| - Noa Briqualon was a Human male trader and mid-level scout who, after crashing his star cruiser on Endor, spent decades living as a hermit on the surface of the forested moon. The shipwreck occurred around the year 26 BBY, when Briqualon and his friend Salak Weet set out to chart the Moddell sector. When Weet left their crash site in search of a replacement for the ship's broken crystal oscillator, he was killed by a band of stranded Sanyassan Marauders; left to his own devices, Briqualon made a home for himself inside of a hollowed-out tree. With a furry Teek named Teek as his only companion, he spent years repairing the crashed cruiser, which remained grounded without a functioning oscillator.
| - Noa Briqualon was a Human male trader and mid-level scout who, after crashing his star cruiser on Endor, spent decades living as a hermit on the surface of the forested moon. The shipwreck occurred around the year 26 BBY, when Briqualon and his friend Salak Weet set out to chart the Moddell sector. When Weet left their crash site in search of a replacement for the ship's broken crystal oscillator, he was killed by a band of stranded Sanyassan Marauders; left to his own devices, Briqualon made a home for himself inside of a hollowed-out tree. With a furry Teek named Teek as his only companion, he spent years repairing the crashed cruiser, which remained grounded without a functioning oscillator. In 3 ABY, Teek found the orphaned Human girl Cindel Towani and her Ewok friend Wicket Wystri Warrick, and welcomed them into Briqualon's home. The scout gruffly sent them away, but as the two children had no place to go, Briqualon reluctantly allowed them to sleep on his floor. He initially claimed that the invitation was for a single night, but on their third day with him, they followed him to the site of his star cruiser and prompted him to share his entire story. Briqualon grew protective of Towani and bonded with her in an almost grandfatherly way, and when she was kidnapped by the Sanyassan Marauders and taken to their castle stronghold the next morning, he immediately set out to rescue her. Briqualon, Warrick, and Teek infiltrated the castle and rescued both Towani and a group of her Ewok friends. They also retrieved the crystal oscillator from Towani's own star cruiser, which the Marauders had stolen after killing the girl's family. Returning to the site of his crashed ship, Briqualon used the oscillator to power up the cruiser while the Ewoks held off the pursuing Marauders. He was forced to duel the sword-wielding Marauder King Terak with only a walking stick, but the fight ended when Terak was burned to death by the power of a magic ring he wore around his neck. With the star cruiser finally operational, Briqualon and Towani left Endor, and the old scout eventually retired in the galaxy's Mid Rim.