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| - The N'rrgal (ナーガル Nagaru?) are a race of gelatinous, slug-like aliens first encountered by Sonic and friends during Chapter 8 of Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, when the Cyclone lands on the N'rrgal Colony in Sector Scylla of the Twilight Cage.
- The N'rrgal were a race of green slime-eating energy creatures, existing as either single drones or larger, more powerful and intelligent versions. The N'rrgal Queen was the largest, and thus the most intelligent, of these swarms. In general, N'rrgal resemble slugs. (CSE)
- N'rrgals are a species of gelatinous extraterrestrials which are superficially considered slug-like. Sonic the Hedgehog and his allies encountered the species when the Cyclone lands at the N'rrgal Colony in Sector Scylla of the Twilight Cage. They are known for their powerful regenerative capacities - used as a natural and main defense against foes - which causes them to be considered quite an infuriating species to contend with.
- thumb|132px|Ein N´rrgal-Bewohner bzw. Untertan Die N´rrgal (jap. ナーガル Nagaru) sind Wesen, die ihren ersten und gleichzeitig letzten Auftritt in Sonic Chronicles: Die Dunkle Bruderschaft haben N´rrgal sind außerirdische Wessen, welche im Twilight- Raum leben und aus sehen wie eine Art Schleimschnecken. Es gibt kleinere Drohnen und größere Krieger .Sie haben keinen Panzer, aber dafür Absorberattacken. Sie sind nur aus Schleim und haben eine Königin, die aber eher aussieht wie eine grosse Qualle. Während des Krieges schlüpfen nur Krieger. Wenn sich mehrere Drohnen zusammentun bilden sie einen größeren Krieger. Die Königin kann sich auch in mehrere Drohnen aufteilen die sich an einem anderen Ort wieder zur Königin zusammentun.
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| - *Energy absorption
*Asexual reproduction
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| - A N'rrgal Warrior, a member of the N'rrgal race.
| - Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood
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| - A slimy-skinned, insect-hive alien race.
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| - The N'rrgal (ナーガル Nagaru?) are a race of gelatinous, slug-like aliens first encountered by Sonic and friends during Chapter 8 of Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, when the Cyclone lands on the N'rrgal Colony in Sector Scylla of the Twilight Cage.
- The N'rrgal were a race of green slime-eating energy creatures, existing as either single drones or larger, more powerful and intelligent versions. The N'rrgal Queen was the largest, and thus the most intelligent, of these swarms. In general, N'rrgal resemble slugs. (CSE)
- N'rrgals are a species of gelatinous extraterrestrials which are superficially considered slug-like. Sonic the Hedgehog and his allies encountered the species when the Cyclone lands at the N'rrgal Colony in Sector Scylla of the Twilight Cage. They are known for their powerful regenerative capacities - used as a natural and main defense against foes - which causes them to be considered quite an infuriating species to contend with. Physiologically speaking, they are translucent green and semi-liquidic in nature, which stems from their evolution on an exceptionally slimy world, which has been replicated at their colony, presumably to help their survivability. They are jaw-droppingly innumerable, indicating that they are naturally an r-strategy species, meaning their homeworld is likely a very unstable for them, with many deaths of N'rrgals and perhaps even an indication of existence as a species lower on the food chain, in a similar manner to the mice found on Earth. They have evolved to reproduce via mitosis, which indicates they have an extremely simple biology. This causes them to simply split in two to form a new pair of worker drones. The species is a caste-oriented one, and a visitor to their colony and presumably their homeworld rarely see anything other than the simple and mute N'rrgal worker drones - however, other castes will emerge should one start causing what they would consider trouble. Through the process of reverse mitosis, individual drones can actually agglomerate together to produce the fearsome warrior caste. In a similar manner, enough N'rrgals in one location allows for the formation of a Queen, which operates as a sort of hive mind for their colony. The queen will operate as a sort of biological knowledge database for its constituent drones. It is unknown if all N'rrgals need to immediately inhabit an area to form the queen or if they can begin to form one, with others combining into the process later. The N'rrgal are the sworn enemies of the Zoah, and have warred against them for thousands of years. This animosity is so great, in fact, that they immediately accused the Zoah of spoiling their spawning pools, despite the fact that this revealed itself to not be true. The N'rrgals eventually leeched energy from the Nocturne's forcefields, causing them to weaken to the point that Tails was able to fly the Cyclone inside it.
- thumb|132px|Ein N´rrgal-Bewohner bzw. Untertan Die N´rrgal (jap. ナーガル Nagaru) sind Wesen, die ihren ersten und gleichzeitig letzten Auftritt in Sonic Chronicles: Die Dunkle Bruderschaft haben N´rrgal sind außerirdische Wessen, welche im Twilight- Raum leben und aus sehen wie eine Art Schleimschnecken. Es gibt kleinere Drohnen und größere Krieger .Sie haben keinen Panzer, aber dafür Absorberattacken. Sie sind nur aus Schleim und haben eine Königin, die aber eher aussieht wie eine grosse Qualle. Während des Krieges schlüpfen nur Krieger. Wenn sich mehrere Drohnen zusammentun bilden sie einen größeren Krieger. Die Königin kann sich auch in mehrere Drohnen aufteilen die sich an einem anderen Ort wieder zur Königin zusammentun. 100px|link=Sonic Chronicles: Die Dunkle BruderschaftSonic Chronicles: Die Dunkle Bruderschaft Kategorie:Sonic Chronicles Kategorie:Twilight- Raum Völker
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