| - (1) Las fechas de emisión y rating/ranking corresponden a Estados Unidos
- Real life is a term usually used to denote an actual event or life lived by real people, contrasted to that lived by fiction or fantasy characters, or real people interacting on the Internet.
- Real Life profiles involves those who impact the secondary profiles we have on the site from actors to the people who work for a company mostly it involves Writers,Artists, and other such as Actors.
- Real Life (sometimes called Real Life Comics) is a successful webcomic drawn and written by Greg Dean. The comic is centered about the premise of a reality comic, although it is far from that. An attempt to revert to reality, by removing all of Tony Flansaas's items, proved futile when he built a space station entitled Death Station One. The comic debuted on November 15, 1999 with new updates appearing every weekday (not weekends). When it started, it was every single day due to the black and white colouring.
- The Doctor creates the perfect holographic wife and children, but family life takes a turn for the worse when Lt. Torres alters the program to simulate the more uncompromising aspects of marriage and fatherhood.
- ...as opposed to Real Life.
- Real Life (La vida real en español) es una banda australiana que tuvo éxitos con su primer single, " Send me an Angel" y con" Catch Me estoy Falling", ambos de los cuales fueron presentados en el álbum debut de la banda Heartland (1983). La banda esta formada originalmente por David Sterry (voz principal y guitarra), Richard Zatorski (violín y teclado), Alan Johnson (bajo) y Danny Simcic (batería). Steve Williams (teclado) reemplazó a Zatorski en 1986, y luego fue reemplazado por George Pappas en 1996 después de un largo paréntesis de actividad de la banda.
- Real life is what you - hopefully - have outside of World of Warcraft. This can include, but is not limited to school, work, the opposite or same sex, alcohol or even just switching off your computer for a few hours a day. It's healthy to hit the off button sometimes and return to this "real life", don't be afraid to do so. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Definitions found: 1.
* Something with very little relationship to anything which occurs on the Sueniverse 2.
* Something most suethors lack, allowing them to partake of the 'verse's riches 3.
* Something that gets in the way of/interferes with the Sueniverse
- Real Life is a single by American singer Amara, featuring German DJ Robin Schulz. The song was released as the fifth single from Amara's fourth album "A4". The song was called a highlight from the album, and a great choice for a single.
- "Real Life" is a Moon Man single produced by josh pan, released to YouTube in April of 2016. Audrina Patridge is a guest rapper in the song. It appears on the Best Damn Current Year Ever mixtape.
- Real life is your actual life. It is not a game.
- Real life (RL) is a term often used in games or on the internet(s) that refers to the real world (vs. "virtual world") that we eat, sleep, and live in. The name Second Life (SL) was not chosen so people could make the joke of "Second Life? No thanks, I already have a Real Life." Although this is usually the first joke unclever people make when hearing of SL.
- 47; Brooks; d'k tahg; De Dokter; Dokter's Familie Programma Beta-Rho; Klingon; Klingon muziek; lectrazine; Mevak; Michael Parsons; parrises squares; Ritueel van Overgang; sarium; subruimte; type-9 shuttle; Vostigye.
- リアル・ライフと読む。現実世界のこと。 SLに対してRLを使用する。
- "Real Life" (RL) is a commonly used term to distinguish actions, places, people, and events that take place in the real world from from similar ones in Renaissance Kingdoms, or in game (IG). Example: ZeroHero bragged to everyone in the tavern about his new RL job.
- The most awful problem to those who pledge their lives to the internet. Gaining a Real Life is widely viewed as a sort of 'disease' and has been regarded as such, whether in seriousness or in jest. Contact with people with a "Real Life" is unadvised.
- Real life (often abbreviated to RL), or the real world, is the reality we perceive when we are awake, as opposed to the reality that is projected in our dreams. There are many differences between the real world and the dream world, which can be used when finding dream signs or performing reality checks. It is important to remember that what you may perceive to be the real world may in fact be a dream; even you, reading this page, could in fact be dreaming. You may even be recollecting reading this page from your subconscious.
- A theoretical dimension that certain scholars believe to exist. Its existence is commonly advanced in conversation, but as to yet, no such dimension has yet been found in the world of doz. Many players allude to this dimension, but nobody seems to be able to adequately describe it. It is possible that the real-life portion of Decayed of Zombies hasn't been released, and is in a pre-release developmental stage. This possible real-life beta might be invite-only, which would explain the confusion surrounding it.
- There are also numerous references to real life that can be found in Tibia. For more information, see the page on Allusions. Sometimes, Real Life causes racism, a problem in Tibia that should not exist. It is better not to judge a Tibian on his Real life appearance, but only on his in-game behavior.
- There are also numerous references to real life that can be found in Tibia. For more information, see the page on Allusions. Sometimes, Real Life causes racism, a problem in Tibia that should not exist. It is better not to judge a Tibian on his Real life appearance, but only on his in-game behavior.
- Real Life is everything outside of WoW, like real eating and sleeping, jobs, school, family, gatherings, etc. Usually abbreviated to RL in chat.
- Real Life is how online people refer to things that happen to them offline. PPC agents may also use it in a similar way to refer to things that happen to them outside of Headquarters, if they have a home elsewhere. It mostly takes place in the Real World.
- Real Life was a hypothetical phenomenon with which no Star Wars fans had direct, empirically verifiable experience. It was believed to involve mortgage payments (as opposed to living in one's parents' basement), purchasing ingredients with which to make meals (as opposed to pre-made frozen or fast-food meals), and in some cases, intercourse. Real life, if it did exist, was more accurately characterized by what it did not contain, such as and Mandalorian Armor. Based on this, fanboys determined that real life must suck, and therefore lost interest in confirming its existence.
- Real life is the modern times we live in with automobiles and computers. Time passes with the rotation of the Earth with one day (24 hours) consisting of the period of time from one rise of the star Sun to the next. There are different time zones around the Earth, which causes players to play at different time. The realm before the screen of computers. Real life is sometimes refer to be "out of game" (opposite to in game).
- That dull, brown (sometimes pretty!) place you visit when you're not traversing time and space, slaying vampires, dressing like a flying mammal to fight a clown, learning wizardry, stopping terrorists, saving the world or destroying it, saving the galaxy, dissing the Korean War from the rear, riffing at awful movies, going boldly where no one has gone before, fighting monsters all over the country while driving a cool muscle car, or participating in some other horrendously addictive activity. Some claim it's Better Than It Sounds.
- "RL" stands for "Real Life," and denotes things that happen outside the MUX, in the real world, or from the real world in case of MUX characters and locations based on real persons and places. RL can oftentimes be broken down into a series of events or incidents. Examples of RL activity include (but not necessarily limited to):
- Real Life is an award-winning virtual reality video game (not related to Half-Life in any way) developed by God Inc. The game is played by an estimated 7 billion players in the world based on the popular MMORPG Away From Keyboard. Other than being a Virtual Reality Video Game Real Life is also a MMORPG meaning 'Massively Multi-Playa Online Role Playing Game', not to be confused with 'Real Monkey Life' which is a 'Monkeys Maintain Order so Really Parental Guidance is advised'. Many people play this game which is actually free unless you decide to become a member. There are a variety of In-game purchases bought using a in-game currency known as "money". Still some have found it not fun and decided to permanently delete their characters from the game. This act is known in ‘Real Life’’ gaming
- In the future, in real life, scientists will genetically engineer monkeys to become very intelligent. This will lead them to start acquiring jobs, and many will be enlisted in the military by the government. However, at the same time, balloons will somehow become sentient, and eventually sapient, and will evolve to gain new powers. At this point, they will decide to call themselves "bloons" to differentiate themselves from the nonliving variety. One of the monkeys will gain superpowers as well. Then the monkeys and bloons will reveal their true intentions - wanting to take over the world! Humans will not be involved, but may find it harder to live in a world where the monkeys and bloons are constantly fighting for supremacy. Eventually, everything that takes place in voth the Bloons and th