| - Grounded Videos are videos made on Go! Animate that are usually made by users on Go! Animate. As of 2016, they are also made on Plotagon.
- The grounding series was started by a brainheaded chaotic user name mrlegofan404. He is infamous for his child abuse series named "Brain", then later many people started making grounding videos of their own. Some people quit making grounded videos them in late 2012, and some continued their series but have put less grounding in their videos. But an late 2012 user "DietColaInc" make a lame show called The Amazing Adventures of Max and it's cancelled with two shows: TV Mayhem (cancelled), Jack's Chat Show (mini series) and make fake accounts in Go!Animate and one cancelled show called "Chris" with no episodes, He made an account again called "BookToons" with Dave, but it's gone with five episodes as a mini series, still making fake accounts a lot on Go!Animate and one cancelled movie with fa
| - The grounding series was started by a brainheaded chaotic user name mrlegofan404. He is infamous for his child abuse series named "Brain", then later many people started making grounding videos of their own. Some people quit making grounded videos them in late 2012, and some continued their series but have put less grounding in their videos. But an late 2012 user "DietColaInc" make a lame show called The Amazing Adventures of Max and it's cancelled with two shows: TV Mayhem (cancelled), Jack's Chat Show (mini series) and make fake accounts in Go!Animate and one cancelled show called "Chris" with no episodes, He made an account again called "BookToons" with Dave, but it's gone with five episodes as a mini series, still making fake accounts a lot on Go!Animate and one cancelled movie with fake workers, but he made a random grounded video with Peter and Josh, he make "Daniel Gets Grounded" on YouTube on early 2013 with a movie "Brian and Eric, suspossed to be a series, Daniel Gets Grounded has delayed season 2 a lot, it's now called "The Bad Life of Daniel" only on Go!Animate with new fake workers, one week later, he made a movie called Brian V.S. PC Guy on Johnny Meeks Studios.
- Grounded Videos are videos made on Go! Animate that are usually made by users on Go! Animate. As of 2016, they are also made on Plotagon.