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Star Trek is a series of science fiction television series and films that has become a cult phenomenon. The Star Trek canon is subject to parody in the Space Quest series.

  • Star Trek
  • Star Trek
  • Star Trek
  • Star Trek
  • Star Trek
  • Star Trek
  • Star Trek
  • Star Trek
  • Star Trek
  • Star trek
  • Star Trek
  • Star Trek
  • right|thumb|300px|Star Trek ist nach heutigen technischen Maßstäben museumsreif. Star Trek, auch bekannt unter dem Namen Sinnlos im Weltraum, wurde von einem Amerikaner erdacht, während er mit seinem Leichtflugzeug über Deutschland spazieren flog. Star Trek spielt im 22.-24. Jahrhundert, aufgrund häufiger Zeitschleifen, Rückblenden und Logikkrümmungen prinzipiell allerdings im gesamten Raumzeitkontinuum.
  • Star Trek is a series of science fiction television series and films that has become a cult phenomenon. The Star Trek canon is subject to parody in the Space Quest series.
  • Star trek is a sci-fi. This article is a stub, it needs work.
  • Star Trek is one of the longest-running and most popular television franchises in history. It is a science fiction series that deals primarily with the human condition and the relationship of life forms to one another and to their technology. It bears many similarities to its predecessor in science fiction television, The Twilight Zone. In addition to 6 different series, the franchise has spawned 11 films and a large slash community.
  • Star Trek is a series of television shows and movies that the peasants love talking about on the show, even though only 95% of the audience gives a shit about it. The show has been set over four distinct series, most notably The Original Series and The Next Generation.
  • "Star Trek" and the characters of Star Trek are owned by Paramount and are borrowed here for the enjoyment Star Trek fans, without profit or intent for profit. The characters and other features of Star Trek are probably the property of Paramount or some other for-profit corporation. The discussion of these characters and other elements of Star Trek at fiction.wikia.com should NOT be thought to have been authorized by the creators or current owner of Star Trek.
  • Star Trek is a 2009 American science fiction film directed by J. J. Abrams, written by Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman and distributed by Paramount Pictures. It is the eleventh film based on the Star Trek franchise and features the main characters of the original Star Trek television series, portrayed by a new cast.
  • Star Trek is a cluster of Americkish lore-makebelieve brooking sightcast shows and films made by Gene Roddenberry and owned by Paramount and CBS. The first chain began in 1966 and ran for three yeartides. The first chain was followed by the short-lived "Star Trek: The Enlivened Chain" and six films. In time, a full four more shows were made, rooted in the same world but starring other folk. Four more films were made, starring the folk from "Star Trek: The Next Brood". In 2009, a film again-boot of the cluster was made, with another film plotted for loosing in the spring of 2013.
  • Star Trek è una serie di previsioni sul futuro realizzata da saggi come Branko e Paolo Fox, sotto la supervisione di Gesù e con la benedizione di Dio. Secondo queste previsioni fra trecento anni la Terra sarà popolata da sdolcinati hippies alieni e tutti si vorranno un galattico bene, trombando da mattina a sera con ogni oggetto semovente, dotato o meno di intelligenza e/o volontà che sia. Logicamente questo melenso "Volemose bene" galattico sarà disturbato a turno dai Vulcaniani, dai Romulani e dai Borg, detti anche rompicubi galattici per la loro insistenza e per la cazzimma.
  • Star Trek (CIC: DKM-4129-387-GR) is one of the most famous science fiction continua. Created by Gene Roddenberry in the 1960s, it now consists of five television series, twelve movies, and an extensive collection of expanded universe novels.
  • Star Trek is a science fiction media franchise created by Gene Roddenberry that began with Star Trek: The Original Series and developed into an animated television series, several subsidiary television series and serial feature films.
  • Star Trek refers both to the Star Trek universe and to Star Trek: The Original Series (TOS). In addition to the canonical television shows of over 700 episodes and 12 films, the fictional universe is comprised of approximately 500 novels, 450 short stories, 800 comics, and 200 video games, plus various reference materials, roleplaying game books, and Star Trek Online virtual episodes, for a total of over 2,700 stories, along with many hundreds of collectibles.
  • Star Trek is an American Sci-Fi television series that, depending on who you ask, was the American Doctor Who. It's about the adventures of a terrible actor, his autistic friend, and their spaceship full of expendable scientists, engineers, and explorers. Some times it will leak into Doctor Who General ☀
  • Star Trek could refer to:
  • Star Trek ist schlechter als Star Wars.
  • Star Trek is the television sci-fi series for which Gene Roddenberry is best remembered. It launched a billion dollar franchise with spin-off series like Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager and 11 feature films.
  • This week, Zero Punctuation reviews Star Trek.
  • "All men can handle some adveristy. However, if you really want to test a man's character, give him power". Kahless
  • Categoria:Wiki per titoloCategoria:Wiki con app mobile Memory Alpha è un progetto di collaborazione che si propone di creare la più accurata, definitiva ed accessibile enciclopedia di riferimento per tutto ciò che riguarda Star Trek. Memory Alpha in italiano è iniziata il 15 aprile 2008 da MicioGatta. Il nostro ambizioso obiettivo è quello di diventare la più vasta, affidabile e aggiornata enciclopedia su tutto ciò che è correlato a Star Trek. Vedi anche: * Introduzione * Informazioni sul progetto * Archivisti * Forum esterno di supporto Contatti: * Gifh * Nazudaco
  • Categoria:Wiki per titoloCategoria:Wiki con app mobile Memory Alpha è un progetto di collaborazione che si propone di creare la più accurata, definitiva ed accessibile enciclopedia di riferimento per tutto ciò che riguarda Star Trek. Memory Alpha in italiano è iniziata il 15 aprile 2008 da MicioGatta. Il nostro ambizioso obiettivo è quello di diventare la più vasta, affidabile e aggiornata enciclopedia su tutto ciò che è correlato a Star Trek. Vedi anche: * Introduzione * Informazioni sul progetto * Archivisti * Forum esterno di supporto Contatti: * Gifh * Nazudaco
  • Star Trek, a.k.a. Hell, doesn't belong on this wiki, as this is a Star Wars wiki. Anyway, they have MANDALORIANS, only they're called "Klingons". Pfft, what a rip-off! Pfft. Oh, wait, didn't Star Trek come first?...
  • thumb|120px Star Trek es una franquicia de series de televisión y películas de ciencia ficción. El universo de ficción de Star Trek, creado por Gene Roddenberry, está compuesto por cinco series de televisión con actores reales más una serie de animación con personajes dibujados en 2D, además de trece películas. La franquicia también se extiende a más de una docena de videojuegos, varios juegos de rol, cientos de novelas y relatos de ficción escritos por fans, algunos de los cuales han sido producidos en video, así como también una atracción temática en Las Vegas. Comenzando con la serie original, y continuando posteriormente con las películas y demás series, la franquicia ha creado un fenómeno de culto y generado varias referencias en la cultura popular.
  • Star Trek is a 1960's science-fiction TV series often referenced by members of the Las Vegas Crime Lab, especially the Lab Techs
  • Merory Alpha est un wiki consacré à l'univers Star Trek.
  • Star Trek is a show from the late somethings about a spaceship called the Starship Enterprise and the inhabitants thereoff. The show mainly consists of dodgy fight scenes between the Enterprise and, in the original series, the Klingons, then the Romulans, then the Remans, then a big bloke called Kahn.
  • Die Originalserie wurde nicht von Anfang an vom Sender NBC eingekauft, das Studio lehnte 1964 den ersten Pilotfilm The Cage (Der Käfig) ab, gab jedoch einen zweiten Piloten in Auftrag, der später akzeptiert wurde. Der Begriff Star Trek fällt in allen Serien, Spinoffs und Filmen nur ein einziges Mal: Zefram Cochrane benutzt ihn in Star Trek: Der erste Kontakt. Zumindest im englischen Original von TNG: nennt Q den Begriff indirekt: It's time to put an end to your trek through the stars.Q (TNG: )
  • The franchise also includes dozens of computer and video games, hundreds of novels, as well as a themed attraction in Las Vegas that opened in 1998 and closed in September 2008, and at least two traveling museum exhibits of props. Beginning with the original television series and continuing with the subsequent films and series, the franchise has created a cult phenomenon and has spawned many pop culture references, including on Family Guy.
  • Star Trek is a television and film franchise created by Gene Roddenberry. Related characters: Leonard Nimoy played Spock in multiple Star Trek TV shows and he played William Bell in the TV show Fringe. In the Fringe episode "White Tulip," Peter Weller plays the time traveller Alister Peck. Peter Weller also plays Admiral Marcus in Star Trek into Darkness.
  • Unter dem Titel Star Trek werden die Science-Fiction-Fernsehserien Raumschiff Enterprise, Die Enterprise, Raumschiff Enterprise: Das nächste Jahrhundert, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Raumschiff Voyager und Star Trek: Enterprise sowie die zu den Serien gehörigen Kinofilmen zusammengefasst.
  • Star Trek is a number of television series, feature films, computer games and much more. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • -- 18:52, April 23, 2013 (UTC) File:Placeholder File:Placeholder This will be an wiki about all movies and series of Star Trek. Please try to keep the information Canon to Star Trek.
  • Star Trek is a TV show that often appears in "Weird Al" Yankovic songs.
  • Star Trek is a documentary series covering the adventures of various Starfleet space Americans. In the Mirror Universe of Star Trek, Stephen Colbert's name is spelled with a "k" and "v." The real and more superior StePHen Colbert has single handly destroyed this universe. It has been rumored that Stephen Colbert may portray Dr. McCoy in the next Star Trek movie. This is false. Stephen Colbert will instead be involved in a remake of the original Star Trek television series, where he will portray Dr. McCoy and the voice of the computer.
  • Star Trek e' una serie TV fantascientifica ideata da Gene Roddenberry. La prima serie, detta Serie Classica o TOS (The Orginal Series) nasce nel 1966. Vengono fatte in seguito quattro spin-off: Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager e Star Trek: Enteprise. Una serie animata e dodici film. Avrebbe dovuto esserci una quinta serie televisiva: Star Trek: Phase II. Non venne mai realizzata e il nome venne adottato per la serie amatoriale Star Trek: New Voyages (anche detta Star Trek: Phase II).
  • Memory Alpha ist ein freies und gemeinschaftliches Projekt zur Erstellung einer umfangreichen Enzyklopädie rund um Star Trek. Jeder kann nach dem WikiWiki-Konzept mitarbeiten. Mehr als 24.000 deutschsprachige Artikel seit dem 14. Mai 2004 zeigen, dass es funktioniert. Grundlage der Erfassung von Informationen sind der gültige Canon und die Vereinbarung über die Erzählperspektive. Sowie eine Version aus der Sicht des „Spiegeluniversums“ auf englisch unter Mirror Universe. Hier sind alle Artikel aus der Perspektive der alternativen Zeitlinie aus den Spiegel-Episoden geschrieben.
  • Star Trek (v angličtině doslova „Hvězdné putování“, ale nepřekládá se) je jeden z nejpopulárnějších a nejúspěšnějších televizních sci-fi seriálů, na který navazují také filmy, knihy a počítačové hry. Příběh Star Treku vytvořil scénárista a producent Gene Roddenberry. Příběh Star Treku popisuje budoucnost lidstva, které po objevu mezihvězdného pohonu cestuje po celé galaxii, setkává se s mimozemskými civilizacemi a přes časté konflikty pomáhá šířit mír a vzájemné porozumění.
  • Star Trek is a series of television shows and movies created by Gene Roddenberry. Star Trek, Like Star Wars has been the cenetr for many parodies and spoofs. TELEVISION SHOWS- * Star Trek: The Original Series * Star Trek: The Next Generation * Star Trek: Deep Space Nine * Star Trek: Voyager * Star Trek: Enterprise * Star Trek: The Animated Series FILMS- MAJOR CAHARCTERS- * Original Series * The Next Generation * Deep Space Nine * Voyager * Enterprise * Other Star Trek Characters
  • Star Trek creator, producer and writer Gene Roddenberry In 1964, Roddenberry made a proposal for the original Star Trek TV series, to Desilu Studios as a "Wagon Train to the stars. The show's first pilot, "The Cage," starring Jeffrey Hunter as Christopher Pike was rejected by the network; however, Desilu executives were still impressed with the concept and made the unusual decision to commission a second pilot: "Where No Man Has Gone Before". The first regular episode of Star Trek aired on Thursday, September 8, 1966. While the show initially enjoyed high ratings, the average rating of the show at the end its first season was 52nd (out of 94 programs).
  • Stardate is 60719499491706.0 or only 0.60719499491706 Space in Star Trek is used for valuable means of transportation and for communication. Star Trek usually but not always gets in serious trouble, but it ends soon using some random techniques. It can be quite tricky. HA HA HA. Lots and lots of stars... Make sure to watch Klingon vs. Borg. On the other hand it can be as tall as 117.4 meters but cosmic winds may break entire construction. Only defense is firing defensive measures, to evade eternal death. Engage!
  • Star Trek later spawned a long-standing entertainment franchise that included motion pictures and additional TV series lasting into the 21st century. There were many avid fans who were thrilled by the debuts of movies based on the series beginning in the late 1970s. (PROSE: Return of the Living Dad)
  • Star Trek is an American science fiction entertainment series. The original Star Trek is an American television series, created by Gene Roddenberry, which debuted in 1966 and ran for three seasons, following the interstellar adventures of Captain James T. Kirk and the crew of the Federation Starship Enterprise, following an earlier pilot film “The Cage,” which starred Jeffrey Hunter as Captain Christopher Pike. Following the release of other series in the franchise, the Kirk-headed series was retroactively referred to as "Star Trek: The Original Series".
  • Star Trek premiered in 1966 on television. It was made by Paramount Pictures and Desilu Studios and lasted three seasons. There was a two-season animated series in the '70s, then a film series began in 1980. There were four films, and then in 1987, Star Trek: The Next Generation came out. The show lasted seven seasons and during this time, two more films came out, and during TNG's last season, a new seven-season series, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine came out in 1993. In 1994, another film is released, and in early '95, Star Trek: Voyager, another television series comes out. This show lasts seven seasons. During the run of this show, two more films are released in theaters once again. And in 2001, Star Trek: Enterprise, which is canceled after four seasons, begins. During the run of this show
  • Star Trek was a science fiction television series created on Earth in the late 1960s by Gene Roddenberry. Though it achieved little success in its original run, it inspired several films and spin-off series years later. The series has had a huge impact on Earth culture and jargon. For example, humans of the Tau'ri often refer to the act of using Asgard teleportation technology as "beaming." Dr. Simon Coombs, a scientist working at Stargate Command, is an obsessed fan of the series. (SG1: "The Other Guys")
  • The Star Trek franchise was created by Gene Roddenberry and is made up of six television series and a dozen feature films. Gargoyles is frequently referred to as a Star Trek reunion because they share so many cast members, including: From Star Trek: The Original Series: * Nichelle Nichols From Star Trek: The Next Generation: * Jonathan Frakes * Marina Sirtis * Brent Spiner * Michael Dorn * Matt Frewer * Colm Meaney * Paul Winfield * Clyde Kusatsu * David Warner From Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: * Avery Brooks From Star Trek: Voyager: From Star Trek: Enterprise:
  • Star Trek es una franquicia de ciencia-ficción formada por seis series de televisión, once películas y numerosos libros, películas, juegos y coleccionables. Originalmente fue una producción de Desilu Studios creado por Gene Roddenberry en una propuesta para una serie, "Star Trek is...", fechada en Marzo de 1964. Empezando con un solo episodio piloto, "The Cage," filmado en 1964, Star Trek no fue incluida en la programación de la cadena de televisión NBC hasta su segundo episodio piloto, "Where No Man Has Gone Before," que fue producido en 1965.
  • Announcer: And now it's time for "Bum Reviews" with Chester A. Bum. Tonight's review: "Star Trek." Chester: Star date 3.152: I have just seen THE GREATEST MOVIE I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE! There's this guy called Kirk. And his father was blown up by aliens! Because of this, he grows up to be an asshole. An asshole who likes to make out with green women! I made out with a green woman once! Only she was a liar! She wasn't green at all! She was turquoise! And there's this pointy-eared guy called Spock. And he's an asshole too! But to be fair, everybody in his race is an asshole! And he's an asshole too! HOORAY!
  • Roddenberry also despised hats, have you ever noticed that no one in the federation wears them accept for those backwards alien civilizations plagued by social ills that they deliver long winded speeches to? Not even when their trapped on an ice planet, freezing to death do you see crewmen wearing hats. This is because Gene Roddenberry realized hats were the symbol of both corrupt monarchies and organized religions. Whether is was crowns, mitres, yamakas, turbans, yellow hats, black hats, even old timey admiral hats; they were all corrupting influences on a scientifically advanced utopia of regulation sweaters and miniskirts. It had absolutely nothing to do with the fact he lost his favorite hat one day while riding his bike and now everyone else now had to suffer because of it.
  • Star Trek, set forth by the Canonites, is in all respects identical with the teaching of Landru. This show was started by Memory Alpha. Gene Roddenberry, in his first sermon, delivered on 8 September 1966, declared that James R. Kirk is the captain of captains. (TOS: "Nancy the Salt Creature") The means of salvation which he indicates is the transporter; and by beaming, his converts are aggregated to the society of crewmen. Though in these days, the Trekkies still availed themselves of the network television services, yet from the first the brotherhood of Landru formed a society essentially distinct from other science fiction shows. The reason why Roddenberry bid his followers accept beaming is none other than that they might "save themselves from this unbelieving generation", namely, Lost
  • Star Trek, or Star Trek: The Original Series, as it is referred to distinguish it from other Star Trek series or films, was an American science fiction television series that aired from September 8, 1966 to September 2, 1969. In all, 79 episodes were produced before the series was canceled by NBC, the network that broadcast first-run episodes of the show. Despite its relatively short run in network televison, Star Trek developed a strong cult following while being broadcast in syndication, which spawned numerous television, film, novel and video game spin offs and adaptations. Star Trek: The Original Series itself has achieved iconic status, and is often referred to as a piece of Americana. It remains one of the most influential science fiction productions in the history of the medium, in
  • Star Trek is a science fiction franchise that has had 5 live-action TV series, 1 Animated Series, 12 films, and many books, toys, and comics. It was produced at Desilu until they were bought out by Paramount. After the split of CBS and Paramount Pictures from Viacom, CBS owns the rights to any new television series while Paramount owns the rights to any new movies. TV series are: Films are: Book only series are: Comic only series are: * Star Trek: Early Voyages * Star Trek: Starfleet Academy
  • Star Trek è una saga fantascientifica comprendente sei serie televisive, dieci film più numerosi romanzi, fumetti, giochi e oggetti da collezione. Prodotto in origine dagli Studi Desilu e creata da Gene Roddenberry proposta in una prima bozza chiamata "Star Trek is..." nel 11 marzo1964. A partire da un primo episodio pilota, "Lo zoo di Talos", registrato nel 1964, Star Trek non fu programmato dal network NBC fino alla stesura di un secondo episodio pilota, "Oltre la galassia", prodotto nel 1965.
  • The most recognizable technologies of Trek are Holodeck, the Transporter, the Phaser, and in later series the tri-corder gadgets, the intercom badges on their shirts and talking female computer voice. The show is known for exploding consoles, redshirts being killed, Cpt. Kirk, later Captain Jean-Luc Picard, the starship Enterprise (NX-01, NCC-1701, NCC-1701-A, NCC-1701-B, NCC-1701-C, NCC-1701-D, NCC-1701-E). It also has tons of novels, games, and technical manuals. Antimatter as a fuel for space ships just might be possible. [1]
  • Star Trek is a American science fiction entertainment series and media franchise, currently joint-owned by CBS Corporation and Paramount Pictures, sister companies, along wtih Simon & Schuster, all three of which are owned by National Amusements. Simon & Schuster has been the publisher of Star Trek novels since 1979 (the same year they acquired the rights for The Hardy Boys), and many titles have been published under the same imprint as The Hardy Boys, including the Pocket Book, and Wanderer imprints.
  • Star Trek is an American science fiction entertainment series and media franchise. The Star Trek fictional universe created by Gene Roddenberry is the setting of six television series including the original 1966 Star Trek, in addition to ten feature films (with an eleventh in production), dozens of computer and video games, hundreds of novels and other fan stories, as well as a themed attraction in Las Vegas. The original TV series alone is one of the biggest cult phenomena of modern times.
  • frame STAR TREK ist der übergreifende Titel für sieben Science-Fiction-Fernsehserien (darunter eine Zeichentrickserie) mit insgesamt 726 Episoden sowie vierzehn Kinofilmen, zahlreichen Romane, Computerspiele und andere Werke, deren Inhalte auf der 1966 von Gene Roddenberry geschaffenen Fernsehserie "STAR TREK" (in Deutschland Raumschiff Enterprise) basieren.
  • Star Trek to uniwersum Science-Fiction zawierające sześć seriali telewizyjnych, jedenaście filmów oraz wiele książek, komiksów i gier. Oryginalnie seria była produktem studia Desilu jako scenariusz stworzony przez Gene Roddenberry'ego pod nazwą "Star Trek is..." (ang.: Star Trek to...) 11 marca 1964. Zaczynający się pojedynczym odcinkiem pilotażowym, "The Cage", nakręconym w 1964, Star Trek nie został dołączony do terminarza emisji NBC dopóki w 1965 nie postał drugi pilot, "Where No Man Has Gone Before" .
  • Star Trek refers to the 1966-69 science fiction television series, along with a subsequent series of films and later, several spin-off television series created by Gene Roddenberry, all frequently referred to on Leverage. File:250px-TOSopeninglogo.png A number of actors associated with the various Star Trek shows have also appeared on Leverage. Among them are Brent Spiner (Data, ST:TNG) and Armin Shimerman (Quark, ST:DS9) with his wife Kitty Swink (Luaran / Minister Rozahn, ST:DS9) in The Juror #6 Job, and John Billingsley (Medical Officer Dr. Phlox, Star Trek: Enterprise).
  • Star Trek var en science fiction TV-serie skapad av Jorden i slutet av 1960s av Gene Roddenberry. Även om det nått lite framgång i sitt ursprungliga run, inspirerade det flera filmer och spin-off årserien senare. Serien har haft en enorm inverkan på Jordens kultur och jargong. Till exempel människor av Tau'ri hänvisar ofta till handlingen att använda Asgard teleportering teknologi som". Strålande" Dr Simon Coombs, en forskare som arbetar på Stargate Command, är ett besatt fan av serien.(SG1: "The Other Guys")
  • Star Trek is an American science fiction entertainment series and media franchise. The Star Trek fictional universe created by Gene Roddenberry is the setting of six television series including the original 1966 Star Trek. A series that captured millions of people around the world captured one of the greatest librarians of all time. This librarian is known to many by the name Steve Vincent Crandell but this article focuses on how some know him as Evtes Nardcell.
  • Star Trek was a 20th and 21st century phenomenon created by Gene Roddenberry in the 1960's. It was a landmark show in that it was the first science fiction television show to market itself to adults, not just children. Known for its social themes, it masked current social commentary in sci-fi storylines. In fact, television's first-ever interracial kiss took place in an episode of Star Trek (between Captain Kirk and Lt. Uhura). The original series (TOS), as it later was called, spawned a series of six TOS movies, five spin-off TV series (one of which was continued into four movies of its own, for a total of ten), and was rebooted entirely in movie form in 2009 (the eleventh movie in the franchise). In the 2200s, the cast reunited for musical specials, with the exception of Scotty who was r
  • In 1982, young Ringo Langly was under the impression that in the year 2000, everyone would be eating food pills, like on Star Trek. (TLG: "Like Water for Octane") FBI Agent Dana Scully once remarked that most people with encyclopedic knowledge on extraterrestrial life, actually gain that knowledge from watching too many reruns of Star Trek. (TXF: "Dreamland") Assistant Director Walter Skinner told Wayne Federman that Fox Mulder investigated cases in a "Star Trekky" way, which is part of the reason why he used Mulder's likeness for his movie. (TXF: "Hollywood A.D.")
  • As science fiction geeks, Leonard, Sheldon, Howard and Raj are all fans of Star Trek. There have been references made to the first four television series - Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager - the first six films, Star Trek: First Contact, and J.J. Abrams' 2009 reboot film, but none yet to the fifth and final television series Star Trek: Enterprise or directly to Star Trek: The Animated Series. Of all of the movie and television franchises that are referenced in the show, Star Trek is mentioned most often.
  • A világ legismertebb és legrégebben futó televíziós SF sorozata, ami kulturális jelenséggé és külön univerzummá nőtte ki magát, könyvekkel, mozifilmekkel, játékokkal és óriási rajongótáborral. A Star Trek univerzumot Gene Roddenberry hozta létre, és az eredeti, 1966-ban útjára indult televíziós szériával együtt 6 sorozatot élt meg. Tíz mozifilm készült belőle, több tucat játék, több száz regény, rajongók által írt sztorik és filmek, továbbá egy élménypark Las Vegasban. I. Ahová még ember nem merészkedett… Térváltásra felkészülni, hatos fokozattal… Indulás! II. Gene Roddenberry, a Star Trek atyja
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