| - Arrowhead is a second-stage item in The Long Dark.
- Arrowhead was an area of the Core located at the tip of the Slice and was also known as the Inner Core. Inclusive of the Core Worlds between the Perlemian Trade Route and the Corellian Run, it ranged from Vento to Corellia. The ancient area known as the Tetrahedron was found in this area as the first inklings of modern civilization. Worlds in the Inner Core included Thracior.
- The reply is as follows : Totally fine with me! My only request is that you tell me when it's up so I can play it :)
- Arrowhead is a Duel Mode board that appears in Mario Party 3.
- The Arrowhead(矢じりyajiri) is an item in Resident Evil.
- A Finals-universe character from The Refugees, played by Sasha Schell.
- Arrowhead, or sagittaria, are aquatic plants whose members go by a variety of common names, including duck potato, iz-ze-kn, katniss, kuwai (くわい in Japanese), swan potato, tule potato, and wapato (or wapatoo). Most are native to South, Central, and North America, but there are also some from Europe and Asia. Not to be confused with arrowroot.
- Such artifacts can be found all over the world in various locations. Those that have survived are usually made of stone, primarily being flint, obsidian, or cherts, but in many excavations bone, wooden and metal arrowheads have been found. "Hunting with a bow and arrow requires intricate multi-staged planning, material collection and tool preparation and implies a range of innovative social and communication skills."
- The Arrowhead is a medium to long range semi-automatic Laser Rifle, sold with a marksman scope, and manufactured by Klaus & Werner. Sometimes incorrectly referred to as a 'sniper rifle', the Arrowhead is capable of accurately inflicting large amounts of damage: especially when aimed at the head. It can be found in the 'Live Fire' shop on Port Olisar to buy, scattered in wrecks throughout the Yela asteroid belt and as a reward in the Kareah security office.