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  • Bot
  • Bot
  • Bot
  • Bot
  • Bot
  • Bot
  • Bot
  • BOT
  • Bot
  • Bot
  • Bot
  • BOT
  • BOT
  • Bot
  • Bot
  • __Toc__
  • A bot is a tool that uses libsecondlife for automation of activities, usually conversations (as in chatterbots) and events.
  • A bot (short form of robot) is a program that automatically and mostly autonomously carries out actions, a human-controlled software would be overstrained with. Thus, a bot is a "Work-machine". It is not necessesarily an A.I.
  • A bot is a robot designed for performing certain repetitive tasks on a Wiki. Bots typically require permission to be one, and are occasionally used by negative editors (such as vandals) to damage a Wiki's content. For the system "bot" is a user group; Special:Listusers/bot produces a list of all users who are member of this group. In addition, "bot" is a user right. Edits by a user with this "right" (rather: property) by default do not show up in recent changes. Typically a user of type "bot" has user right "bot".
  • W grach z Unreal Tournament w tytule występuje 8 poziomów botów o coraz większych zdolnościach wraz z kolejnym poziomem. Możemy swobodnie edytować parametry botów we wszystkich ww. grach prócz Unreal Tournament 3. Pamiętaj, że choć kolejny poziom podwyższa skille danego bota, faktycznie pozostają one bez zmian i dodatkowo mogą być podwyższane ręcznie. 1. * Novice 2. * Average 3. * Experienced 4. * Skilled 5. * Adept 6. * Masterful 7. * Inhuman 8. * Godlike
  • A bot is a special type of wiki user.
  • Bots? No thanks.
  • Bot invariable [ˈbɔt] 1. * localité de Catalogne située dans la province de Tarragone
  • Bots are non-player characters (NPC), which act as real players. They were primarily introduced via PODbot (Ping Of Death) for Counter-Strike 1.5 and made official in Counter-Strike: Condition Zero through the AI work by Gearbox Software and Turtle Rock Studios.
  • A bot is a program that connects to Furcadia's servers instead of a player. While some bots function as proxies, allowing for user input, they are generally intended to run independently, performing pre-scripted tasks. DreamNova, for example, is propagated by a Python bot designed to enter every main map and dream, and collect basic description and population information.
  • Bots are AIDA's primary fire wall. They are one of the three main types of enemies.
  • Bot és una localitat i municipi de la comarca de la Terra Alta de 34,90 quilòmetres quadrats i més de 600 habitants (698 l'any 2009).
  • __TDC__
  • Una squadra BOT è una squadra gestita dal computer. Puoi identificare facilmente una squadra BOT: ti basterà andare sulla pagina dei dettagli del team e guardare le informazioni sull'allenatore (nella sezione Posizione). Se troverai "sconosciuto", allora vorrà dire che avrai a che fare con una squadra BOT. In caso contrario troverai il nome dell'allenatore umano.
  • The term Bot in League of Legends refers to computer controlled opponent (AI - Artificial Intelligence) available in custom games and Co-op vs. AI matches. Bots can have either "beginner" or "intermediate" AI. On January 24, 2012, it was announced that the bot system would be expanded with more bots, better intelligence and availability on the Crystal Scar. On February 1, 2012, the system was released. On April 15, 2014, an update to the bot AI was released, primarily improving threat evaluation and the ability to dodge skillshots, as well as updating the item builds used.
  • right|300px Ein Bot (auch Makro oder Script genannt) ist meist eine Fremdsoftware die automatisierte Vorgänge ausführt. Es gibt unterschiedlichste Arten von Bots, sehr Simple, aber auch komplexe. Laut den Runescape-Regeln ist das verwenden dieser Bots verboten und führt zu einer dauerhaften Sperrung des Accounts. Jagex setzt auch meist die Fertigkeiten von Bot-Accounts vor der Sperrung zurück. Bots werden seit der Abschaffung des Handelslimit vorwiegend von RWT-Seiten benutzt.
  • A bot (short for robot) is a program used to do repetitive tasks.
  • This badge is displayed on non-player characters (NPCs) in both public and private rooms. There is no title or description when you hover your mouse over the badge ingame.
  • Bot is a robot that cleans the lab with his vaccum cleaner and control arm. He has a red screen that spots trash all over the lab.
  • El BOT es una opción en el Modo Multijugador de Metroid Prime Hunters. Consiste en agregar un personaje controlado por la consola al juego sin necesidad de otros jugadores.
  • Gaiapedia does NOT condone any use of such information to gain Gaia Gold and Gaia Items. <default></default> Bot
  • Bots are the "non-player characters" (NPCs) of Habbo. Some bots are created by Habbo administrates for official events and rooms. Some bots can even hold a conversation with you or give you Hand items by saying specific 'keywords'. Others may be purchased by players in the catalog with similar features as "Official" bots. All bots are distinguished, from regular players, with a special badge: File:Bot Badge.png. * Bot (Official) - Bots created by Habbo staff. * Bot (Shop) - Purchasable bots for all players.
  • leftEen Bot (staat ook bekend als Macro) is een automatisch programma dat bedoelt is om zover mogelijk te trainen of geld te winnen met je character, door zoweinig mogelijk moeite te doen. Bots zijn tegen de regels en mag NIET gebruikt worden. Deze term staat bekend als macroing. Voor deze overtreding wordt je account onmiddelijk verwijderd, bij meerdere overtredingen, wordt zelfs je IP geband. Bots zijn vaak herkenbaar aan een vaste kenmerk van kledij en laag level.
  • Bot is Milli and Geo's robot friend. He can show you anything on his belly belly belly screen, Bot bot botamat and fly.
  • Bots are AI-controlled non-player characters that can assist or oppose the player in a match. Their skill level is based on their difficulty setting, but they remain in the "Rookie" rank. A player can play a game with just bots, or bots can fill in spots of dropped players in online matchmaking (this excludes competitive matchmaking).
  • ボットと読む。ロボットの略。 様々な目的のために自動操縦機能で操られるアバターの総称。古くは libsecondlife、現在ではクライアントソフトウェアのソースが公開されているために幾つかの方法で実現可能。有名なところでは Copy-bot、Land-bot、Camp-botなど。原理的には人が操作するのと同じ動作をさせることが可能。あなたが友達だと思っているあの人も実はボットかもしれません……
  • A bot (short for robot) is a computer program that can run another program or application. There are several known bots for FarmVille, each of which are slightly different. When installed and running, a FarmVille bot will complete tasks for farmers, without the player having to do any work themselves. Not only are bots against the rules of FarmVille, but they could also endanger a player's computer security, as some 'bots' are simply disguised viruses or trojans.
  • En bot, er en av de strengeste straffene på Galtvort Høyere skole for Hekseri og Trolldom. Som en del av huspoengsystemet, brukes den til å straffe skolen's elever hvis de bryter en eller flere av skolen's regler. En bot rammer ett helt hus fordi den trekkes fra huspoengene til det aktuelle huset. En bot kan tildeles av en hver autorisert person på skolen, herunder prefekter, topptillitsmenn- og kvinner, lærerne, og rektoren på skolen. Hvor stor boten er avhenger av hvor alvorlig regelbruddet var da boten ble tildelt, og en poengsum tilsvarende boten trekkes deretter fra eleven's hus totale poengsum. På grunn av sin stilling, tildeles samtlige prefekter full immunitet mot å få bøter, bortsett fra de mest alvorlige regelbruddene.
  • BOT Programa ke realiza funzioneh ke de otra manera habría ke hazé de manuarmente. Probiene de la palabra "Robot", i er mehó ehemplo eh er GoogleBot, ke bizita miyoneh de pahinah de internet diariamente pa berifiká zi ze han ahtualizáo, pa automátikamente indekzarlah en la baze de datoh der buhkaó.
  • I bot sono l'ultima, terrificante creazione di Skynet per distruggere completamente le vite degli esseri umani, insidiandosi in tutti gli aspetti della vita informatica quotidiana, dalla ricerca di video porno alle ricette online di Suor Germana. Si tratta di programmi che automatizzano alcune operazioni troppo complesse o ripetitive anche per una scimmia addestrata dalla NASA.
  • A Bot is a computer-controlled character. OpenArena 0.8.8 restored compatibility with third-party bots designed for Quake 3. Up to OpenArena 0.8.5, bot files desigend for Q3A were not compatible with OA (you may find many errors in console and strange behaviors like them use only the machinegun). If you want to use such bots with OA 0.8.5, you can apply a patch that restores almost complete compatibility (only few "chat" lines still have problems): please see FAQ#How can I use maps, models, mods made for Quake 3 Arena?, in particular FAQ#Models and bots designed for Quake 3. OpenArena 0.8.8 already includes that patch, so you don't have to manually install it.
  • Als Bots bezeichnet man illegale Spielhelferprogramme, die dazu eingesetzt werden, Spielern Vorteile zu machen, indem sie lange auf dem Account botten. Dabei verschafft sich der Spieler illegale Vorteile. Laut AGB von Bigpoint ist das strengstens verboten und wird mit dem Staging-System oder entgültigem Bann bestraft. Dabei erhält der Bot die volle Kontrolle über den Account mit dem Ziel, möglichst viele Bonusboxen zu sammeln und NPCs abzuschießen. Dabei verrät der User die Zugangsdaten, weshalb ein Bot niemals sicher ist. Die Spieler, die einen Bot benutzen, bezeichnet man als Botuser und unter Spielern als Botter.
  • One thing cybran players like to utilize is the mantis spam. This is different than t1 tank spam because mantis, as an assault bot, is cheaper and builds faster, but does less damage and is weaker. Mantis spams are preferred by players because of the cheapness and speed of which they can be produced. When paired with a mole, they can make excellent mex killers. One other advantage is their speed. It is slightly faster than other tanks making flanking and getting behind tanks and bases easier. However, late game they are even more useless than t1 tanks due to their lower health and damage. late game, It doesn't matter how many mantis you have. The spam just can't compete with t3 and experimental.
  • A bot a legegyszerűbb, de nem biztos, hogy a legveszélytelenebb fegyver. Egy bot beszerzése igen egyszerű: erdőben vagy bozótos területen kell kiadnod a KT 4 parancsot 8 pontért. A bot nemcsak egy d6 sebzésű ütőfegyver, hanem kiváló alapanyag lehet később jobb fegyverek készítéséhez.
  • Chercher "bot" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
  • A Bot (or macro) is a program designed to play a game automatically. They are often used in one of two ways: training skills or collecting items. Although it is against Rule 7 to use a macro and doing so could lead to a ban, some players choose to download and use a macro to train skills while they are not online. Often, macro writers rent out their bots to players for a fee which also constitutes Real World Trading.
  • A bot is essentially any device designed to provide a service to humans; a device which is locomotive and contains enough programming to understand and process commands. They seem to have become more common since The Longest Journey, where an automated roadblock was about the closest thing to a bot that April encountered. Bots are prevalent in Dreamfall, with several companies like WATI and Asad Robotics involved in manufacturing them.
  • A bot is an electro-mechanical machine which is guided by electronic programming, and is thus able to do tasks on its own. Bots were a rare technology in 2027, only a handful and only security models existed, used by powerful military organizations. Unlike the more advanced models, bots in 2027 have a limited understanding and appear only if a security alert is tripped. By 2052 after the rarity, social disapproving and all the rules specifically created for mechanically augmented individuals, bots were an attractive alternative and became widespread and commercially available as replacements for human employees in several positions throughout the world.
  • Le Bot (ボト Boto) est un ennemi de The Adventure of Link. leftComme le Bit, le Bot se dirige vers Link pour entrer en contact avec lui afin de l'attaquer. Contrairement aux Bits, les Bots ont également la possibilité de sauter. Ils ont l'habitude de sauter sur Link, ce qui peut les rendre dangereux dans certaines situations. Bien que faibles, ils se trouvent un peu partout et peuvent souvent tomber dans la lave ou de l'eau. Lorsque Link en tue six d'affilés, ils laissent généralement des pots de magie. L'utilisation d'un sort magique transforme n'importe quel ennemi ordinaire en Bot.
  • Le mot Bot dans League of Legends est utilisé pour parler des champions contrôlés par l'ordinateur (IA - intelligence artificielle) disponibles dans les parties personnalisées et Coop vs IA. Les bots ont deux niveaux de difficulté : débutant et intermédiaire. Les Bots sont également disponibles dans le mode Intro, qui permet de bien débuter lorsqu'on démarre League of Legend. Ils arrivent une fois le niveau 4 des joueurs.
  • Le mot Bot dans League of Legends est utilisé pour parler des champions contrôlés par l'ordinateur (IA - intelligence artificielle) disponibles dans les parties personnalisées et Coop vs IA. Les bots ont deux niveaux de difficulté : débutant et intermédiaire. Les Bots sont également disponibles dans le mode Intro, qui permet de bien débuter lorsqu'on démarre League of Legend. Ils arrivent une fois le niveau 4 des joueurs.
  • There are several minute variations of Bots. Aside from the standard ones found outdoors and in caves, there are Bots that reside in palaces. These Bots have slightly greater defense and slightly more attacking power than outdoor Bots. There is a third type as well; in some palaces, there are Bot Pillars. Shining blue drops of liquid sometimes fall from these and transform into Bots. These Bots can only jump towards Link. A friendly Bot can be found in the Water Town of Saria. He does not attack Link and apparently considers Bagu to be his master.
  • Los Bots son enemigos de Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. Son masas gelatinosas de color azul. Se encuentran a lo largo de todo Hyrule. Son muy similares a los Bits. left|13px Hay muchas variaciones de los Bots. Aparte de los que se encuentran al aire libre y en las cuevas, están los que se encuentran en los palacios, de un color azul, y mucho más resistentes y fuertes. left|48pxTambién existirá un Bot de color morado en el Pueblo de Ruto, ubicado dentro de una casa, durmiendo. Si Link insiste mucho en hablar con él, este al final le dirá la situación de su amo, Bagu.
  • Bot – inaczej sztuczna inteligencja, udaje człowieka siedzącego przed komputerem, oraz wykonującego dziwne czynności, których ludzie po prostu nie potrafią. Bot oznacza także osobę o IQ zbliżonym do IQ dziecka neo, boty zaskakują swoją inteligencją osoby wtajemniczone w informatykę, te osoby właśnie mają coraz większy problem z odróżnieniem czy dana wiadomość napisana została przez bota czy bota.
  • The concept of a NetHack bot, meaning a computer program which plays NetHack without human intervention, is often brought up in RGRN. Most conversations conclude that a bot is in theory possible, but tremendously difficult. There exists a simple perl script which is used by pudding farmers to automate the process of offering, praying, and clearing messages. A true bot with an internal model of the game, capable of making reasoned decisions about game events, and ultimately capable of ascending, remains elusive. Heres something worth looking at:
  • A bot (short for robot) is: 1. * "a computing system tasked with performing a specific Internet function in an automated fashion. 2. * "an individual computer infected with malicious code that participates in a botnet and carries out the commands of the botnet controller." 3. * "a generic term for a program that performs any function automatically." 4. * "programs that are covertly installed on a targeted system allowing an unauthorized user to remotely control the compromised computer for a variety of malicious purposes." 5. * a program that is installed on a system in order to enable that system to automatically (or semi-automatically) perform a task or set of tasks typically under the command and control of a remote administrator (often referred to as a "bot maste
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