| - For more information about the historical figure Ramses, see Wikipedia.
- In the original Golden Sun, Ramses is summoned using two Djinn and as a base Venus power of 60 and also does additional damage equivalent to 6% of the enemy’s maximum HP. It is the exact equivalent of using two Venus Djinn at once. In Golden Sun: The Lost Age, Ramses is the exact same as the first game, but has a different background when summoned. He returned in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn.
- Ramses II. ist ein großer ägyptischer Pharao, der in der Antike mehr als sechzig Jahre über sein Reich herrscht. 2268 stellt Commander Spock Ramses mit Alexander dem Großen, Julius Cäsar, Napoleon, Adolf Hitler und Lee Kuan auf eine Stufe, um dadurch verständlich zu machen, das die Menschheitsgeschichte voll ist mit Personen, die nach absoluter Macht streben. (TOS: ) Spock macht hier nicht eindeutig klar, welchen Pharao Ramses er meint, es ist jedoch relativ wahrscheinlich, dass er sich auf den bekanntesten und am längsten herrschenden, eben Ramses II., bezieht.
- An A.I. specialized in studying an ancient sentient lifeform known as the Noki. Ramses' avatar is a Dodo Bird with a wooden cane. He was developed by Dr. Ali a human scientist of Arabian descent. Ramses was given to the Sovari Federation by the G.D. so they would release the blockade over Bounty.
- Ramses kam mit der zweiten Nomadenaktion im Oktober 2011, welche im Thema einer Weltreise stand. Man kann sein Fell durch den Nomadengeist der Geschichte bekommen.
- Ramses erscheint und schlägt mit seinen Fäusten auf den Boden, wodurch Felsbrocken auf die Gegner fallen. Zu guter Letzt schießt er seine Fäuste auf den Gegner.
- Als Sohn von Sitalia und Innos ist Ramses auch von ihnen zum Obersten Richter über die Sterblichen und die Götter ernannt worden. Zusammen mit einem Rat, Rat der Gerechtigkeit, welcher aus sieben Mitgliedern besteht, fällt er Urteile die kein anderer anzuzweifeln hat. Ramses zählt als sehr gerecht, streng und, da er unter dem Schutz zweier mächtiger Götter steht, auch als sehr einflussreich und mächtig.
- Ramses was a being that worked and traveled with Roberta Lincoln. Like Isis, he appeared most of the time as a domestic cat, but he was actually a shapeshifter also capable of assuming humanoid form. In the mid-1990s, after defeating Khan Noonien Singh, Lincoln was promoted to Supervisor upon the retirement of Gary Seven. As Isis was killed by Khan's aide Joaquin Weiss, Ramses was sent to Earth as a replacement. (TOS novel: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 2)
- Ramses was an Ancient Egyptain Pharaoh and the son of Seti I. He was also the brother of Nefertiri.
- Rameses II (c.1303 BC-1213 BC) is the main antagonist (formerly a supporting protagonist) of the 1998 film, The Prince of Egypt, the secondary villains being Hotep & Huy and his father Pharaoh Seti I. He is based on the Pharaoh from the Biblical tale of Moses; indeed, the movie, for the most part, follows the story faithfully. However, in The Prince of Egypt, he and Moses were raised as brothers and the conflict between them is seen as a deeply personal one on both sides.
- Ramses is a wandering horse that went from player to player offering a gift. Challenge: Log on to Howrse every day for 10 days Prize: 20 Aging points
- Ramses II was a great Egyptian pharaoh who lived during Earth's early history. Ramses was known for having ruled his empire for over sixty years. In 2268, Spock gave his name along with those of Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Napoléon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler, and Lee Kuan as examples to show that Earth history was full of men seeking absolute power. (TOS: "Patterns of Force" )
- Ramses is the Dragon King of Dragon's Peak in the console versions of the Skylanders series. He is the brother of Vathek, an evil Undead dragon.
- Ramses was leading a expedition to engage invaders of Canaan. He had accepted a knowledgeable foreigner named Mek-andrus into his royal entourage. He designated the Brigade of Seth led by Djehuty as the lead element. While the Brigade of Seth was engaged, The Nantucket Coast Guard attacked Egypt, cutting off the retreat of the Egyptian Host.
- Image:SummonIconRamses.gif Ramses is a Summon sequence of the Venus element. When two Djinn of the Venus Element are on standby, the Ramses Summon sequence can be activated. It resembles an animated monument styled as an Egyptain pharoah raining down boulders onto the enemy and then launching its right fist into them in an explosion. The desert background seen in the Ramses summon sequence is unused anywhere else in the original Golden Sun. In The Lost Age, however, it is also used in overworld battles in the desert area in the northern part of the continent Hesperia.
- Ramses is a man who appeared in Saviors (episode). He was a member of a militant faction of the Shilluk tribe in South Sudan led by General Ajak Gadet. After Gadet was severely injured in combat with the Tunjur tribe, a rival ethnic group, Ramses and several Shilluk soldiers raided a makeshift hospital, ruthlessly slaughtering all but two surgeons and a young woman inside. He and his men then abducted the two surviving surgeons, Dr. David Woods and Navy Ensign Joni Ryan in an attempt to force them to fix Gadet. For days, however, they had minimum success, especially when they didn't have any surgical tools, with Ramses eventually threatening to kill Woods if he doesn't fix him. However, he then was distracted by one of the trucks blowing up (caused by NCIS Special Agent Stanley Burley shoo