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- Renegade has the same thick Black Hair as Snake and blue-eyes of Sword Strike, his hair is longer and has a single thick fringe over the tip of his right eyebrow. He's facial features is the same as Strike's, his muscle tone and skin colour is Snake's and he wears a Sneaking Suit crossed between a Desert Suit and a Sword Suit. He does not have any facial hair though or bandana, he lacks in weapons and equipment. He also has a combined use of Strike's Nanomachines and Snake's Nanomachines.
- Renegade may refer to:
* Renegade Inc, a mercenary faction in the Star Wars Combine.
- The Borg Assimliation ship, Renegade, is a starship which is only playable from the of the game. Read more about this topic on the Memory-Alpha Wikia.
- Renegade a Namekian/Hedgehog/Pokemon hybrid character created by SupremeGotenks and is the son of Giratina. He is the second most powerful of the team (the most powerful being Temporal). He can be very kind-hearted and loving but at the same time cocky and cruel. He owns a small group of Ghost-type Pokemon (A Gengar, a Dusknoir, a Mismagius, a Chandelure, a Rotom, a Golurk, and a Sableye). He mainly uses the Griseous Orb to his advantage in battles, mainly to ascend to his Origin and Griseous Forms. After meeting the Z Fighters, he trains with them for a while and even learns Vegeta's Galick Gun.
- Renegades are a race of evil gobots
- Terrified Deal (To be mini episode)
- Intro A Intro B Chorus 1 Verse A Verse B Chorus 2 Solo 1A Solo 1B Build Vocal Break Chorus 3 Solo 2A Solo 2B Solo 2C
- A Renegade is a commander who uses robo parts. Some just use them to beat other commanders with ease. Others commit crimes with them by removing their robo's safety lock.
- Renegade is HammerFall's third album, the first with the drummer Anders Johansson. It was released on October 9, 2000, on the Nuclear Blast Records label. As shown in the tracklist, the founding guitarist of In Flames and founding member of HammerFall, Jesper Strömblad, was the co-writer of several of the songs in the album. The album entered the Swedish charts at number one and was eventually awarded a gold certification.
- This scroll contains an experienced back street fighter's skill. Formless but efficient for attacking an enemy's weak points.
- Renegade was a master assassin and marksman dressed in red spandex with white armor and fancied himself as one of the best. When it came to hunting down the rogue robot Dark Heart, Grimlord sent Renegade. When his head was damaged by Ryan, Renegade gained an upgraded head with a winged snake ornament on his forehead. Renegade also lost on his first encounter with Dark Heart; but after their second encounter, he successfully defeated and damaged Dark Heart. Renegade made further appearances in the show. Now with an upgraded and specially made handgun, to fight Ryan, Renegade proved very formidable and would have won against Ryan, at one time, if the Ghost Biker hadn't saved Ryan. Renegade fits the category of Zelton's army since Zelton briefly took the form of him.
- This page was never on Uncyclopedia or Conservapedia but if it was, we'd steal it from those sites and use it for this site. Screw our past affiliations, being a traitor rules!!
- Renegades are the wraiths of Stygia whose agenda does not lie in following the government of the dead, or in seeking Transcendence. Instead, Renegades march to their own beat over a huge range of interests, from actively fighting the Hierarchy to simply wanting to be left to themselves.
- Renegades inhabit the area of Regent Valley near Fort Ranik. They are usually found in the company of Renegade Elementalists and will rush in to attack.
- Renegades are monsters from other worlds in the infinity that travel escape into our world throught the gateways. No one in the world they enter can defeat them, however any one from another world (ex: Marica (Other) or Cougar) are able to defeat them. However some characters like Sieg who may be from another world are unable defeat them.
- Renegade es una canción que aparece en Grand Theft Auto: Episodes From Liberty City, en la radio Liberty Rock Radio 97.8. Interpretada por la banda de hard rock Styx, en el álbum Pieces of Eight, en el año 1978. La canción dura 4:15 minutos. La canción es una narración en primera persona, de una persona con condena de muerte, a punto de ser ejecutada.
- The Renegades are a race of elves on Enroth. They were originally part of the Pure-blood elves of Vori, but later moved to mainland Antagarich, where most of them settled in AvLee.
- This song was never officially released to YouTube, as the only song from the Singles Club to be put out on YouTube was In the Mourning, though it was only a short demo of the song. This, along with the rest of the songs from the boxset was never released, charted, and is currently not available on iTunes. The video below is an unofficial lyrical/audio version of the song. File:Paramore - Renegade
- Renegade (Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun in Japan) is a beat 'em up for the NES and the first entry in the Kunio-kun series which includes Super Dodge Ball and River City Ransom. It was also the technological predecessor to Double Dragon. It's considered one of the most influential games in video game history
- In Renegade, the thieves of the Guild have to preform missions in order to earn their stay. Missions will be found on a corkboard that will show up in a bit. Once someone signs up for a mission, they become the mission leader, and can assign anyone they want to come with them.
- File:Renegade6zw2.gif Write the text of your article here!
- Rinnegato è una serie TV di culto negli anni passati e di culo nei giorni nostri. È la storia di un uomo che tenta disperatamente di imitare Chuck Norris, ma non conoscendo a fondo l'arte della mazzata farà fuori i supercriminali cattivi utilizzando armi da fuoco, assi di legno, spade e le torte della nonna. Per completezza, bisogna ammettere che talvolta egli tenta di eseguire dei calci rotanti, ma per qualche misterioso motivo questi spesso vengono schivati o parati dagli avversari, i quali poi, facendosi esecutori della giustizia divina, puniscono il Rinnegato a suon di mazzate.
- File:Quake1.gif <default>Renegade</default> Game Episode Designer Level Editor Soundtrack Level Theme Previous Map Next Map Specific Information Enemies Secrets New Weapons New Powerups New Obstacles New Enemies New Misc [Source] Renegade is a Single Player level in Q2. This level has the same geometry as Dusk2Dawn, though placement of Ammo and Weapons is entirely different.
- Jamie Simmons, Paul Simmons y John Alexander - Voces en "Destined For Glory"
- "Renegade" is a song by Styx which tells the story of a man who has committed associated theft and is heading to the gallows to die. Enclosed in the lyrics are a letter to his mother. (thanks, Bob - Rio Vista, CA) This song was written by Tommy Shaw who also sang lead vocals, while James Young supplied the guitar solo. (thanks, Daniel - Kalamazoo, MI) Chris Daughtry performed this song live on the TV show American Idol. The topic was songs from the year you were born. This song was used in the Adam Sandler movies Big Daddy and Billy Madison. (thanks, Jeff - Nashville, NM).
- Renegade in Asheron's Call usually refers to a group of Lugians and Tumeroks that have rebeled against their former masters the Virindi. They have since claimed many forts, caves, and other points of interest in the Direlands for themselves. They even constructed a giant fortress on the northern edge of the Valley of Death. However, they have yet to succeed in their ultimate goal, the take over of Fort Tethana.
- The Renegade had several unique moves: Casually walking up to his target, the Renegade withdraws his spear, and, before they can react, cruelly impales them through their stomach. As they grasp at the shaft, he sadistically pulls the spear upwards, further opening the newly inflicted wound and causing more blood loss. Following this, he removes his weapon and watches his victim collapse, dead.
- Episode 69 of Robin & Batgirl: A New Adventure. Nightwing,Batgirl,Blue Beetle and Huntress fought Bone-Crusher,Coyote,Silverback,and La Dama in an abandoned weapons factory.They prevented their attempt to sell weapons to the Black Market.Nightwing took on Bone Crusher,Batgirl took on Coyote,Huntress took on La Dama and Blue Beetle took on Silverback.After a few moments,the heroes defeated the villains and now the policemen came and sent them to jail.The weapons factory was left abandoned,for now.The next day,in the headquarters,Nightwing woke up,then sneaked into his wardrobe.He changed his outfit into a much cooler one.He is now "Renegade".He monitored Deathstroke's hideout.He used the surveillance camera to look at what Deathstroke is up to."I am just planning to have Washington D.C. era