| - Peshosloc was a holowright who lived between 15,762 BBY and 15,609 BBY. He was the author of Xim at Vontor and ninety-odd other holoplays written about Xim the Despot, included in the vast literary collaboration known as The Despotica. He wrote in Mid-Galactic Standard. Unlike previous Despotica author Lyechusas, Peshosloc eschewed poetic speech for ostentatious spectacles such as starship battles, exploding moons, and solar-system spanning wars, but by never writing down to his audience, he was able to make the Despotica accessible to popular audiences. No other writer collected in The Despotica was as commercially successful. Peshosloc's contract stipulated that every holo derived from his scripts would be subtitled with "based on a true story," leading many to believe what they were watching was historically-accurate, though this was often far from the case. Holos were still being made from Peshosloc's scripts millennia later, and continued to break box office records.