| - John Wick is an American action thriller starring Keanu Reeves, Bridget Moynahan and Willem Dafoe, written by Derek Kolstad, and directed by David Leitch and Chad Stahelski. It is currently scheduled for release in the United States on October 24, 2014.
- John Wick is a United States Marine Corps Captain Strongman, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Japanese Jiu Jitsu and Judo Blackbelt, hitman and the best in Manhatten and when his family was attacked by his former employer, he has to get back in the game.
- John Wick, berühmt-berüchtigt als bester Hitman der Branche, ist nach seinem letzten Auftrag endgültig aus dem Geschäft ausgestiegen. Doch die Ruhe währt nicht lange. Nach einem Überfall auf sein Haus sieht er sich seinem ehemaligen Boss gegenüber: Viggo Tarasof, Anführer des gefährlichsten Gangstersyndikats von New York. Um seine Vergangenheit für immer loszuwerden, rüstet er sich für den ultimativen Rache-Feldzug. Doch längst hat Viggo die besten Killer der Stadt auf John angesetzt. Darunter auch Johns alten Freund Marcus.
- John Wick is an multi-award winning RPG designer form Los Angeles, California. He has worked extensivly for Alderac Entertainment Group on their Legend of the Five Rings and 7th Sea lines, and now self-publishes through his own company, the Wicked Dead Brewing Company. John's first work for Paizo can be found in Guide to the River Kingdoms.
- In 1995, John Wick was a freelance writer living in Southern California. He had submitted articles to Shadis Magazine, Alderac Entertainment Group's independent game magazine, attracting the attention of the magazine's assistant editor, D.J. Trindle. He was brought on as a staff writer at D.J.'s request. Soon thereafter, he got involved with the production and design of the Legend of the Five Rings Collectible Card Game. He worked with Matthew D. Wilson, the game's art director and David Williams, the game's lead designer. He served as "Continuity Editor", which meant that he was responsible for the game's characters and plot details.