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- Scott McNeil (September 15, 1962 in Brisbane, Australia) is an actor who played Birot in the episode "Hollow Men". He also appeared in Stargate SG-1.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ Image:Information-silk.png|Character Template rect 0 0 20 20 Staff Template desc none Scott McNeil Real Name Unknown First publication Unknown
- Scott McNeil is a Canadian-Australian actor who is most well known for his voice acting. Despite this, he physically portrayed Simon Bonesteel in Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation.
- McNeil's other roles include: Kōga in InuYasha, Duo Maxwell in Gundam Wing, Piccolo along with several other characters in the Ocean Group Dub of Dragon Ball Z, Van Hohenheim in Fullmetal Alchemist and Jajuka in The Vision of Escaflowne
- Scott McNeil (born September 15, 1962) is an Australian-born Canadian voice actor and actor who is known to have major roles in both anime and live action. In the 1995 animated television series Street Fighter, he had a lot of roles in different episodes, vocing Ken Masters, Blanka, Rolento, Rory, Wo Fat, Lord Zing and The Great Oni.
- Scott McNeil is a voice actor.
- Scott McNeil is an Australian actor.
- Scott McNeil är en Australiensk skådespelare.
- Scott McNeil (September 15, 1962- ) is an Australian-born Canadian voice actor. Some of his most notable roles include Piccolo from the original English dub of Dragonball Z, Bonesteel from Ninja Turtles: the Next Mutation, Hohenheim of Light from Fullmetal Alchemist, Duo Maxwell from Gundam Wing, Koga from InuYasha, Wolverine from X-Men Evolution, Ace the Bat-Hound from Krypto the Superdog, Ken Masters from Street Fighter, Proto Man and Dr. Wily in Mega Man, and oh so many more. He is an extremely prolific performer, an incredibly popular guest at Transformers and anime conventions, and is probably insane.
- thumb|Scott McNeilScott McNeil ist ein kanadischer Synchronsprecher. Er wurde am 15. September 1962 in Australien geboren. Er spricht er in Beast Wars: Transformers Dinobot, Rattrap, Waspinator und Silverbolt. In der Nachfolger Serie von Beast Wars Beast Machines: Transformers spricht er Rattrap und Silverbolt. In Transformers: Armada und Transformers: Energon spricht er den Autobot Jetfire. Er spricht außerdem noch Omega Supreme und Strongarm in Transformers: Energon. Außerdem sprich auch Snarl und Backstop in Transformers: Cybertron. Er sagte das Dinobot einer seiner Lieblingscharaktere sei.
- Scott McNeil (urodzony 15 września 1962 roku w Tawonga, Victoria, Australia) - kanadyjski aktor i aktor głosowy pochodzenia australijskiego. W serialu Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog użyczył głosu MacHopperowi.
- Scott McNeil is an Australian-born Canadian voice actor. He is known for voicing Rattrap, Silverbolt, Waspinator, and Dinobot in Beast Wars: Transformers (also starring David Kaye and Garry Chalk), and Wolverine in X-Men: Evolution (also starring Kaye). He's also acted in live-action shows such as Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation as Simon Bonesteel.
- Scott states his first role was providing voices on The New Adventures of He-Man.
- Scott McNeil (born September 15, 1962 in Canada) is a Canadian voice actor. He was born in Canada, and then spent his childhood in Australia before returning to Canada. He currently resides in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. He plays the roles of Bumper Randalls, Mr. White, and Zizrar on Johnny Test.
- Scott McNeil is an Australian-born actor, perhaps best known for his voice talent showcased in animated features and video games. His extensive credits include Ghost Patrol, Red Sonja: Queen of Plagues, World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor, Falling Skies and The Flash. In Supernatural season 5, he portrayed zombie victim Benny Sutton in “Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid.” He later portrayed one of Vince Vincente’s Ladyheart bandmates in “Rock Never Dies,” season 12.
- Scott McNeil (born September 15, 1962 in Australia) is a Canadian voice actor who played Man-Wolf, Vulture, and additional voices on Spider-Man Unlimited, Wolverine and additional voices on X-Men: Evolution, Annihilus on Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes, and additional voices on Hulk Vs. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Easily the most popular voice actor to work with The Ocean Group, Scott McNeil is the Canadian equivalent to Crispin Freeman... IN AMERICA, and Banjo Ginga in Japan. He's usually cast as a big guy or a villain, but he also does some quirky and funny roles too. His most known roles are probably Dinobot, Waspinator and Rattrap, Dr. Wily and Protoman, Piccolo in the early episodes, and Duo Maxwell. He reached Memetic Mutation status fairly quickly, faster than his U.S. counterpart.
- Scott McNeil is an Australian-born voice actor. He is known on Reboot for voicing Hack in the later seasons of the show and the two movies. He also voiced Fax Modem and Specky. Scott McNeil was born September 15, 1962 in Brisbane, Australia. He currently resides in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. He began acting at the age of 3 and fell in love with theater. He went to theater school after high school where he met soon to be fellow voice actor Ted Cole. After Scott left school he planned on being an actor in theater. Hack was first voiced by Phil Hayes.