StargateWars has several servers, each with unique gameplay aspects.
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| - StargateWars has several servers, each with unique gameplay aspects.
- The following is a list of known Ventrilo servers, active and inactive. Feel free to add a server at any time. Please provide the server name, URL/IP address, and a description. Password section is optional.
- There are several servers to play on, Vox being the newest, along with Fippy Darkpaw. There is 1 RP and 1 PVP server.
- On howrse, there are many servers and you can pick whichever one you want. Servers are divided into Europe, International, America, Oceania, an one with Arabic language. The 5 categories split down even more after that into an assortment of different countries. Depending on which country you pick, the game will be in the associated language. lol A Fandom user is mad. This is so that people who don't speak English, which is the main language of the game/ language of international, can enjoy and play the game as well. Also, each server stands alone and two accounts from two different servers cannot interact. This also means you can "legally" have one account on each server if you wish.
- Servers are places where people may play on.
- Servers are a feature on the Isle that allows the players to host their own servers which is the authoritative source of events in a multiplayer video game. The server transmits enough data about its internal state to allow its connected clients to maintain their own accurate version of the game world for display to players.
- The server Emilio is named after Emilio Barzini. The server Vito is named after Vito Corleone. For some reason there isn't a seventh server.
- Palamino- this is the server all new players are asked to join. White- this is the server only subscribing members are allowed to join. Brown- anyone can play this server Dun- anyone can play this server Chestnut- anyone can play this server Bay- anyone can play this server Roan- anyone can play this server Grey- anyone can play this server Pinto- anyone can play this server Cremello- anyone can play this server
- See a list of currently-active 0.8.1, 0.8.5 and 0.8.8 servers:
* It includes a "Find player" feature, too (you can type all or a part of a player's nickname or of a clan tag). Older servers:
* 0.8
* 0.7.7
* 0.7.6 and older
- Servers are the various networks available to play in and vary mainly by language and the connectivity to the server. Each server is like a brand new account, starting with a new ship and equipment if you have not started a new server yet. You are only able to play on one server at a time.
- Servers are the computers that host the online part of Global Agenda. It has been confirmed that choosing a server is not down to an admin or the player; but due to the player's geographical location. Confirmed server locations are for North America (Atlanta) and Europe (London).
- A majority of the servers in PT are Free Servers, allowing any player of any rank to join the match and play. As you can see on the left, the "Score Requirement" of all the servers in the picture says "None". However, these rooms may be full of lower-skilled Heavy Noobs and scoring is pretty low. To earn more skill (and more points), players are recommended to go into Ranked Servers. These servers require a certain Score Requirement, though they are slightly funner with their Multipliers, which allows faster scoring of points.
- A server allows other players to connect over the internet either directly or through a private network. Terraria allows you to host a server by selecting Multiplayer, then 'Host & Play'. Though, you may also host using the 'TerrariaServer.exe' included in the game's folder.
- A Server is an individual but identical version of Panfu that allows pandas to use in order to get access to all the features of the game.It allows a maximum of 500 pandas on it at a time,and if more pandas than that amount log on the server at the same time it will either crash or pandas will get disconnected in order to keep the server safe and up-running.
- Dark Age of Camelot has many different servers to play on. Many of the servers have a special format, including one for PvP and one for Cooperative. Clusters, or groups of similar servers, are put together to combine players with those from other servers.
- Regnum Online can be played over a few servers, which are distinct worlds. Servers offer the exact same content and gameplay, except for the experimental server. Once characters are created on a particular server, they cannot be moved to another (with a slight exception for the experimental server, see below).
- Section 8's web site, [1], includes a feature to download and run a dedicated server. These servers can host up to 32 players, double the normal cap of 16. For instructions and a server download see: [2]
- Like all multiplayer games based on Valve's Source Engine, Team Fortress 2 uses a client-server model. The client is the copy of the game running on a player's computer, while the server is the software which players connect to. There are currently several thousand Team Fortress 2 servers running worldwide. A server is responsible for many aspects of Team Fortress 2 gameplay. It responds to players' actions by updating their respective locations and states, e.g. firing a weapon, before determining an appropriate response, e.g. dealing damage to a target, and then broadcasting the results to the players, e.g. displaying a damage dealt value. The server also handles events that are not controlled by players, e.g. map time, Sentry Gun behavior, etc.
- PlanetSide 2 holds host to several servers, to allow players from across the world to play among their specific region of choice for maximum performance. Each character in Planetside 2 is tied to a single server, so it is important to pick a server close to you. Each server will also have different outfit and faction balances, so it may be worth investigating before picking your server.
- Next to the servers name, there is a green line. If the green line fills up the gray rectangle its in, the server is very crowded. If the word full appears over the bar, then the server is temporarily full and you won't be able to get into it. If the green line barely fills up the gray rectangle, There aren't many people on that server. If there is a yellow star next to the server, than that means one of your buddies is logged in that server. The servers are very crowded on weekends and less crowded during the week.
- At this time there are twenty-four ongoing servers the 24th being a Speed Server, which allows play a limited amount of time, is usually called Ares when in use.
- Most of the Docking Station servers at Creature Labs were named after characters from Greek mythology:
* Ares and Apollon - External webservers
* Aphrodite - Test webserver
* Zeus - Router
* Svlad Cjelli - Switch Others had names which were believed to be rather apt:
* Tweedledum and Tweedledee - The original DS servers
* Wildcard and Daisy - It's a long story!
* StopIt and TidyUp - Remote hands, i.e. electronic power switch GreenReaper: Assumably if they'd needed a firewall it would have been called The Big, Bad ISaidNO . . . And finally:
- There are many Minecraft Servers that use the Lord of the Rings Mod. These servers are listed below. WARNING: Please do edit this page carefully. Do not comment about people getting themselves banned from servers. Do not remove servers only because you feel ill treated by their staff. When you remove a server you've added or you own, please leave the reason why you did it in the summary. If you are a server owner or user, you are welcome to help us keep this page up-to-date when new information is released.
- Servers are computers that run and process the game. Each server has its own chat, list of battles and number of online players. Servers' names are a language shortcut (e.g. "EN" for English and "RU" for Russian), followed by a number, although the language at which the game is displayed depends on which language the player has picked in Tanki's home page. When clicking the "Play" button in Tanki's homepage, the player is sent to one of the servers with the player's language prefix. The number of the server will be determined by which one of them has the most battles with the player's rank.
- There are fifteen publicly accessible servers that run the City of Heroes game. Eleven of these servers are hosted in the United States and are only accessible when using the US version of the game. The remaining four servers are hosted in Europe and are only available through the EU version of the game. Additionally, there are two test servers called the Training Room (one for US clients and one for EU clients) on which patches and other changes are tested before release on the live servers.
- Servers are used in virtual worlds, due to the fact that if only one server was used, it would be quickly crowded and no one else would be allowed in. Using only one server would also cause lag, if there are more people in the server. To prevent anyone from being blocked from the site due to a full server, virtual worlds, such as Fantage, use multiple servers.
- A network server is a dedicated computer designed to process requests and deliver data to other (client) computers over a local network or the Internet. Network servers typically are configured with additional processing, memory and storage capacity to handle the load of servicing clients. Common types of network servers include: Web servers Email servers Print servers proxy servers FTP servers online game servers
- All of the severs allow players to be Player Killers, Darktide is exclusively PK, the other servers default to Non Player Killer and also let players do Player Killer Lite. All of these servers used to be hosted on as part of the publishing agreement with Microsoft. Turbine bought back all franchise rights from Microsoft in 2003 and consequently took responsibility for server hosting. The servers remained at a facility in Washington State until 2008 when all server hardware was replaced and relocated to a facility in Massachusetts near Turbine headquarters. Due to various quality of service issues that caused extended downtime the servers were moved to a new facility on March 30th, 2009.
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| - StargateWars has several servers, each with unique gameplay aspects.
- The following is a list of known Ventrilo servers, active and inactive. Feel free to add a server at any time. Please provide the server name, URL/IP address, and a description. Password section is optional.
- Most of the Docking Station servers at Creature Labs were named after characters from Greek mythology:
* Ares and Apollon - External webservers
* Aphrodite - Test webserver
* Zeus - Router
* Svlad Cjelli - Switch Others had names which were believed to be rather apt:
* Tweedledum and Tweedledee - The original DS servers
* Wildcard and Daisy - It's a long story!
* StopIt and TidyUp - Remote hands, i.e. electronic power switch GreenReaper: Assumably if they'd needed a firewall it would have been called The Big, Bad ISaidNO . . . And finally:
* Mjollnir - Server, now used as Gameware's DS Server
* Ronnie - The Creatures Mall server
- There are several servers to play on, Vox being the newest, along with Fippy Darkpaw. There is 1 RP and 1 PVP server.
- On howrse, there are many servers and you can pick whichever one you want. Servers are divided into Europe, International, America, Oceania, an one with Arabic language. The 5 categories split down even more after that into an assortment of different countries. Depending on which country you pick, the game will be in the associated language. lol A Fandom user is mad. This is so that people who don't speak English, which is the main language of the game/ language of international, can enjoy and play the game as well. Also, each server stands alone and two accounts from two different servers cannot interact. This also means you can "legally" have one account on each server if you wish.
- Servers are used in virtual worlds, due to the fact that if only one server was used, it would be quickly crowded and no one else would be allowed in. Using only one server would also cause lag, if there are more people in the server. To prevent anyone from being blocked from the site due to a full server, virtual worlds, such as Fantage, use multiple servers. In mid 2009, a new feature to the servers were added, where if a user's buddy was logged on in a server, the server would have a star and a number on it to tell the player that their buddy (ies) are online in that server. This was further expanded in 2011, where the servers were changed to tell who was in that server.
- Servers are places where people may play on.
- Servers are a feature on the Isle that allows the players to host their own servers which is the authoritative source of events in a multiplayer video game. The server transmits enough data about its internal state to allow its connected clients to maintain their own accurate version of the game world for display to players.
- The server Emilio is named after Emilio Barzini. The server Vito is named after Vito Corleone. For some reason there isn't a seventh server.
- Palamino- this is the server all new players are asked to join. White- this is the server only subscribing members are allowed to join. Brown- anyone can play this server Dun- anyone can play this server Chestnut- anyone can play this server Bay- anyone can play this server Roan- anyone can play this server Grey- anyone can play this server Pinto- anyone can play this server Cremello- anyone can play this server
- There are fifteen publicly accessible servers that run the City of Heroes game. Eleven of these servers are hosted in the United States and are only accessible when using the US version of the game. The remaining four servers are hosted in Europe and are only available through the EU version of the game. Additionally, there are two test servers called the Training Room (one for US clients and one for EU clients) on which patches and other changes are tested before release on the live servers. On the server selection screen, the first server listed is the most recent one you have accessed. The remaining servers are listed in increasing order of current load. While the load does not directly mean population, high populations are the largest and most common causes of server load. An account that has never logged in before will not have a "last accessed" server at the top of the list, but instead will show all servers in current-load order.
- See a list of currently-active 0.8.1, 0.8.5 and 0.8.8 servers:
* It includes a "Find player" feature, too (you can type all or a part of a player's nickname or of a clan tag). Older servers:
* 0.8
* 0.7.7
* 0.7.6 and older
- All of the severs allow players to be Player Killers, Darktide is exclusively PK, the other servers default to Non Player Killer and also let players do Player Killer Lite. All of these servers used to be hosted on as part of the publishing agreement with Microsoft. Turbine bought back all franchise rights from Microsoft in 2003 and consequently took responsibility for server hosting. The servers remained at a facility in Washington State until 2008 when all server hardware was replaced and relocated to a facility in Massachusetts near Turbine headquarters. Due to various quality of service issues that caused extended downtime the servers were moved to a new facility on March 30th, 2009. __ToC__