| - Befor one can understand the Inkwar, one must know the fields where it took place. Imagine a barren field. Now imagine a cross section of it showing the depths of the earth. There are many layers. The first is a layer of loam. It is just plain old dirt. The second is a mixture of loam, lead, and ink. It is the foundation for the powers of the people of the Field. Dig even deeper below this layer and you come across a layer of eraser loam. This is where the eraser colonies built there underground system of tunnels. Dig even deeper and you will find a concentration of mahr and loam. Mahr is a substance that both pens and pencils use. Pens use it to mark things permenately. They form it into a thick liquid that can be changed, but not destroyed. The pencils are simpler, and use it to create things that can be used for gentle items, but does not last very long. Because of the different ways mahr is used by the tribes, pencils are forgiving peoples that are not concerned with history, while pens are able to hold a grudge for millenia, and focus on th past almost more than the present. But that is besides the point. Back to our cross section of the Field. Dig past this layer of mahr and loam, and you will come to a metal that has been compressed through the ages. No one knows what is beyond the metal, and many a legend has been made. As for the top of the Field, it is, well a field. In the west of this field there is the village of the pencils. And almost a mile eastward is the slightly more impressive village of the pens. Traveling north, you would find the Errafields, where the erasers lived before they migrated underground. Some say that they migrated because they could predict the future, and were preparing for what was to come. Some don't. If you were to travel South, you would find the mountains, where the creatures of paper dwell. This is what the feild was like before the Inkwar. But it is ever changing. And those who think they know everything about the feild, have not yet met a Poliwompf, creatures that can control reality, and morph the land, sea and sky. But if you can manage to kill one, you have gained a slight control over Reality and Unreality. Which is what I will explain now. Everywhere, Nowhere, and Somewhere are all places. Nowhere you already know, Everywhere is a place high in the sky that is like a veil over the Universe, and Somwhere is the Unreal plane between the Existance and Nonexistance. It is where the heart of Reality beats. Erasers, pens, pencils, and paper. They are the four tribes mentioned here, and this is how they live. The creatures of paper are morphing creatures formed from paper, and have many different forms (thus: morphing). They generally do not leave the mountains, because the field is very dry, which causes the paper to burn quickly when the sun shines down. Th mountains have many rivers running through them, and this forms a moist air which has, over the years, slowly givin them a strong resistance to physical means of harm, like knives and daggers. The pencils and pens are literally pencils and pens, but they are not formed directly from the shape of pencils and pens. They are people running with the blood of ink and lead, evolved from the original species. The erasers are a mysterious people. No one know much about them, as everything that is know is soon forgotten. What secrets do they hold to have formed such a dark power?...