| - Compagnie(s) deservant(s) la gare :
* Cisalpino AGCatégorie:Gare (Cisalpino AG).
* Lyria SASCatégorie:Gare (Lyria SAS).
- The Brig is the first square rigged ship in the game. She is armed with 16 guns along the sides, plus 2 stern-chasers. The Brig is based upon the real life Fair American.
- See also Brigantine.
- The Brig is a ship type in Empire: Total War.
- Brigs are ships that were released with the update. Brigs were first announced on the POTCO YouTube Channel, and were released on test server on October 7, 2011. A jack of all trades but a master of none, Brigs are a good mix of strength, speed, and cargo space - a combination of the qualities of all the other purchasable ship types. They were brought to live servers on December 14, 2011.
- miniatur|280px|Gemeindestand vor der Fusion am 1. Januar 1972 Brig (walliserdeutsch Brig [briːg], französischBrigue, italienischBriga) ist ein Gemeindeteil von Brig-Glis im Schweizer Kanton Wallis.
- A brig is a jail aboard a ship. A person in the brig may also be referred to as "in hack". Battlestars have several brigs. One has at least two small cells with bunks and a desk to the outside the observe the prisoners and handle visitors. The other brig has one larger cell with no commodities for high-security prisoners. There is usually a Marine guard standing watch inside the room. In the high-security brig, there are usually around four.
- In mid-2373, the USS Cantabrian's acting commanding officer Elizabeth Singh threw several brawling visitors into one of the Cantabrian's brigs. She threatened to leave them there for the entire journey to Starbase Expanse 7 if they didn't agree to start behaving. (Star Trek: The Cantabrian Expeditions: "Isolation") After having committed treason, Riov Tormod was imprisoned in the RIS Bouteina's brig on Deck 22 before the IRW Temarex brings him back to a prison world. (RIS Bouteina: "Manhunt")
- The first brigs on Earth Starfleet vessels were small cells with solid doors; later Federation Starfleet vessels and installations utilized force fields to hold inmates which could be switched on or off to allow access. (ENT episode: "Divergence";TOS episode: "Mirror, Mirror") When the USS Enterprise-D was transporting Kommandant Ghud to his trial on Wyath he was held in the ship's brig, as opposed to guest quarters, at the specific request of the people of Wyath. (TNG - The Space Between comic: "Light of the Day")