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- Big Sister is a unique variant of the pipe rifle that is added to Fallout Shelter with the 1.4 update.
- You start to deeply want to be like her be better than her (EVEN THOUGH SHE'S YOUR FREAKIN' SISTER), because 1) She's NOT your only female contact (Besides Runescape and Second Life) 2) She's the ONLY human being that knows everything about everything (NO, 4CHAN DOES NOT COUNT, and it's not even a person) 3) She's FREAKIN' PSYCHIC /\/\04r /\/\0a4r /\/\04R!!!!!(NOT ONLY IN YOUR DREAMS, YOU BABY)
- Eight years after the events of BioShock, the Big Sisters are post-pubescent Little Sisters who have become unstable and confrontational in Rapture's environment. They interact with, manage and protect Little Sisters. Their extreme level of powers go far beyond that of normal Plasmid users, and might be attributed to their growing bodies adapting to the ADAM created in their bodies as children. Thus, they have a much greater natural affinity for the powers that ADAM creates.
- Este drama relata la historia de tres hermanas tras la muerte de sus padres. In Ok es la hermana que hará cualquier cosa por sus hermanas. Ella descubre que su hermana pequeña, In Soo, ha dado a luz a una niña sin haberse casado. Esta se hace cargo de la hija de In Soo, mientras que ella va a Alemania a perseguir sus sueños de convertirse en doctora.
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