| - Macedon was founded by the hero Iote in the year 503, approximately a hundred years before the War of Shadows, and Iote's Shield is the nation's treasure. Macedon is one of the many suzerains of Archanea, and has an allegiance with them. Macedon shares a border with Dolhr, and when Dolhr begins to revive itself in the beginning of the War of Shadows, it requests Macedon's allegiance. The father of Michalis, Minerva, and Maria - King Osmond, bluntly denies the allegiance, and request that Archanea send reinforcements so that Macedon may defend itself from Dolhr. The reinforcements do not come, however, and Prince Michalis approaches his father with the notion of allying with Dolhr. Michalis proposes that Dolhr will help Macedon reach greater heights, and once they have conquered the countin
| - Macedon was founded by the hero Iote in the year 503, approximately a hundred years before the War of Shadows, and Iote's Shield is the nation's treasure. Macedon is one of the many suzerains of Archanea, and has an allegiance with them. Macedon shares a border with Dolhr, and when Dolhr begins to revive itself in the beginning of the War of Shadows, it requests Macedon's allegiance. The father of Michalis, Minerva, and Maria - King Osmond, bluntly denies the allegiance, and request that Archanea send reinforcements so that Macedon may defend itself from Dolhr. The reinforcements do not come, however, and Prince Michalis approaches his father with the notion of allying with Dolhr. Michalis proposes that Dolhr will help Macedon reach greater heights, and once they have conquered the countinent Macedon can become the mightiest nation. Osmond refuses, but as Macedon's situation grows worse, Michalis and his father clash. Gharnef takes advantage of this situation and spreads rumors throughout Macedon that Minerva will be the next heir to the throne. Michalis then kills his father and announces that it was the work of an Archanean assassin, so he can advocate allying with Dolhr. Minerva and Maria are unaware of the true nature of their father's death, but Minerva is skeptical, as she knows of her father's support of Archanea. Michalis seizes control of Macedon, becoming the next King, and allies Macedon with Dolhr. He then approaches Maria and tells her that Macedon will face a crisis if Dolhr does not believe that Macedon is truly loyal to them, and if Dolhr invades Macedon tens of thousands of citizens would die. Michalis's solution to this is for Maria to become Dolhr's hostage. Maria agrees, trying to protect the citizens of Macedon and please her brother. Michalis has lied to Maria. Knowing his ruse will soon fall through, he imprisons Maria to keep Minerva from rebelling against Macedon once she learns that Michalis has killed their father. Upon hearing that Maria has been imprisoned, however, Minerva realizes what Michalis has done, but as Maria will now be executed if she rebels, she has no choice but to serve Macedon. Macedon, as part of Dolhr's alliance, is in charge of the attack on Aurelis. As Michalis is now King, Minerva becomes the main general of Macedon, and leads its forces on Aurelis and successfully takes the Castle. Before the Macedonians could finish off the Aurelian resistance, however, the Altean army led by Marth successfully joins forces with the Aurelain resistance led by Hardin, and routs the Macedonian soldiers from Aurelis. Macedon's general Minerva is then demoted and put under the Grustian general Harmein. Minerva can not bear servitude much longer, and she withdraws from the battle and sends her subordinate Catria to request that Marth rescue Maria from Dolhr's imprisonment. Maria is rescued, and both Minerva and Maria deflect from Macedon's cause and join Marth's Archanean League. However, Minerva's Whitewings have been separated from her, and Macedon later sends them as reinforcements for King Jiol in Gra (who had requested Michalis' Dragoons instead) where the Whitewings Catria and Palla defect from Macedon as well and join the League. Macedon's Pegasus Knights still assist in King Jiol's defense, but are defeated by the League. Est, the final Whitewing, infiltrates Grust, and returns to present Marth with the sword Mercurius. Eventually, Macedon is invaded by the League, as it is still an ally to Dolhr. Minerva is determined to set things right in Macedon, and she, her Whitewings, and the League defeat Michalis' Dragoons and take Macedon's Aerie. Minerva and Michalis meet in battle, and Minerva triumphs. Michalis is very nearly killed, but Maria houses him away in Macedon's Aerie to be healed. Minerva, Maria, and the Whitewings follow Marth until the War's end, and return to Macedon.