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  • Pidge: Oh, no! Hunk: Please tell me there's not a giant monster in there. Please tell me it's empty! Or full of space candy. One of those two. Either one is fine. Lance: I don't think it's a piñata, Hunk. Keith: If it's the same kind of the monster that attacked us on Arus, we already know how to beat it. Shiro: Hold your ground! (pod crashes open) (Robeast charging) Hunk: It's not candy! Lance: And it's not the same monster! Shiro: We need to draw its fire away from the Balmera's surface! (all groan) Lance: We can't hold out! Keith: Pidge is right! Keith: Lance, watch your footing! (Voltron crashes)
  • Pidge: Oh, no! Hunk: Please tell me there's not a giant monster in there. Please tell me it's empty! Or full of space candy. One of those two. Either one is fine. Lance: I don't think it's a piñata, Hunk. Keith: If it's the same kind of the monster that attacked us on Arus, we already know how to beat it. Shiro: Hold your ground! (pod crashes open) (Robeast charging) Hunk: It's not candy! Lance: And it's not the same monster! Shiro: We need to draw its fire away from the Balmera's surface! (all groan) Lance: We can't hold out! Pidge: My lion’s weakening! If the shield sustains structural damage, we're done for! Keith: Pidge is right! Lance: Oh, Pidge is right. I'm the one that said, "We can't hold out!" Keith: Lance, watch your footing! (Voltron crashes) (all groan) Shiro: Okay, Team Voltron, disband! Everyone, evasive maneuvers! It can't shoot us all at once! Okay, it can do that too. (Allura and Coran groaning) (alarm blaring) Allura: Where does Zarkon get these beasts from? And how do they keep finding us? Coran: Princess, the particle barrier won't sustain much longer. It's still not at full strength after the blast from the Galra ship. Shiro: Keith, try to draw its fire! I'm coming in from above! Keith: Roger! Lance: We need to find its blind spot! Pidge: I don't think this thing has a blind spot. It has a thousand eyes. Hunk: Laser eyes. Laser eyes! (screams) Pidge: What do we do? Fighting this thing is like fighting an entire fleet at once! Keith: I think we've got to aim for those laser eyes and take them out. Allura: We'll cover you from up here! (alarms beeping wildly) Coran: We've lost the spectral generator! Going to reserve! There's a fire in VIN bay three! Suppressors on! Suppressors out! Princess, the ship is being torn apart! Allura: We're taking heavy fire up here! We're in trouble! Shiro: Princess, pull back! Get out of its range, now! Allura: We will not abandon you! Shiro: You're not abandoning us. We're about to pull back anyway. Hunk: We are? Shiro: We can't hold out. We have to. Lions, to the mine shafts! It's the only place the monster can't get us. Pidge: Roger that! Allura: Heading into orbit! Rax: What is happening? Keith: There's a monster up there that Zarkon sent to destroy us. Shay: A monster? Will Zarkon's savagery never abate? Perhaps our people were never meant to be free. Hunk: Shay, don't give up. Zarkon's power grows with every planet he conquers, but he's weakened by every being that fights back. Shay: Fight back against a monster like that? How? Hunk: I don't know, but we can beat it. Tell her, Keith. Keith: Can we? Shiro: Yes, we can! This is our first mission and we're not going to fail. We can beat it. We just need some time to come up with a plan. Hunk: See? Told you we can. Thanks, Shiro. (all gasp) (Balmera moaning) Hunk: Did you guys feel that over there? Lance: Yeah, we feel it. Pidge: It's that sound again. What is that? (Balmera moaning) Rax: That great noise comes from the Balmera itself. Our home crumbles beneath our feet. The Balmera is dying. Shiro: (over comm) Coran, Allura, are you there? Allura: Shiro, we're here. Shiro: (over comm) The Balmera - Coran: We already know. Our scanners are showing the life energy draining from the Balmera. Pidge: How does that happen? Coran: (over comm) Removing crystals from a Balmera is like removing a vital part of the mighty beast. The Balmera needs time to regenerate itself to stay healthy, but the Galra's greed may have cost this noble Balmera its life. Hunk: So, what's going to happen? Coran: (over comm) Its core will collapse, destabilizing the entire skeletal structure. Anything or anyone remaining on the Balmera at that point will be crushed into dust. Shiro: How long before its core collapses? Coran: (over comm) Probably a matter of hours. The mighty organism willingly gives itself to all, but not all return its kindness. Allura: Then our time is short. We'll evacuate the planet. We need to get all the Balmerans to the Castle of Lions before the planet implodes. Hunk: (over comm) Okay, that sounds like a good plan, but how on earth do you plan on landing the Castle with that monster-thingy on the surface? Pidge: (over comm) You'll need a distraction. Shiro: (over comm) We'll engage the beast in our lions. With it distracted, Allura and Coran will land the Castle and load all of its citizens. Lance: (over comm) Or we could load Balmerans into our lions a few at a time and shuttle them to the ship. Y’know, no engaging ferocious laser-eye guy. How long would that take? Coran: Days? Weeks? Keith: We only have hours. Shiro: Look, we don't need to beat this thing. We just need to bait it away from the ship. Provoke and evade. Hunk: Okay, here's the thing. I'm worried that we're going to be really, really good at the provoking part, and then like really bad at the evading part. But if-if this is what it takes to save Shay and everyone on the planet, then I'm in. Keith: Can you contact the other Balmerans? Shay: I can, but I know not what they'll say. Leave the planet? Our home? Allura: (over comm) It's the only option. I'm coming down. Coran: Princess, no! It's too dangerous! Allura: Someone has to be there to lead these people out. Pidge: You're coming down? That thing will spot your pod and blow it to pieces. Allura: Let me worry about that. You just focus on keeping the creature distracted. (Robeast groans) Hunk: Okay, we've provoked. Time to evade! (Robeast roars) Shiro: (over comm) Princess, we've lured the monster away. It's time. Allura: I'll contact you all when I'm on the ground. Coran: (over loudspeakers) Be careful out there. Lance: Is that Allura? Hunk: We've got to protect the Princess! (groans) Allura: I'm on the ground. Shiro: Hurry! I don't know how long we can hold this thing off. Allura: Shay, I'm going to need your help. Shay: Princess? Allura: Have you contacted the other Balmerans? What is it? What's going on? Shay: All Balmerans give thanks for the kindness you and the paladins bestowed upon us, but, alas, we cannot take leave of our home. Allura: What? Shay: If our great Balmera's life cycle is over because of us, then our desire is to stay with it until the end. Allura: But you'll never survive. Rax: We contacted the others, and all agree. It's not right that you risk your lives for us. Please, away. We ask for no more guilt and shame upon us. Shay: It is our wish. The wish of all Balmerans. Allura: ...No. I won't give up on you. I won't give up on any of you, no matter the circumstances. Shay: But we do not ask this of you. Please! Allura: I have heard your words. Now, let me speak mine. I want to talk to the Balmerans. Can you get a message to them from me? Balmeran Grandmother: There is no need to speak for you. You have a unique power within. The Balmera will carry your words. (Allura gasps) Balmeran Grandmother: Speak your heart, child. All can hear you. Allura: Balmerans, this is Princess Allura. You don't know me, but I am here to help. I know what it's like to watch your home planet die. For I come from planet Altea, a planet that has long been destroyed by the Galra. But I refused to give up. And now, you all have the same choice. You can decide now to devote your lives to making sure this never happens to another planet. I am eternally sorry for what has happened to the Balmera, but I beg you, do not let its dying be in vain. Honor the Balmera's death by refusing to give up. Join me in my fight against the Galra. Balmeran Grandmother: Your words have touched our hearts. Allura: Thank you. Balmeran Grandmother: No, thank you. You've given us reason to hope again. Allura: Everyone, head to the caves just under the surface. Coran: Princess, your speech must have worked. The Balmerans are moving toward the surface! (all panting) Allura: Coran, we're just beneath the surface. Triangulate my position. This is your landing zone. (all groan) Coran: Yes, Allura. Readying ship. Castle of Lions, coming in! Paladins, how are you holding up? Keith: I think we've got him pretty distracted. Are the Balmerans in position? Allura: They're making their way to the top. (Balmerans panting) Coran: Bring them out! Hurry, now! (rumbling) (Balmera moaning) (Balmerans screaming) Allura: No! (Balmerans screaming) Coran: It's on the verge of collapsing! We have to go! Allura: But the Balmerans! Rax: They're trapped! What can be done? Time is short! (rumbling) Hunk: Every hit weakens the Balmera. Have you evacuated yet? What's happening? Coran: The Balmerans are trapped. Just keep distracting that beast! Hunk: Uh, do you want us to distract it by dying? Because that's what's going to happen! Shiro: Guys, remember when I said we didn't have to beat it? Hunk: Yes, I remember that. Shiro: Well we might have to beat it. Shay: We're lost! All are trapped with no chance for escape! Allura: We can't give up. Shay: But what can be done? The Balmera! The ground beneath your mighty ship appears healed. Its essence thrives. But how? Allura: The Castle! Balmeran Grandmother: Not just the Castle, but you, as well. Coran: It's true. Your Altean energy combined with the ship's crystal has revitalized this part of the Balmera. Allura: That's it! Maybe we can perform the ceremony you spoke about. We can save the Balmera. Rax: What ceremony? Coran: In the days of old, when Alteans were given the gift of crystals from a Balmera, we would repay its sacrifice by performing a ceremony. A sacred Altean would re-infuse the Balmera with quintessence. In this way, we had a symbiotic relationship. Allura: The Galra have only been taking. It's time we give back. I can connect with the crystal in the bridge and use the Castle's power as an amplifier. Coran: When your father performed the ceremony, it was on a much smaller scale. I beg you. To heal an entire planet, it could take more energy than you possess. You may not live through it. Allura: I know you're scared for me, Coran, but I must try. (Coran gasps) Keith: Guys, this isn't working. We'll never take this beast down in our lions. Pidge: Well, forming Voltron didn't work, either. Lance: Not without some way to shoot all those laser eyes at once. Hunk: That's weird. What are you trying to tell me? Guys! Guys, something's happening here! I-I think there's a way to take down all those laser eyes at once. Pidge: Well, what is it? Hunk: Do you remember how Voltron formed that sword with Keith's bayard? I think my lion's telling me I can do the same thing with my bayard. Keith: Are you sure? Hunk: Let's find out. Form thingy! It didn't work! Shiro: Because we didn't form Voltron yet. Hunk: Oh, right. Yeah, I know. Pidge: Guys, whatever we're planning, let's hurry up and do it. (Robeast growls) Shiro: We've got to defend the Castle! Everyone, follow me. Form Voltron! (Hunk grunting) (Keith and Pidge grunting) (Lance grunting) Shiro: It's not enough! Hunk: We'll have to try something else! (Coran groans) (Yellow Lion beeping) Hunk: Are you guys seeing this? Keith: Roger that. Shiro: Let's see what this thing can do. Engage! Guys, look! (Robeast snarls) (Keith grunts) (Robeast powering down) (Allura sighs, groans) Shay: Princess, are you all right? Allura: (groaning) Did it work? Rax: Yes. The Balmera lives. It thanks you. (paladins panting) (all gasp) Allura: No! (Robeast snarling) Hunk: No way. Coran: The Balmera just saved us. Allura: Look at the crystals! Hunk: Oh, who's a good Balmera? You are. Who ate the big monster? You did. Yes, you did. Yes, you did. Keith: Dude, what are you doing? Hunk: What? It's alive, and it wuvs my scwatches. (chuckles) Shay: Thank you for honoring your vow to return. Hunk: I should be thanking you. You made me understand what's most important. Zarkon and his Galra Empire are destroying lives. I'm a part of a team that can change that. I know that, now. Shay: What is that? Hunk: It's the dawn of a new day.
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