| - ディエゴガルシア(インド洋にある)。南インド海岸の1,000マイルの南について、ディエゴガルシアは地球のインド洋の小さな熱帯島である。それは、1900年代中頃から軍事基地であった。1971のRAF(英国英国空軍)において、Ganはそこで造られた。19世紀の間にかつてのもの現在、それは英領インド洋植民地になって、まだ21世紀の間にあった。島の上のUNSCベースは、彼らが侵入したCovenantに対してぶりの反撃を開始した(The First Battle of Earthの間の2552年のアフリカ)ケニアのNew Mombasa。単位の間で、反応することは第405のUNSC海兵隊師団であった。Second Battle of Earthの間、コンピュータスクリーンは多分島の射程距離であるだろうことの範囲内で、コヴナント主力艦を示した。戦いの後のその運命は、知られていない。 カテゴリ:ロケーション
- Diego Garcia is a tropical, footprint-shaped coral atoll located south of the equator in the central Indian Ocean. It was used in 2001 as a base for B-1 bombers, for the bombing campaign in Afghanistan. It now serves as the main base of operations for the Non-biological Extraterrestrial Species Treaty, aka NEST and the Autobots. Also located on the island is a burial sight for the fallen Autobots, such as Jolt and Arcee.
- Diego Garcia (1972-) is an Argentinian surfer currently living in Costa Rica, where he is CEO of Costa Rica Surf Club and Tamarindo Surf Camp.
- The island was originally part of the British colony of Mauritius and the first military base—RAF Station Diego Garcia—was built in 1941. In 1965, following the independence of Mauritius, the United Kingdom retained the Chagos Archipelago (a group of islands which include Diego Garcia) as the British Indian Ocean Territory. In the 1970s, a joint UK–USA communications facility was established, and in the 1980s an airfield and port facilities were constructed. The base continued in operation until at least the 21st century. Some time between 22nd century and the 26th century, the UNSC organized a military base on the island.
- Diego Garcia is an atoll located in the central Indian Ocean It also hides the Fifth Vertex.
- Diego Garcia ist eine Hauptinsel mit 3 weiteren Inseln und hat eine Fläche von ca. 30 km². Sie liegt mitten im Indischen Ozean und wird vom UNSC als militärische Basis genutzt. Die Insel ist wie ein Ring geformt, der am Nordende jedoch nicht vollständig geschlossen ist. Auf der Insel gibt es ein Flugfeld sowie eine Kaserne in der die 405. Marine Infantry Division stationiert ist. Zudem gibt es wohl eine Möglichkeit für seegestützte Vehikel, Fracht abzuladen sowie aufzunehmen.
- Diego Garcia is a British owned Mexican who floats around the Pacific and earns some extra money as an Air Force base.
- Diego Garcia is a tropical, footprint-shaped coral atoll located south of the equator in the central Indian Ocean. It is part of the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT). The atoll is approximately east of the coast of Africa (at Tanzania), south-southwest of the southern tip of India (at Kanyakumari) and west-northwest of the west coast of Australia (at Cape Range National Park, Western Australia). Diego Garcia lies in the Chagos Archipelago at the southernmost tip of the Chagos-Laccadive Ridge — a vast submarine range in the Indian Ocean, topped by a long chain of coral reefs, atolls, and islands comprising Lakshadweep, Maldives, and the Chagos Archipelago. Local time is UTC+06:00 year-round (DST is not observed).
- Diego Garcia was an island in the Indian Ocean, and part of the British Indian Ocean Territory. It was the location of a major joint military base of the United Kingdom and the United States. Four years after Day 8, the lease for Naval Support facility Diego Garcia was one of the items on the agenda during President James Heller's state visit to London. (Open-Cell.org)