| - Whenever a character is shown drinking wine, it's usually a good sign that person is high class or sophisticated. The connotations of this can vary depending on the person. For protagonists, wine knowledge can show that the character is An Officer and a Gentleman or a Gentleman and a Scholar, and serves to make the character look more worldly and refined. For villains, wine features prominently in introducing A Man of Wealth and Taste, often sporting A Glass of Chianti. Either way, wine drinkers will almost always be Blue Bloods or obsessive snobs who take it way too seriously.
| - Whenever a character is shown drinking wine, it's usually a good sign that person is high class or sophisticated. The connotations of this can vary depending on the person. For protagonists, wine knowledge can show that the character is An Officer and a Gentleman or a Gentleman and a Scholar, and serves to make the character look more worldly and refined. For villains, wine features prominently in introducing A Man of Wealth and Taste, often sporting A Glass of Chianti. Either way, wine drinkers will almost always be Blue Bloods or obsessive snobs who take it way too seriously. This trope varies widely by culture. In most of Western Europe, particularly in the south, wine is viewed as a fairly mundane and commonplace beverage (to the point where wine is served in McDonalds), particularly in countries with a strong wine-making tradition like Spain, France, and Italy. In the new world, wine making is a relatively recent phenomenon, and its association with the old world gave it some elitist connotations. While this has lessened recently, beer is still viewed as the primary "pedestrian" drink, while wine is still associated with the upper classes, whether it be old money Socialites or "liberal elitists". Wine has yet to gain the same degree of popularity as beer and sake in the East, but red wine is becoming increasingly popular among the middle class in China due to this trope. China is actually the fifth largest wine producing country in the world, though nearly all of it is produced for domestic consumption, and so has yet to gain the same sort of international reputation as major producers like France and Italy. Can accompany Food Porn. Can overlap with Frothy Mugs of Water when substituted with "grape juice" for the kids. Subtrope of Drink Order. In the case of French wines, it can overlap with French Cuisine Is Haughty. This trope can also be inverted by "bum wines", which are the wine counterpart to A Tankard of Moose Urine. But these are much rarer in fiction. Examples of Wine Is Classy include: