| - The corkscrew, cork or A-twist is an acrobatic movement used in tricking. It is similar to a b-twist, as the body rotates while staying horizontal, although the takeoff more closely resembles a J-step gainer. Both moves are important progressions to the corkscrew.
- |This article is about Wario's move in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. For information about Wario's attack in Wario World, see Corkscrew Conk. |} Corkscrew is Wario's Up Special Move in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Wario spins in the air, causing 3% damage to unlucky players who's on top of Wario, but it more of a recovery move. When Wario is using his recovery move, blue swirl underneath him, but nothing on the ground. This attack is named after the spinning attack in Wario World called Corkscrew Conk.
- Corkscrew(ワインオープナーwain'ōpunā) is an item in Resident Evil 7: Biohazard.
- The corkscrew joint cannot be controlled.
- Corkscrew is one of the Autobots under Perceptor's command on Cybertron.
- Corkscrew (コークスクリュー, Kōkusukuryū) is Wario's up special move in Super Smash Flash 2. When using it, he spins upwards like a top, while showing the peace sign with his hands, and damages opponents who get hit by him. Corkscrew will leave Wario vulnerable after usage. As a recovery, the attack propels Wario upwards a short distance and can be aimed straight upwards or diagonally left or right. During the move, Wario hits opponents multiple times before sending them away with a powerful, final blow.
- Can Opener is the 8th episode of Season 1 in the remake version of the MacGyver.
- Corkscrew was a Scottish machine that fought in three wars and a series of Extreme of Robot Wars. Primarily designed to look like its namesake, the robot was most well-known for its high powered full body spinner and trademark corkscrew bobble head, which indicated to the driver which way Corkscrew was facing. It was later redesigned as a flat, invertible disc shaped robot named Corkscrew Two.
- The corkscrew was discovered casually noticed in 1787 by Lord Pierré Robespierré du Champagné, a French nobleman and official wine taster to Louis XIIIIII. This discovery unavoidable cliché, unlike many others, was marred by heartrending tragedy: a live corkscrew leaped straight out of Monsiéur Champagné's wineglass, spiraled down his throat, and impaled him right in the left ventricle. As he lay dying of internal hemorrhaging, the unlucky Frenchdude was reported as saying "Aide ! Un tire-bouchon de phase a sauté directement hors de mon verre à vin, s'est développé en spirales en bas de ma gorge, et m'a empalé bien dans le ventricule gauche ! Veuillez téléphoner aux infirmiers immédiatement !" which AltaVista's Babel Fish badly translates as "Holy fuck, I'm screwed!".
- Corkscrew is Wario's Up Special Move. It launches him very slightly into the air, less than a fully charged Wario Waft.
- Name: Corkscrew Run Time: 3:56 Year: 1991
* Not Necessarily Acoustic