| - Dominik Hašek (* 29. Jänner 1965) ist ein mittlerweile nicht mehr aktiver tschechischer Torhüter.
- Dominik Hašek (pronounced [ˈdomɪnɪk ˈɦaʃɛk] in Czech; born January 29, 1965) is a Czech retired ice hockey goaltender. In his 18-season NHL career, he played for the Chicago Blackhawks, Buffalo Sabres, Detroit Red Wings, and the Ottawa Senators. During his years in Buffalo, he became one of the league's finest goaltenders, earning him the nickname "The Dominator." His strong play has been credited with establishing European goaltenders in a league widely dominated by North Americans.
- Dominik Hašek je synem venkovského mocnáře Kulkina. Již v útlém dětství si Kulkin všiml, že má Dominik skvělý postřeh. Využil tohoto synova nadání ku svému prospěchu, nutil ho chytat drobáky, které pohazoval šerif Střapáč pokaždé, když se opil u Buříčků. Počet mincí, kolik byl Dominik schopen zachytit se rychle vynásobil a po jisté době si dokonce osvojil zvyk ponechávat si 95% mincí pro sebe a Kulkinovi odevzdával vždy jen 1 kopějku. Mezi dětmi ve vesnici si tak Dominik vysloužil přezdívku držkopějka, ohnekost a lapiduch. Byl natolik populární, že se stával hlavním aktérem mnoha společných her, jakou je třeba Tref držkopějku kamenem.
- Dominik Hašek (Czech pronunciation: [ˈdomɪnɪk ˈɦaʃɛk], born January 29, 1965) is a retired Czech ice hockey goaltender. In his 16-season National Hockey League (NHL) career, he played for the Chicago Blackhawks, Buffalo Sabres, Detroit Red Wings, and the Ottawa Senators. During his years in Buffalo, he became one of the league's finest goaltenders, earning him the nickname "The Dominator". His strong play has been credited with establishing European goaltenders in a league widely dominated by North Americans.