor wut toben) /goodbye (aufwiedersehen) /grin (grinsen) /huh (verwirrt) /joy (freudig winken) /kneel (knien) /laugh (lachen) /muted (still) /no (nein) /nod (nicken) /panic (panik) /point (zeigen) /poke (stubsen) /praise (loben) /psych (ausflippen) /salute (salutieren) /shocked (geschockt) /sigh (seufzen) /slap (Ohrfeige verpassen) /smile (lächeln) /stagger (taumeln) /stare (starren) /sulk (schmollen) /surprised (überra
- Emotes Current Darkfall emotes, as listed in-game through /list_emotes /air_guitar/doh/drink/greetings/laugh/mock/no_no/point_back/point_front/point_right/point_left/show_off/shrug/sneeze/taunt_03/taunt_04/taunt_05/thinking/thumb_down/thumb_up/wave/yawn
- Em Wakfu, podemos expressar nossos sentimentos usando Emotes e Smiles. Os Emotes são todos os Emotions e Actions que podem ser desbloqueados e caracterizam um movimento de seu personagem. Os Emotes não podem ser usados em batalhas e são representados por um coração ou uma mãozinha. Os Smiles são expressões que aparecem acima do seu personagem, normalmente com o rosto do seu personagem. Os Smiles podem ser usados em batalha e estão disponíveis por padrão.
- The following are the known list of actions that a Warframe can perform using the Emotes feature: EmoteAgree.gif|Agree - The Warframe nods its head once. EmoteBoast.gif|Boast - The Warframe squats while flexing its arms on its side, then extends its arms in front to perform a kata. EmoteBow.gif|Bow - The Warframe slightly bows with its head and body. EmoteDeepBow.gif|Deep Bow - The Warframe clasps its hands in supplication, then completely bows its torso down to its abdomen. EmoteDisagree.gif|Disagree - The Warframe dismissively waves its right arm to the side. EmoteMeditate.gif|Meditate - The Warframe levitates above the ground and assumes a meditative Lotus position.Can be toggled EmoteFollow.gif|Follow - The Warframe waves their hand toward them, signifying a Tenno to follow. EmoteWave
- Emotes are used primarily for entertainment, amusement and communication. Emotes are also used for certain clue scrolls and quests. They generally do not give any bonuses or in-game advantage to the performing player.
- Players can synchronise some emotes with other players by adding a space and an asterisk after the command. For example, typing "/dance *" starts players dancing at the next "beat". The beat is set by the game and goes off every 5 seconds. This function is often used with the /dance, /highfive and /goteam emotes. This list contains emotes only, commands that have pure informational value and will not result in an animation are listed on the commands page. All currently known emotes in Guild Wars are: ** The /roll emote can not be used in a town or outpost.
- To use them you have to equip them in the main menu on the "Emotes"-Tab and put them in the 3x3 roster. Press and hold Q (default key) in-game to show up the Emote selection screen and then simply click the emote you wish to use. Emotes can be tested in the game's client by going to the Store page and/or the My Stuff page and then selecting the Emotes section. Once clicked on the yellow play button the emote is then performed but no special items are shown during certain emotes (e.g. guitar, trumpet, rocket, glass). __TOC__
- Emotes are depicted as characters in the Emotes tab. One character is a man in full white armour with a white medium helmet, another character is a man in a default outfit with brown hair, another character being a woman seemingly wearing a blue dwarf shirt and skirt, one is a jester (as in the Neitiznot jester outfit), Romeo, a cave goblin, a mime, a woman with a bronze platebody and a dragon plateskirt, a zombie, and a skillcape-wearer.
- Emotes are the commands the your character executes to show emotion. Use F12 to open the chat window. (Press L to bring up the buddy list which also gives you a mouse to use the scroll bar.) Use a forward slash or "/" to initiate the command. You can add a number to the specific emote within the range provided, or you execute it without the number to do a random emote. Current Live v1.2 commands PTU v1.3 commands (available on test server) Complete description of emotes... /agree "yep","ok","copy" pointing finger, followed by double thumbs up /angry1 "hell with it","this is Bullshit","I'm done"
- Emotes are short animations a player can use to express various body-language signals in-game. Some of them are purely for fun, and some are actually useful, such as the coin toss, the die, and the "rock/paper/scissors" to make decisions. Several of the emotes are accompanied by a sound, which is noted in the description below. Some emotes have synonyms which carry out the same animation. Synonyms are listed in parentheses next to the more common word used as the emote in the list below. __TOC__