| - Arnold announced his return to acting at a press conference in MipTV in Cannes. The franchise would have consisted of a comic series, a 3-D animated film, an animated TV series and video games. Stan Lee was developing the project alongside Andy and Amy Heyward of A Squared Entertainment. The plan was to release the cartoon TV series and comic books first, after that video games were to be released and then to round things out with the feature-length 3-D animated production according to Arnold.
- Upcoming animated series (2012-???) co-created by Arnold Schwarzenegger and Stan Lee and starring Schwarzenegger as himself... as a Superhero. The story is that after leaving the governor's office, Arnold decides to become a crime fighter and builds a secret high-tech crime-fighting control center under his house. Many aspects of the real Arnold's life are being animated for the series, including his wife and children. A comic book will also be released, published by Archie Comics in their first superhero endeavor in decades (though another comic company, Antarctic Press, did a similar parody with the same name. Nothing related to this show though). If the cartoon and comic book are successful, an animated 3-D feature film may follow -- and possibly also a live-action version.
| - Arnold announced his return to acting at a press conference in MipTV in Cannes. The franchise would have consisted of a comic series, a 3-D animated film, an animated TV series and video games. Stan Lee was developing the project alongside Andy and Amy Heyward of A Squared Entertainment. The plan was to release the cartoon TV series and comic books first, after that video games were to be released and then to round things out with the feature-length 3-D animated production according to Arnold. The series was expected to debut sometime in 2012 and German-based Your Family Entertainment was handling the world sales rights. A trailer of the animated series was released on YouTube featuring the The Black Eyed Peas song "Pump It". The trailer suggested that the franchise was a throw-back to the late-eighties, early-nineties Saturday morning cartoons.
- Upcoming animated series (2012-???) co-created by Arnold Schwarzenegger and Stan Lee and starring Schwarzenegger as himself... as a Superhero. The story is that after leaving the governor's office, Arnold decides to become a crime fighter and builds a secret high-tech crime-fighting control center under his house. Many aspects of the real Arnold's life are being animated for the series, including his wife and children. A comic book will also be released, published by Archie Comics in their first superhero endeavor in decades (though another comic company, Antarctic Press, did a similar parody with the same name. Nothing related to this show though). If the cartoon and comic book are successful, an animated 3-D feature film may follow -- and possibly also a live-action version. Because the debut of the project is still far away, some details may change before release.
* Affectionate Parody: Seems to be this of late-eighties to mid-nineties cartoons, and the toyeticness thereof. Though with Stan Lee these days, it's hard to say.
* The Ahnold: Averted; it's not really a parody, since it is Schwarzenegger. "The Ahnold" is however the name of his Cool Car.
* Animesque: The animation gives it a bit of this vibe.
* Applied Phlebotinum: Like any good superhero, the Governator has all sorts of cool gadgets, including super suits that allow him to fly into space, become invisible, walk through walls, or become a submarine; a throat spray that lets him speak any language, and a car that can become a helicopter, a submarine, and a boat.
* Cool Car
* Evil Teen Genius: Felon-e, 17-year-old creator of Felonbook, a social network for hackers.
* Fun with Acronyms: Gangsters Imposters Racketeers Liars and Irredeemable Ex-Cons, a huge organization of thugs. Or G.I.R.L.I.E. Men, for short.
* Ink Suit Actor
* Omniglot: The effect of the throat spray.
* Powered Armor: Run by solar energy!
* Rogues Gallery: Villains announce so far are Felon-e and G.I.R.L.I.E. Men.
* Sidekicks: Helping out the Governator are Hollywood makeup artist Maximillian Kuo, who helps with disguises, and 13-year-old cybersecurity expert Zeke Muckerberg.
* Sitcom Arch Nemesis: Foofi, a Shih Tzu owned by Arnold's wife.
* Where Does He Get All Those Wonderful Toys?: He's an actor-turned-politician. Naturally, he's quite rich.