| - Jarael (nacida como Edessa) fue una mujer Arkaniana no pura que acompañó a Zayne Carrick y a su pandilla durante sus viajes en las Guerras Mandalorianas.
- Little is known about this Arkanian offshoot, except that her birth name was Edessa, given to her by parents she does not remember. Her pointed ears, a feature unseen in other Arkanians, are often brought to attention. Jarael, throughout the series, proves herself to be a master of disguise—so far, she has disguised herself as the Sith Lord from the Jedi Masters' vision, as Q'Anilia, as "Baron Hyro Margryph"'s aide Chantique and as a pure Arkanian. Sometimes, however, the disguises have resulted in her being captured. She has a love-hate relationship with Zayne, moving towards the "love" end of the spectrum in Days/Knights, and a few other characters, such as Rohlan Dyre, Alek Squinquargesimus and Arkoh Adasca, also seem to be at least somewhat romantically interested in her.
- Jarael (born Edessa) is a female Arkanian Offshoot. She is hot-tempered with eyes and hands like Humans and pointed ears, bearing tattoos that is known as the Flames of the Crucible bearing the name "Jarael" in the ancient language of the Crucible meaning "protector." She is a fierce fighter who demonstrated an extreme loyalty to Camper and her other allies; normally armed with a shockstaff, she was a tough opponent when fending off enemies, whether they be bounty hunters, Mandalorians or Jedi Masters.
- Her early life was spent working for "The Crucible," a slaver organization, under the stern and kinky supervision of Zeltron trainer Chantique. Jarael captured slaves by smothering them with her breasts. (Most of the slaves went quite willingly after that.) She eventually escaped and fled to Taris, where she met up with Zayne Carrick and Marn Hierogryph and became their traveling companion, bodyguard, and eye candy. Zayne became quite adept at coming up with excuses to kiss her, ostensibly as part of some complicated con scheme.
- Before taking the name Jarael, Edessa was a slave, then slaver after besting the Zeltron Chantique, of the Crucible where she attempted to help the slaves survive and succeed in their training to prevent them from being sent off to far worse conditions. A former scientist of The Adasca BioMechanical Corporation of Arkania, named Gorman Vandrayk or "Camper," assisted in her escape from the Crucible for which she dedicated her life to protecting him for.
- thumb|306px|Jarael und Alek trainierenJarael, geboren als Edessa, war eine machtsensitive freie Widerstandskämpferin und Gesetzlose, die zur Zeit der Mandalorianischen Kriege lebte. Sie wurde im Zuge eines Forschungsprojekts der Mandalorianer unter Aufsicht Antos Wyricks von Abkömmlingen der arkanianischen Spezies gezeugt, jedoch mit den Genen des Jedi-Meisters Arca Jeth im Mutterleib herangezüchtet. Bereits in ihrer frühen Kindheit geriet sie jedoch zunächst in die Sklaverei, wobei sie ihre Ausbilderin herausforderte und ersetzte, wodurch sie, zum Schutz der anderen Sklaven, selbst zu einem Mitglied der Feuertaufe wurde. In ihrer Resignation aufgrund des für sie völlig inakzeptablen Lebensstils geriet sie an Gorman Vandrayk alias Camper, mit dem ihr die Flucht aus ihrem bisherigen Leben g