| - Bandos is a largely unknown god.It's not in Runescape Classic? The only knowledge of his existence is in the lore.Where? Bandos is the god of War.
- Bandos on jonkinlainen sodanjumala jonka puolulaisia armies of gielinorissa/huomaa tämä on peli/ ovat goblinit,ogret ja örkit.
- thumb|right||Ainoa kuva Bandosista. Bandos tunnetaan myös suurena sodan Jumalana, taivaan hiitenä ja Jumala hiitenä). Häntä palvovat mm. örkit, hiidet, peikot, raakit ja ourgit (General graardor on niistä viimeinen tunnettu), sekä niiden alalajit. Bandosilla ei ole ihmiskannattajia koska hänet on kokonaan unohdettu ihmisten keskuudessa. Bandos oli yksi ahkerimpia sotimaan kolmannessa sodassa. Meinannut löytää seuraajia.
- Until recently, Bandos was almost completely forgotten by the humans of Gielinor due to his disappearance after the God Wars. However, with the introduction of the God Wars Dungeon, Zaros has gained a large surge of popularity, with plenty of clans taking their namesake off of him.
- Bandos arrived in Gielinor around the start of the God Wars, seeking to take part in the imminent conflict. He brought with him several races to fight for him, such as the ogres, the orks, the goblins and the ourgs. It is mainly the descendants of these soldiers that still worship him today. Until recently, Bandos was almost completely forgotten by the humans of Gielinor due to his disappearance after the God Wars.
- General Graardor is in the Godwars Dungeon and the only way to get there is via using the Boss Teleport, he is aggresive so once you enter he will attack you with his 3 minions, if you choose to fight this boss you will need 20 Killcount, for the Donators you shall click Here and find your rank in there, to figure out what kill count you will require. Use Melee Attacks Against This Boss!
- Bandos is the god of war. His followers (or servants) include many of Gielinor's less-intelligent races including goblins, ogres and orks. In Armies of Gielinor members can summon his followers into battle.
* Goblin
* Goblin Priest
* Ogre
* Jogre
* Hobgoblin
* Cyclops
* Ogress
* Ogre Shaman
* Ork
* Mogre
* Ourg This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Een paar maanden na de dood van Guthix, kwam Bandos terug naar Gielinor, met hetzelfde doel als hij eerst had, om over Gielinor te heersen. Luister naar audio. Bandos spreekt. (link)
- Categoria:Divindadesen:Bandos leftBandos, também conhecido como o Grande Supremo Deus da Guerra ou Deus Duende pelos duendes, foi o deus da guerra e a divindade de muitas das raças menos inteligentes de Guilenor, tais como os duendes, ogros, orks e raças extintas como os fayrg e os ourgs (exceto pelo General Graardor). Até recentemente, Bandos havia sido quase que completamente esquecido pelos humanos de Guilenor devido a sua retirada após as Guerras Divinas. Após seu retorno para a batalha com Armadyl, que resultou em sua morte, Bandos voltou á ser lembrado e admirado pelos seus seguidores.
- Bandos, (uttales: "Ban-dos") også kjent som Big High War God er en krigsgud. Mange av Gielinors mindre intelligente skapninger som Goblins og ogres er hans etterfølgere, selv om orks og noen ogres i det minste vite navnet hans. Inntil nylig var Bandos nesten helt glemt av mennesker av Gielinor grunn av hans forsvinning etter God Wars. Bandos er veldig kraftig, kjent for å bekjempe mange store hærer helt selv.
- thumbBandos aussi connu comme le grand dieu de la guerre par ses servants, est une entité divine obsedé par la guerre qui était extrèmement puissance. Il était réputé pour préviligé la force au dessus de l`intilligence (se qui fait de puissant guerriers qui écoute aveuglement les ordres). Après la mort de Guthix il est retourné sur Gélinor et sait tué battre par Armandyl. Catégorie:RS3
- Having first set foot on Gielinor in the Second Age, he was the patron god of the brutish and unintelligent races such as goblins, trolls, ogres, and orks, most of whom he took with him from their realm Yu'biusk, though Bandos himself is of greater intellect, and it should be noted some of his followers were once much more intelligent, and have only gradually lost their intelligence since he left Gielinor in the Third Age. Some followers, mostly goblins, refer to him as the Big High War God (with the exception of priests on holy days, although goblins native to RuneScape do not take this rule to heart). He was almost completely forgotten by the humans of Gielinor due to his disappearance after the God Wars until his battle against Armadyl in the early Sixth Age, which ended with his death.
- left Bandos, también conocido como el Gran Dios de la Guerra (Big High War God en inglés) fue el dios de la guerra. Bandos fue un ser sumamente poderoso, agresivo, sádico y estratega, conocido por haber derrotado grandes ejércitos con sus propias manos. Sus seguidores se identifican por su fuerza, aparte de su gran numerosidad, a costa de su inteligencia; esto los vuelve valiosos guerreros que lo escuchaban ciegamente. Bandos no solía importarle si su ejército era borrado del mapa, solo peleaba por el honor de la batalla y el disfrute del derramamiento de sangre, siempre que tuviese suficientes tropas para pelear.
- thumb Bandos buvo vienas iš aktyviausių kovotojų Third Age (Trečiojo amžiaus) mūšiuose, dar žinomuose kaip Dievų Karai. Atrodo, kad Bandos atvyko karų metu ir, pagal goblinų religiją, jis bandė suburti daug pasaulio rasių, jog kovotų už jį. Visi dwarves (nykštukai), demonai, elves (elfai), aviantese ir žmonės atsisakė, nes jie jau kovojo už kitus dievus, tokius kaip Armadyl, Saradomin, Seren, Zamorak ir daug kitų dievų, kurie atvyko kautis. Galų gale, Bandos‘ui pavyko suburti daug pasekėjų, daugiausiai iš gausybės neinteligentiškų ir karą mėgstančių rasių.
- Having first set foot on Gielinor in the Second Age, he was the patron god of the brutish and unintelligent races such as goblins, trolls, ogres, and orks, most of whom he took with him from their realm Yu'biusk, where he had crossbred them after taking over. Some followers, mostly goblins, refer to him as the Big High War God (with the exception of priests on holy days, although goblins native to Gielinor do not take this rule to heart). He was almost completely forgotten by the humans of Gielinor due to his disappearance after the God Wars until his battle against Armadyl in the early Sixth Age, which ended with his death.