The Free City of Qadib, also known as the City of Wands, was located along the Al-Haul River. Qadib housed more magic users than any other place in northern Zakhara, topped only by Huzuz and Rog'osto in all the Land of Fate.
The Free City of Qadib, also known as the City of Wands, was located along the Al-Haul River. Qadib housed more magic users than any other place in northern Zakhara, topped only by Huzuz and Rog'osto in all the Land of Fate.
The Free City of Qadib, also known as the City of Wands, was located along the Al-Haul River. Qadib housed more magic users than any other place in northern Zakhara, topped only by Huzuz and Rog'osto in all the Land of Fate.