- Area of effect (AoE) is a term that is used to describe an ability that affects an area rather than just one singular target. Most Area of Effect abilities are targeted some AoE abilities can be placed by moving the mouse to where the ability wants to be used. area of effect abilities can also originate from the user's position and this area of effect abilities are referred to as point-blank area of effect (PBAoE).
- Area of effect (or AoE) is a term used to describe attacks or other effects that affect multiple targets within a specified area. All roles have powers with an Area of Effect. Sometimes, some powers have either bigger or smaller hitboxes than its actual animation.
- Area of Effect, or AoE, are spells which affect multiple targets within a pre-determined radius set by the game mechanics. These effects range from HoT spells to DD spells and cover all points in between. Traditionally (as far as MMORPGs go), the anchor target (location at which the caster is aiming the spell), and those closest to that target, are affected the most by the AoE effect, with diminishing returns as the spell radiates outward. In World of Warcraft, most area spells are GTAoE or PBAoE, and all targets in the area suffer the full effect.
- Area of Effect to dosłownie obszar efektu. Popularnie określa się tak czary, umiejętności zadające obrażenia nie pojedyńczemu celow i (single target), skaczące pomiędzy celami (chain lightning i heal), lecz wszystkim celom we wskazanym obszarom. Istnieją czary AoE instant Arcane explosion, klasycznie czarowane Flame strike, lub channeled Rain of fire.
- Area of effect (often abbreviated AoE) is a term used to describe skills that affect multiple targets within an area. Examples of AoE skills are the Ranger's Ice Arrow and the Elementor's Windfield. Area of effect can also refer to non-combat skills. For example, Heal Rain may affect anyone within a certain range of the caster (but only if they are a member of the caster's party). Since killing many monsters at once is obviously a fast way to level, virtually any job that has an AoE skill will have a build (or several) centered around leveling through use of it.
- Area of effect (or AoE) is a term used in many role-playing and strategy games to describe attacks or spells that can affect multiple targets within a specified area*. Spell vamp and the slow from [[File:|20px|border|alt=|Rylai's Crystal Scepter|link=Rylai's Crystal Scepter]] Rylai's Crystal Scepter have reduced effects when used with AoE abilities.
- Area of effect (or AoE) attacks will cause damage to all monsters standing within the specified area
- __TOC__ Area of effect, AoE, or simply AE, spells and skills affect a given area of the game world, and not any one specific target; any elligible target inside of the area will be affected by the effect being applied. Typically, that means all enemies in an area, but it could also be all allies or even all PCs. AE effects can be of all types, affecting friendly or non-friendly targets. Area effects break down into a number of distinct sub-types as follows. Image:Ae0.png
- An Area of Effect or AoE skill refers to one in which all targets in a given region are affected in some way, rather than targeting a single ally or enemy.
- Area of Effect, or AoE, are spells which affect more than one target within a pre-determined radius set by the game's mechanics. These effects range from HoT spells to DD spells and cover all points in between. Traditionally (as far as MMORPGs go), the anchor target (location at which the caster is aiming the spell), and those closest to that target, are affected the most by the AoE effect, with diminishing returns as the spell radiates outward. In World of Warcraft, most area spells are GTAoE or PBAoE, and all targets in the area suffer the full effect.
- Area of Effect, or AoE, affect multiple targets within a pre-determined radius set by the game mechanics. These effects range from DoT spells to DD spells and cover all points in between. Traditionally (as far as MMORPGs go), the anchor target (location at which the caster is aiming the spell), and those closest to that target, are affected the most by the AoE effect, with diminishing returns as the spell radiates outward. In World of Warcraft, most area spells are GTAoE or PBAoE, and all targets in the area suffer the full effect.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ Area of Effect, najczęściej skracane do AoE, jest to umiejętność obejmująca swoim działaniem jednostki (w zależności od typu) znajdujące się na danym obszarze od celu (zasięg). Można wyróżnić:
* Ataki AoE obejmują cel oraz potwory znajdujące się w pewnej odległości od celu,
* Wzmocnienia AoE które obejmują swoim wzmocnieniem wszystkich graczy w okół celu, dodatkowo celem może być gracz rzucający.
- Area of effect (sometimes abbreviated to AoE) refers to any device which affects an area around the target location. Some simple examples are rockets, bombs, and grenades, which all cause explosions dealing damage to nearby enemies, not necessarily striking a foe directly. The term also applies to ally-affecting skills such as Healing Grenades or Medical Stations. The area of effect of a device can be increased by mods including an x in the upgrade suffix (5% increase for each x).
- Area of Effect's (AoE's) are spells which affect more than one target within a pre-determined radius. Some AoE's are aimed with a circle, others just automatically effect targets around you.
- Area of Effect, or AoE, are spells which affect multiple targets within a pre-determined radius set by the game mechanics. These effects range from HoT spells to DD spells and cover all points in between. Traditionally (as far as MMORPGs go), the anchor target (location at which the caster is aiming the spell), and those closest to that target, are affected the most by the AoE effect, with diminishing returns as the spell radiates outward. In Dragonica, where there is no targeting system, all enemies take full damage.
- The Area of Effect, often abbreviated to AoE is a gameplay element in the Age of Empires series and other strategy games.
- Area of effect (AoE) refers to skills and attacks which allow the player to attack/kill multiple monsters at once, instead of having them kill one after another. AoE attacks make farming experience and items such as monster infrequents and charms much easier and faster.
- Area of Effect (also known as AoE) is a term which refers to any spell or attack which effects more than one tile simultaniously. In order to balance this effect, as the damage area is spread out it loses some of its potency, specifically 10% for each square out from the center targeted tile, which is 100%. It should be noted that this effect is an average, as the damage appears to be rerolled per each monster, so it is not uncommon to have a monster far from the center take more damage than the monster in the middle. Damage is dealt to the center first, then clockwise around.
- __TOC__ Most effects target a single cell. However, a number of spells can effect a number of cells. This is commonly known as an Area of Effect. In Wakfu, the cells effected by an AoE spell often fall into a number of pre-defined shapes. The size of the shape can be described using the same notation as Range. E.g. A "2 Cell Circle AoE" would effect everything within 2 Cells of the main target cell
- Area of Effect bezeichnet das Verursachen von flächendeckendem Schaden, das heißt man kann damit mehrere Monster auf einmal killen. Es wird meist von Assisten und später von Billpostern mit Burst Crack oder vom Ranger mit Ice Arrow und Flame Arrow angewandt. Ebenso Elementor werden gerne hauptsächlich mit AOE-Skills ausgestattet.
- Areas of effect in fourth edition Dungeons & Dragons affect one or more specified targets within a usually square-shaped region. The three shapes of areas of effect are blasts, bursts, and walls. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Many spells cause an area and its creatures to be affected in some way. When targeting area of effect spells, the respective size will be highlighted on the ground. These sizes are generally described with words such as Huge and Colossal, and use meters as a distance unit (where 1 meter equals 3.208 feet).
- Area of Effect of AoE heeft effect op meerdere doelen die binnen een afstand vallen bepaald door de game mechanisme. Deze effect kunnen zijn van DOT s tot Direct Damage en regelen alle punten tussenin. De doelen die het meest effect van de AoE hebben zijn mobs die dichtbij staan waar de AoE er de spell richt.
- Area of Effect or AoE skill refers to a skill which has an effect on multiple targets within a given area. AoE skills can be highly effective when dealing with multiple mobs in a small area, provided they can be quickly killed, as all mobs will aggro to the caster.
- Area of Effect denotes the area in which a spell, skill, or ability affects a target or targets. Though most Area of Effect spells are Destruction class spells, variants to exist in Restoration, Alteration, and Conjuration. Typically used by Battlemages and Mage classes, these spells are helpful for taking out, or at least doing a decent to high amount of damage to a large group of enemies.
- Area of Effect (often abbreviated AoE) is a term used to describe spells or abilities which affect multiple targets within a certain area instead of a single target. The area which the spell is capable of affecting targets is referred to as the spell's (or the ability's) "area of effect", hence the label. The effects provided by AoE spells are not exclusively damaging (see Curaga, Moonlight), though the vast majority are. Players must be very cautious when using AoE spells, as their mutli-targeting nature can often lead to unwanted or unanticipated links.
- An area of effect is the region a spell (or similar ability) occupies when it is triggered, typically accompanied by a visual effect that covers the region. This may be a "true" region with spatial dimensions, or it could be a specific location or creature for the spell's effects. For some spells, this region is defined purely through scripting, while spells that occupy an area for a duration usually have an area of effect object, which both provides the visual effect and defines the shape and size of the region affected. An area of effect object also provides events to ease the implementation of the spell.
- Area of Effect (AoE) skills affect a given area of the playfield, and not any one specific target; any target inside of the area will be affected by the skill. The affected area generally does not move over time, so players can move away to avoid negative effects or closer to benefit from positive effects. Area of effect skills affect all valid targets within the horizontal radius regardless of barriers or altitude. In PvE, henchmen and creatures flee from AoE skills that do damage over time, but generally take 2-3 seconds of damage before fleeing. See also: Range
- The Area of Effect describes the area in which a given Skill enacts its effect. The AoE, as it is commonly abbreviated, doesn't deal with the acctual Range of the skill, that is, how far from the caster the center of the area can be, neither does it deal with Target, that is, which conditions need to be met for something to be acquired as the skill's target, and how many targets can be acquired.
- There are several types of AoE in Neverwinter.
* Frontal Cone AoE (or FCAoE) - This damage spreads out in a cone in front of the user, and is usually short to medium range.
* Sweeping AoE - While there is sometimes not a display for this type of attack, it sweeps along the front and part of the sides of the user. This damage is sometimes used from behind, often used by dragons, such as a tail sweep. There is often little to no time to avoid it.
* Targeted AoE - A spell that targets a specific player or preprogrammed spots in a circle, and is usually small to medium.
* Roaming AoE (or RAoE) - Another form of targeted AoE, but it follows the player around for a few seconds until depositing itself on one spot. Usually it is best to kite these to a wall or as far from the group
- In Final Fantasy XI, Area of Effect (AoE) describes magic, abilities, or effects which affect multiple targets within a certain area instead of a single target. AoE spells and abilities cover many types of effects, including restorative, defensive, damaging, debilitating and transporting.