  • Danger In The Uzumaki Name!
  • Its was a little past noon when Randy would leave Sunagakure, to return home from completing the errand run his father sent him on. "Uhhhh. Where the hell is that bastard when you need him." Randy groaned to himself. Randy was sent on the errand run alone because his father trusted him to safety deliver it to there Allied Nation. Little did everyone know that someone would want to assassinate the Hokage's son. "Duhhh! You can clearly see my Byakugan, right? Do you even know who I am? Randy said insulting Seitoshi's intelligence. "Whether you do or don't you will learn soon enough."
  • Its was a little past noon when Randy would leave Sunagakure, to return home from completing the errand run his father sent him on. "Uhhhh. Where the hell is that bastard when you need him." Randy groaned to himself. Randy was sent on the errand run alone because his father trusted him to safety deliver it to there Allied Nation. Little did everyone know that someone would want to assassinate the Hokage's son. Hidden among the sand dunes of the Land of Wind, Seitoshi watched Randy from afar. Things seemed too easy. He had been paid less assassinating heavily guarded Feudal Lords. Why was he being paid so much to kill this one kid? Sure, his target was the son of the Hokage, but the Uzumaki name meant little to Seitoshi. A kid was a kid, and he was about to make a small fortune off of this one's head. Seitoshi smiled at the thought as he quietly made his way past the dunes. "Hhm? What's this?" Kurama said sensing the man that had his sights on Randy. "Randy. I can feel a chakra nearby. Be on your guard." Randy scoffed. "Yeah whatever. I don't think anyone wants to mess with me today." Randy said continuing his path. "If someone wants to die. I'm all for it." Seitoahi notices a sudden change in Randy's demeanor. Maybe there's something to this brat after all he thought as he entered Phantom State. Chakra began creeping around Seitoshi's body, shrouding his entire figure. Seitoshi's body becomes transparent and he snickered to himself. Concentrating, Seitoshi gathered Wind Nature Chakra in his lungs. With a single breath, Seitoshi unleashes a powerful stream of wind, kicking up dust and sand as it rushed towards Randy. "Now! Kurama commanded. Randy waited until the attack got just close enough, once in range he spun to cancel out the Wind Release attack. Randy activated his Byakugan. "You dirty bastard. What the hell is your problem?" Without warning Seitoshi appeared before Randy, mere feet away. Seitoshi lashed out with a front kick, aimed for Randy's head. Blocking the kick, Randy gathered up wind chakra then pinpointed the enemy's vital points with his Byakugan and released a high-speed palm thrust. The blast of air from Randy's attack passes through Seitoshi's body, as if Randy had attacked nothing. At the same moment Seitoshi's foot passes through Randy's arm. Taking advantage of Randy's momentary confusion, Seitoshi delivers a heavy knee to Randy's abdomen, knocking him back several yards. "Vacuum Palm had no effect?" Randy thought in confusion. Randy slumped over from being kneed in the stomach. "You wanna play like that?" Randy said retaliating. Quickly regaining his composure, Randy got into his Gentle Fist stance. "Come on." Randy said striking Seitoshi with two palms. Immediately recognizing the stance Randy had taken, Seitoshi leapt back, barely avoiding the Gentle Fist strike. Seitoshi remained a safe distance from Randy, grinning at the Uzumaki. "So your a Gentle Fist user." Seitoshi said, stating the fact more so than asking a question. "Impressive. I guess there's no point hiding from you then." "Duhhh! You can clearly see my Byakugan, right? Do you even know who I am? Randy said insulting Seitoshi's intelligence. "Whether you do or don't you will learn soon enough." Seitoshi smirks at Randy, amused at the boy's outburst. "I know exactly who you are. Who you are is the reason you are going to die." Before Randy can retort Seitoshi's remark, Seitoshi brings his hands up into the Tori hand seal and uses Wind Release: Gust. The short burst of wind knocks up sand directly into Randy's eyes. "Ahh!" Randy exclaimed in pain from the burning sensation in his eyes. "Randy! I'll switch with you!" Kurama said switching his and Randy's mind." Although Randy was temporarily blind, switching minds with Kurama was the best solution due to his superior sensory abilities. "Randy just remain calm. I'll take over until your eyes recover." Having temporarily blinded Randy, Seitoshi follows up his attack with Fire Release: Fireball Technique, expelling a burst of flames at Randy. Immediately after the fire attack, Seitoshi again makes the Tori seal, using Wind Release: Air Bullets. The air spheres struck the flames as they reached Randy, resulting in an eruption of intense fire. Sensing the fire, Kurama gathered chakra in Randy's mouth. Releasing it and maybe a shockwave that was comparable to a standard Shinra Tensei, it would repel the fire with enough force to knock Seitoshi back several meters. What was that? Seitoshi wonders, surprised by the sudden burst of power. Reacting fast, Seitoshi strung together several hand seals and used Wind Release: Wind Cutter Technique. A vertical gust of wind kicked up sand as it travels towards Randy. Seitoshi follows up the attack with another Fire Release: Fireball Technique, crating a massive flaming blade. Let's see how you get out of this one brat. "Randy? Are you ready yet?" Kurama asked Randy. "Yeah. Do it now, Kurama." Randy said instantly speeding off to avoid Seitoshi's attack. Reopening his eyes revealing his Byakugan. "I hope like hell you're ready for what happens next." Randy said as he utilized Kurama's chakra giving off orange glow of life energy. As Randy makes his transformation Seitoshi has already moved in front of him and quickly uses Phantom Secret Technique: Soul Lock. Through his Byakugan, Randy can see an arm-lik apparatus read out from Seitoshi's chest and reach through his own body. At first nothing appears to happen, and it appears Seitoshi is open for a counter attack. A chakra arm came from Randy's abdomen pushing him far away from Seitoshi. From a distance, Randy started to gather and balance the necessary black and white chakra to form a condensed, miniaturised Tailed Beast Ball. "I'll end this in one swoop." Randy said speed off from sight. Sometime along the process of disappearing Randy created two clones that copied what he did. One clone appeared in front of Seitoshi, and the other came behind.+ Seitoshi smirked as the two clones closed in on him. The clones trusteed their miniaturised Tailed Beast Balls forward. The attacks fazed through Seitoshi, colliding with each other. A massive explosion erupted from the two attacks. Nearby boulders were reduced to dust and tons upon tons of sand was knocked into the air. When the smoke cleared a large crater had formed, Seitoshi standing alone and unharmed at the epicenter, the two clones having been destroyed by the impact of their own attacks. What did I get myself into Seitoshi wondered, concerned for the fist time. I hit him with Soul Lock. As long as I fight smart, I still have a chance. "Yeah! That son of a bitch is dead!" Randy said still holding the tailed beast ball. "No, he's not. I can still sense his presence." Kurama informed Randy who was cursing out of frustration. "Kurama let's switch this over to a full sized one." Randy said thrusting his arms out. They gathered more negative and positive chakra, adding it to the mini tailed beast ball, transforming it to a standard sized Tailed Beast Ball. Jumping into the air, Randy saw and aimed it at his target. "Stop this one!" Randy shouted firing the fence chakra ball at Seitoshi with intense speeds. "He still hasn't figure it out yet." Seitoshi mumbles to himself, remaining perfectly still as the full sized Tailed Beast Ball swiftly approached. I won't be able to maintain a full phantom state forever, but I should manage to last out this battle. The Tailed Beast Ball strikes the ground, again having fazed through Seitoshi. The explosion dwarfs the previous blast, engulfing a massive area. The explosion can be seen for miles, and what seems like half the desert's sand is blown up into the air, obstructing the sun and creating a massive sandstorm. Again, as the dust clears, Seitoshi stands unharmed in the epicenter, standing on the exposed bedrock of the desert. "What's going on? That guy should be dead." Randy thought to himself. "He probably using a Space-Time Ninjutsu. Which means that he must fully materialize to attack." Kurama informed. "And when he does....he dies." Randy said to Kurama while planning something to use against his foe. "So, are you just gonna stand there or what? You're supposed to be assassinating me! Ohhh, I get it! You're afraid aren't you?" Seitoshi tilted his head, then let out a brief laugh. "You are indeed an impressive force, despite lacking the intelligence to properly direct your power, or more so the power of the Nine-Tails. Had I not taken precautions, I would almost certainly loose here." Seitoshi brings both his hands together, an evil smile stretching across his face. "I have always been fascinated with the bridge between life and death. My favorite part of being an assassin, is the moment where I get to feel the target's life drain from their body. I get to see them pass from this world to the next, like my own dark sunset. During my training I learned I had the ability to gain complete control of someone's life. It's a beautiful thing. I'm amazed you haven't noticed it yet." Seitoshi surges his chakra. Through his Byakugan, Randy can see a thread of Seitoshi's chakra travel the space between them, passing through his body as it reaches his chest. "Wait wait. What the fuck is this?" Randy noticed the thread stretching from he's chest to Seitoshi's. "What did you do?" Randy started to grow weary of this fight abf assassin's games. "Can I go home now? This is really irritating me, maybe we can resume tomorrow or something?" "Your brave to joke at a time like this." Seitoshi grabbed the thread with his right hand, keeping his left hand as if it was pressed against an invisible wall. "Phantom Secret Technique: Captive Soul!" Seitoshi yanks on the string, holding it in a white knuckle grip. Randy can physically feel his life force being wrenched from his body. "Whats he doing?" Randy said standing in surprise. "I don't know what the fuck you're doing but this stops now!" Randy sped off to where Seitoshi was to deliver a punch to his stomach. Randy's punch fazed through Seithoshi's body, causing Randy to overshoot and stop roughly 10 meters past his target. "Hold still!" Seithshi ordered Randy, irritated by what he saw as a futile attempt to fight. "Your making it hard to take your soul." "So that's what he's trying to do." Kurama growled. "Randy switch with me!" Randy and Kurama traded minds once again. Gripping the thread that connected the two, Kurama tugged on it to counter what Seitoshi was doing. The Nini-Tails is counteracting Captive Soul. Seitoshi realized. Seitoshi again yanked on the thin chakra string, but Kurama's grip held strong and Randy's soul did not budge. Damn. I guess I'm out of options. Seitoshi again placed his hands together, concentrating both chakra and traces of life energy. Better make this count. "I don't know what you're planning but it stops here!" Kurama shout to Seitoshi as he pulls on Seitoshi's souls that's attached to Randy's. As Kurama pulled on the string of chakra it suddenly came loose, flying towards Randy's body in a whip-like fashion. The chakra string wraps around Randy's torso, restricting his movements. "You were truly an amazing opponent, Uzumaki. Watching you cross the bridge to death will be the most satisfying experience I have had in many years." Seitoshi crosses his arms in front of his chest, creating a flat "X" shape. "For that, I thank you." Seitoshi quickly swipes his arm, unleashing the power of Secret Phantom Technique: Soul Cutter. The air ripples as the attack passed by. Through his Byakugan, Randy can see a massive wave of blade-like chakra heading his way. "I think you are underestimating this form." Kurama said releasing Randy body from chakra threads with his strength of the Chakra form. Randy quickly moving out of the oncoming attack. "I'm going to end this now!" Randy said sticking a Chakra arm through the ground to surprise and grab Seitoshi. Caught of guard by the attack, Seitoshi is unable to activate his Phantom ability. The hand wraps around him, lifting him high up off the ground. Damn it! Seithoshi thinks, scolding himself for not being prepared for the counter attack. "Now! I got you!" Randy pulled Seitoshi to him. Quickly taking his Gentle Gust stance, Randy strikes Seitoshi with two palms. If they were successful, Randy would continue his assault. Seitoshi quickly activated his Phantom ability, fazing through the hand, narrowly avoiding Randy's attacks. I can't maintain Phantom State much longer. Seitoshi thought, realizing he was now on the loosing end of the battle. Seitoshi landed and immediately jumped back, putting distance between him and Randy. Looks like I'm not going to win in a fair fight. No worries. There's always another solution to the puzzle. Seitoshi reached inside his cloak. "Truly amazing Uzumaki, it looks like you have beaten me here." Seitoshi pulls a scroll out of his cloak, unrolling it slightly as he did. "Maybe we can forget this if you just walk away right now." Randy said folding his arms. "Yeah I think I can turn a blind eye just this once." Seitoshi smiles, a wild look forming in his eyes. "I'm afraid I can't walk away from this just yet. You see, my fascination, it's more of an obsession, an addiction really. The more I want to see someone die and pass on, the less control I seem to have. This battle has triggered this primitive urge inside of me. I need to see you die Uzumaki! I must see the jinchuuriki die! If I can not kill you in this battle, I will achieve my goal through other means." Seitoshi spreads his arms wide, quickly unraveling the scroll. He allowed the scroll to fall out of his hands and gently land on the sand at his feet. "Even if it means I have to wipe out your entire village!" Before Randy can retort, Seitoshi stops his foot down on the scroll, instantly disappearing in a puff of white smoke. "Village? He can't be serious!" Randy exclaimed clenching his fists. "And my dad nor Sasuke are present! We need to get there now!" Kurama sighed at Randy's constant outbursts of emotion. "You idiot.. There is no need to worry. Comato is there, he'll most likely be the first person to intercept that guy." Randy's eyes widened, then he quickly frowned. "I'm not letting Comato take this fight from me!" Randy bent his knees. "Here I go!" Randy leaped forward and disappeared from sight, traveling at his maximum speed to save his home from certain destruction. Seitoshi sat atop the Hokage faces, looking down on the Hidden Leaf Village. In his Phantom State, he was little more than a ghostly glimmer in the moonlight. In the distant streets he could see dozens of lit lanterns illuminating the night. Many were being used by medical ninja, transporting the limp bodies of what they believe to be victims of a sudden plague. The hospital had been filled in a manor of hours as victims of a strange disease flooded in. Seitoshi smirked and removed several small scrolls from his cloak. "Try as you may, the sick will not wake." Seitoshi said to himself, holding the scrolls outward as if taunting the entire village. "Their lives are in my hands. All you can do now is wait for the young Uzumaki to return. Tomorrow morning, when he arrives, the lives of all those people will be decided." Seitoshi let out a menacing laugh as he disappeared into the night. "Randy. You won't be able to sustain this form. I need to recharge my chakra." Randy is reverted back to his normal state. "But I'll continue." Randy said determined to stop his enemy. "You should rest for the night. You can't fight him like this. I'm sure Comato and the others can handle it." Kurama tried to persuade him. Randy started to pick up his speed. "Comato will not take this from me!" Kurama shook his head in disapproval. "You're so much like Naruto." Thanks to the temporary burst of speed from Kurama's chakra, Randy reached the gates of the Hidden Leaf in a mere day's travel. At first glace nothing appeared out of the ordinary, but as he approached the gate, Randy noticed a foreboding silence from the village. Within taking several steps past the village gate, a ninja appeared, the usual gate keeper who's name currently escaped Randy's mind, wearing a medical mask over his face and nose. "We're in a state of emergency at the moment, Randy." the gate keeper explains. "It started late yesterday afternoon. People started collapsing all around the village. Whatever disease this is completely immobilizes the victim and leaves them unresponsive. All their vital signs remain stable but they remain in a seemingly comatose state. It doesn't appear to be contagious but we are still taking precautions." The gate keeper adverts his eyes from Randy's, seeming like he didn't want to tell Randy what he was about to say. "I'm afraid there is some more bad news Randy." Randy's mind raced on what other news the medical assistant would give him. Randy knew almost instantly who the culprit was. "What is it? What is it that you have to tell?" The gate keeper struggled to look at Randy, knowing how devastating his news would be to the young boy. "Lady Hinata has also fallen ill. She was among the first victims." Randy's eyes widened, his body started to tremble from the shocking news. "What? It can't be. There's no way." Randy started to run to the hospital with the gatekeeper following. "Where is Sakura Haruno? Is she ill too? And what about Comato?" The gate keeper struggled to keep of with Randy. Between heavy breaths he replied "Sakura is at the hospital managing the situation. Comato must be with the investigation team, trying to figure out how this all happened." The gate keeper began falling behind Randy, unable to maintain the pace. "You should inform my father of the current situation. I'm going to see my mother." Randy rushes into the hospital, gets his mother room and goes to check on her. Finding Sakura in the room. "What's wrong with her?" Randy barging in practically scared Sakura. "We are not sure. She isn't dead but she's not responding to any form of pain or feeling. I even checked her nervous system, nothing seems to be wrong. She just won't wake up." Sakura's eyes started to water by tell Randy his mother's condition. "Don't worry. I'll find the person responsible for this." Randy turned away walking out of the Hospital to stand on the Hokage monument. "Now, where are you?" Randy thought look out over the village. Using his Byakugan, Randy scanned the Leaf Village. The streets were clear of life, as everyone had remained inside at the word of a plague. Randy could see masses of people inside, but could not find Seitoshi. Some of the buildings in the village were so packed with people that even if Seitoshi was inside, it would be difficult to determine from this far away. His sensory abilities also seemed hindered by the masses of people crowded together. Randy would have to get closer and thoroughly examine each building. Part of Randy wondered if this had been part of his enemy's plan as well. Randy focused to try and sense any familiar chakra. Detecting Seitoshi's chakra, Randy sped off back to the hospital. Rushing in, Randy layed his eyes on Seitoshi. "You bastard, you'll pay for what you have done." Seitoshi was standing over the hospital bed of one of the "plague victems", a young woman. "Isn't it beautiful?" Seitoshi asked, not even bothering to turn and face Randy. "Completely alive, yet devoid of life. Not yet crossed over but reaming in the center of the bridge. I can only imagine the feeling, unsure wether or not to return to this world or continue on to the next. So poetic." "You're sick, man. You must not have a lot of hobbies?" Randy teased the man. "Maybe I should make a hobby out of kicking your ass." Randy was angered by the thought of his mother's condition. "I'll stop you and save everyone. I swear I will." "You really think I enjoy this, do you?" Seitoshi said, finally turning to face Randy. "You've had an easy life haven't you? Your the prodigy son of the 'Great Naruto Uzumaki', always beloved, given incredible power, never once had to worry about whether or not you could, because you are always given the tools to succeed." Seitoshi is growing notably angry. "You've had parents that always loved you, all the friends you could ever want. You couldn't possibly begin to understand the pain this world has forced upon me. I never had a family, friends or anyone who gave a damn about me. No one has ever wanted anything to do with me, because of this addiction I was born with. Uzumaki, you have never looked at your own reflection and disliked what you saw. I look at my reflection, and feel nothing but distain and disgust for what I am, what I was born as. The only thing I can think of that may relieve my suffering, if only for a moment, is watch you teeter on the edge of life and death, right before I push you down into that deep, empty abyss." Seitosi whips his cloak off and tosses it at Randy, several flash bombs and a small explosive tag strapped to the fabric. Moving out of the way of the flash bombs, Randy covered him eyes to protect himself from the blinding light. The explosion caused a hole in the wall which lead to the outside. Randy jumped through the hole hoping Seitoshi would follow. Interesting Seitoshi thought to himself. I thought I'd have to lure him out. Seitoshi rushed out the hole, staying close behind Randy. As Seitoshi exited the hospital, several medical ninja rushed into the room. Seitoshi noticed movement on the hospital roof as well. The blast had gained much attention, more than he had hoped it would. As Seitoshi followed Randy through the empty streets of the village, he noticed several ninja running along the parallel roof tops. The lead ninja was young, roughly the same age as Randy. His dark hair obstructed his eyes but Seitoshi suspected the boy was an Uchiha. I'm going to have to deal with them before the Uzumaki child. "Randy, don't look now but there's Comato." Kurama informed. "I noticed." Randy continues his path not saying a word. Comato eyed Seitoshi. "You guys stay back.. I'll handle him." Comato told his fellow ninja jumping from the building. Weaving hand signs, Comato blew out flames in Seitoshi's direction. "Damn it, Comato is always somewhere he is not needed. But when you do need him he is no where to be found." Randy thought referring to his statement in the desert. The fireball passed through Seitoshi's body, engulfing a small street stand in flames. Unprepared for his attack to pass through his enemy, Comato was unable to stop himself from landing directly in front of Seitoshi. With no hesitation, Seitoshi attempted to deliver a Soul Strike to Comato's abdomen, which would send a shockwave of intense pain through the young Uchiha's body. Seitoshi would then follow up the Soul Strike with a heavy spinning back kick to Comato's head, sending him flying back through a wooden fence. Comato's reflexes made him quick made him quick enough to avoid Seitoshi's oncoming attack. Which made him partially miss his soul strike. Although his attack missed, Comato was struck by Seitoshi's kick smashing into the fence. Randy stopped and turned around laughing. "Comato, I guess that's how you handle a situation." Comato got up from the ground. "Whatever Randy." Comato looked at Seitoshi. "You must be the guy responsible for this outbreak. If so, then Randy you need to stay back." Randy scoffed. "No. YOU need to get back. This is my fight!" Seitoshi smiled, amused by the confrontation between the two allies. "You're an Uchiha?" Seitoshi asked Comato. "Interesting. I've wanted to fight one of you for a long time, but that will have to wait for another day. My business is with the Uzumaki child, and unless you want a lot of people die here today, you will not interfere." "Just let me handle this. I will save everyone." Randy said directing his statement to Comato. Comato crossed his arms. "Fine. I will let you fight but I'm not letting my sight off you." Comato replied with a voice of concern. "Randy nodded then turned his attention to Seitoshi. "So tell me. What's you purpose? Why are you hunting me? And why would you target the lives of innocent people? They don't have anything to do with this. Its just between you and me." Seitoshi turned to face Randy, seeing that Comato wasn't going to attack him again. "Simple." Seitoshi explained. "I was hired. I am an assassin, and someone wanted you dead. It's as trivial as that. Asked for the innocent people, I needed leverage to ensure the battle remained between you and I." Seitoshi reaches into his tool pouch and removed three small scrolls. Each is wrapped shut with a chakra tag. "Each of these scrolls contains 30 souls, each a citizen of the leaf. If anyone so much as threatens me, I will burn the scroll and destroy the souls." Seitoshi smirked and looked towards Comato. "Just to make sure you don't get any ideas..." Seitoshi jabbed the scroll into his chest, allowing them to faze through his body. He removed his hand, leaving the scrolls tucked into his chest, protected by a veil of chakra. "How am I suppose to attack this guy? He has all those souls. I must be careful about how I use my power." Randy said quietly to himself. "Now I hope you're ready......for The world famous Randy Uzumaki Style taijutsu!" Seitoshi reached behind his back. "Taijutsu it is." Randy noticed Seitoshi's forearm flex, indicating he had grabbed something. "We will settle this with a Taijutsu." Seitoshi brought his hand out from behind his back. Randy was confused at first, as Seitoshi had nothing in his hand, but his forearm remained flexed. Seitoshi didn't give the young Uzumaki the chance to figure anything out. He rushed forward with a powerful straight punch. "You're going to regret that." Randy said get into his Gentle Fist stance dodging the punch. "Now maybe can I strike...there's a chance that he could phrase through these. But its worth a try!" Randy threw two palms. "If this lands, I can continue my assault." Seitoshi attempted to turn and avoid the Gentle Fist palms, but despite his best effort, one of the strikes hits him in the left arm. Seitoshi leaps back, preventing any follow up attacks. Seitoshi's left arm hung limp from his torso, but he still manage to wiggle his fingers, indicating that feeling in the arm would return momentarily. "Pretty good." Seitoshi says, the smile still not having left his face. "I'll have to kick it up a notch. Your move." "Yeah thanks." Randy rushed to Seitoshi. Throwing barraging of palms, Randy tired to land a punch on him. "You can still give up....before things turn for the worst." Randy warned. Comato stood from a distance looking on at their fight. "This guy is weird. I've seen someone like this. He could be a future threat if he isn't taken out now." Comato clenched his face. "Randy, you need to end it this now." Comato thought. Seitoshi brought his fist up, blocking one of Randy's incoming strikes. Randy's palm slammed into Seitoshi's palm, and immediately Randy felt a sharp pain in his hand. A thin hole had appeared in his hand and a trickle of blood began to escape. Seitoshi quickly delivered a powerful push kick to Randy's chest, sending him sliding across the ground, but somehow Randy remained vertical. "Why don't we skip the introduction and GI right to the end." Randy crossed his arms and squatted. "Now you will see why I excel in taijutsu." Randy started to charge his chakra. "1st Gate of Opening, OPEN! 2nd Gate of Rest, OPEN! 3rd Gate of Life, OPEN! 4th Gate of Pain, OPEN! Here we gooo! 5th Gate of Closing, OPEN!" Randy releases a surge of chakra so strong that it made the ground crack and tremble under his feet. "Now the is no need to hold back anymore." Seitoshi maintained his smile, but his nerves showed as a small bead of sweat began rolling down his forehead. So he can open some of the Eight Gates. Seitoshi thought to himself. This isn't good, but maybe I can use this to my advantage. I already have him in Soul Lock Seitoshi thinks back to the moment where he stabbed Randy's hand, having taken the opportunity to establish Soul Lock then. I have two options. Secret Phantom Technique: Inner Fear|Inner Fear]] may not work on this one, but I have Soul Strike as a backup, and I can even use his own momentum to my advantage. If it comes down to it, I can always take a hit. Soul Lock will ensure he doesn't leave unharmed. "Randy should be careful about how he attacks. That guy definitely has something planned." Comato started to worry. "Randy, you're going to tire yourself out. You need to rest, let Comato handle this." Kurama continuously tried yo persuade Randy to stop. "Hell no! I'm not stopping now. He's mine!" Randy quickly disappeared from sight using his tremendous speed. Coming in front of Seitoshi, Randy threw ten punches that were so fast they looked like one thrust forward. The punches came too fast for Seitoshi to react but his Phantom State kept him safe, allowing each punch to faze through his body harmlessly. Seitoshi brought up his right hand as Randy passed him. Although Randy didn't realize it at first, a small cut had appeared along his hip. Several droplets of blood hung in the air just in front of Seitoshi's knuckle. So far so good. Seitoshi though to himself. His attacks may shorten the length of my Phantom State, but they will take a much greater toll on his body first. Better not put too ,much faith in that assumption. Better go for Inner Fear. Seitoshi began focusing his chakra as Randy passed through him a second time. He began manipulating his own chakra within Randy, maneuvering it into the young Uzumaki's brain. "Secret Phantom Technique: Inner Fear!" Suddenly Randy stopped moving, looking at visions that seemed to be of his future. "What's going on? What is this?" Randy was standing next to Itachi in what seemed like the Hokage election. Itachi had beaten Randy, and his dream of becoming Hokage after his father was shattered into tiny pieces. "No! NOOO! I won't lose! I will become Hokage after my father!" Randy's eight gates ended, return him to his normal state. "The challenge to was a trap! Something he knew Randy wouldn't turn down. This is bad." Randy was now holding his head, suffering form tremendous pain. "Randy! You must concentrate! This is Genjutsu! Snap out of it!" Kurama yelled trying to catch Randy's attention. "This guy isn't as strong as Randy but he's definitely smarter. In this battle of brain versus brawn...brain wins." Comato thought watching over the fight. Seitoshi's smile grew wide, knowing that his Genjutsu had taken effect. Seitoshi surged his chakra, increasing his hold on Randy's mind and deepening the level of fear. Perfect. Seitoshi thought. Seitoshi began methodically walking towards Randy. "Now it's time for a life lesson you spoiled brat!" Seitoshi shouted as he delivered a heavy physical punch with his left hand to Randy's lower gut. Randy dropped down to his knees, still holding his head as the Genjutsu increased. Images of his mother's lifeless corpse slowing rotting and the voices of all those he believed admired him shouting hurtful slurs and degrading remarks. Seitoshi surged his chakra a second time, allowing his own apparition to enter the Genjutsu. "Every single thing you have ever wanted, given to you on a silver platter. Even before you were born you were given power some only dream of!" Seitoshi slapped Randy across the face, both in the Genjutsu and out. "Everyone loves and admires you. Not for who you are, but for your damn name, your NAME!" Seitoshi backhands Randy, drawing blood from the corner of the boy's mouth. "Damn it! He's losing!" Comato started to grow more nervous by the minute. "I've got to do something. I'm not gonna let him die!" Randy continued to endure Seitoshi's wrath. "Just a little more. I can break this genjutsu. Just a little more" Seitoshi continued his tirade. "You couldn't even begin to understand what it's like being born an abomination! Everyone who ever tried to get close to me saw me for what I was, a monster. A demon! Why is it fair that a brat like you gets handed everything, while I had everything taken from me before I was even born!" Seitosi kicks Randy in the side of the head, knocking him to the ground and causing a small cut on his cheek bone. "Why do you deserve it and not me?! How is that fair!" Seitoshi reached down and grabbed Randy by the throat. "How can that be decided before either of us are even born!" Seitoshi began forcing Randy to his feet, still keeping him in the Genjutsu. Seitoshi took a breath but continued talking. "That is why, that is why your going to die. Death is the one thing in life, that treats us all as equals. No one escapes it. In death, we are all equals." Having finally finished his rant, Seitoshi brings his right arm back, clenching his fist tight. Releasing part of his Phantom State chakra, a Punch Dagger is revealed around Seitoshi's index finger. Seitoshi leans in close to Randy's ear. "Now, Uzumaki, you become my equal." he whispers. Seitoshi bears up and thrusts his fist forward. Comato threw a kunai between Seitoshi and Randy. "I'll stop him!" Time seemed to slow down as Seitoshi made his way to finish off Randy. Comato was preparing to intercept the attack to save Randy's life. Randy managed to break Seitoshi's genjutsu as he prepares to finish Randy. Seitoshi's fist drew closer to Randy. Just when it seems like Randy had lost, he grabbed Seitoshi's wrist, keeping Seitoshi from impaling him. "You don't know me. You ASSUME that everything was given to me. But it wasn't. I worked for everything I have! And I won't let you take those things away from me!" Randy grabbed Seitoshi's hand that was around his throat. Causing Seitoshi's grip to loosen. Randy gave Seitoshi a headbutt that would separate the two. Seitoshi staggered back, dazed by the headbutt. Blood trickled from his forehead and down between his eyes. How did he break the Genjutsu so fast? Seitoshi thought, bewildered. His chakra wasn't even concentrated in the right location. It all of a sudden corrected itself. How? Seitoshi noticed the kunai in the ground between him and Randy, and looked back towards Comato. "I assume that wasn't meant for me. Didn't I warn you about interfering? I guess these people don't mean much to you." Seitoshi noticed the surrounding roof tops were festering with Leaf Ninja, most unsure as to what was going on. Seitoshi returned his attentions to Comato. "Even if your attacks could harm me, the scrolls are sitting in my soul, roughly the equivalent of where my heart should be. Attacking me will condemn the lives of all of the victims." "Randy started to breath heavily from to damage he suffered along with the strain on his body from using the Eight Gates. He was also suffering neurological damage from being under Seitoshi's genjutsu for a extended amount of time. "Randy doesn't look like he can hold out much longer." Randy got back on his guard. "I must figure out how to release the souls." Seitoshi turned his attention back to Randy. The young Uzumaki looked heavily drained. Although Seitoshi didn't let on, he was feeling the effects of the battle as well. He rarely kept Inner Fear at such a high level for any extended period of time, and having to faze through so many individual attacks had shortened his Phantom State. He had roughly 20 minutes left. Although this was more than enough time to finish the battle, he would have to remove the scrolls from his chest, his only leverage preventing the rest of the Leaf Ninja form attacking. He needed to leave enough time to make his escape. He at least needed to reach his stashed Transportation Scroll. His other precautions would provide some level of distraction, but not nearly enough to deter the mass of Leaf Ninja surrounding him. "You god damn brat." Seitoshi said, clenching both fists. "Why can't you just accept the fact that your meant to die here?" Randy stood up straight. "That's simple. I'm not gonna die here! I gave dreams to pursue and goals to achieve. There's no way you'll see me fall. Randy flashed Seitoshi a boisterous smile and placing a clenched fist over his heart. "And that's a promise! A money back guarantee!" Seitoshi smirked. "There are only two things in the world you can guarantee." Seitoshi stated. "Death and naïve believers like you." Seitoshi took a step towards Randy. "And I promise, I'm going to kill you slowly, in front of the entire Leaf Village." Seitohsi took another step, trying not to make the strain on his body apparent. "Then maybe, I'll send your bitch mother to join you in the afterlife!" Randy bursted into laughter, holding his stomach his face turned into a bright red color. "Bitch mother! Now that's funny!" Randy's face became serious. "You call my mother a bitch....but she's not the one holding people's souls hostage to restrain me from using my full power, now is she? You ought to think before you speak. You know, at least my mother can face an enemy without holding leverage above someone's head." Seitoshi frowned, irritated more so at the failed attempt to anger Randy than the boy's words. "Enough talk." Seitoshi snapped. "Let's finish this before your bedtime, shall we?" Seitoshi took a fighting stance, his Punch Dagger catching the light as he did. "Release the souls and let's take this elsewhere. Unless you're scared. Little bitch." Randy got in his Gentle Fist stance. Seitoshi's grin returned. "You and I both know releasing these souls is a death sentence for me. They're my only leverage against the rest of these Leaf Ninja. I'll be happy to release them at the conclusion of our battle. For now they will remain in here." Seitoshi pats his chest over his heart. "I get the little bitch can't take the heat, huh? My mom is one thousands times more manly than you are!" Randy continued to tease. "You shouldn't have started this if you can't take the outcome." Seitoshi realizes he can't waste any more time with his Phantom State drawing closer to its limit. Seitoshi rushes Randy in mid sentence, attempting to jab the young ninja with his Punch Dagger. "Exactly what I wanted." Randy creates a clone to take the blow. Jumping back, he create several more clones. "If I can't hit this guy then I'll tire him out!" Randy had all his clones attack using Eight Trigram Sixty-Four Palms. "I'll get to way or another." Seitoshi expected a quick retaliation but not one as quick as the counter the you Uzumaki had managed. Seitoshi jumped back, swiping at the clones as he did but the sheer numbers were just a hair more than the violent ninja could manage. Seitoshi felt a shard jab in his side as one of the clones landed a hit. As Seitoshi swiped his dagger and eliminated the clone that struck him, another managed to land a blow on the opposite side, just below his ribs. Seitoshi swiped, again eliminating the clone. A final clone came at him front the front, but he was ready and swiped with his dagger, landing a slash across the clone's face. "I'll keep at it! Until there's nothing left!" Randy make more shadow clones, having them attack him using Randy's own unique style of fighting. His specific form of fight focused on both internal attacks that targeted the chakra pathway system and external attacks to cause bodily damage. Randy stood back waiting for his perfect moment to strike. Seitoshi quickly moved back, making the Tora hand seal. Seitoshi unleased a stream of flames from his mouth, creating a half circle of fire that engulfed several of the clones. Seitoshi quickly rushes through the flames and slashes the remaining clones. With the clones dispatched Randy is now left in the open. Seitoshi rushed towards him, intending to engage in one on one close combat. Randy rushes toward Seitoshi activating his mother's signature technique the lion fists. "This could be my chance." Randy increased his speed aiming a palm toward his opponents chest. "I'll pummel you into submission!" Randy threatened preparing to clash with Seitoshi. Seitoshi side stepped Randy, sliding along the ground and slashing at the boy with his dagger. Seitoshi missed the timing on his strike, managing only a shallow cut on Randy's shoulder but avoiding confrontation with the lion fists. Despite having dodged that attack, Seitoshi felt a glimmer of pain pass over his body by simply passing the attack. That's an awful lot of chakra he's using. Seitohsi thought to himself. I don't have time to try to drag this out and attack at a distance again. I need to keep up the pressure and let him exhaust all his chakra. Seitoshi lunged again at Randy, his dagger thrust forward. "That dagger is troublesome." Randy thought putting more chakra into the loins fists making them bigger. Randy turned to meet Seitoshi's sidestep, aiming the bigger lion fist at the dagger. "Once I get rid of that, he'll be mine." Randy hoped to be successful in knocking the dagger away, he would grab ahold of Seitoshi's wrist with his left arm and use his right hand to give him a total of eight palms to the chest. Seitoshi's dagger collided with the lion fists. Seitoshi's chakra surging off the blade managed the scrape along Randy's knuckles, but the sheer size of the lion fists prevented Seitoshi from removing Randy's fingers. As Randy and Seitoshi passed, the dagger was ripped away from Seitoshi's grip, nearly snapping his finger as it flew off his hand. The dagger shot through the air, sticking into the wooden fence, missing Comato's head by mere centimeters. Seeing an opening to attack, Randy stuck Seitoshi with with eight brutal palms to the crest. Afterwards, Randy thrust both palms into Seitoshi's abdomen. "I've got you now." Randy pressed his palms further into Seitoshi releasing his chakra into Seitoshi. Randy's own chakra would attack the network of Seitoshi's chakra, stopping the flow of Seitoshi's chakra. Although the strikes hit there mark Seitoshi's face remained eerily calm. As Randy attempted to deliver a pinpoint strike to one of his chakra points, Seitoshi swiped his arm, cutting across Randy's chest with a blade-like stream of chakra. "I'm amazed you never noticed it." Seitoshi snickered. "In addition to making my body intangible I can also solidify my chakra into weapons." Seitoshi quickly delivered a Soul Strike to Randy's abdomen, sendin a shockwave of pain through the young Uzumaki, doubling him over. Seitoshi smiled as the success of his desperation move, but as he did, blood trickled out of the corner of his mouth. What? thought, surprised an confused. I was in Phantom State. My vital shouldn't have taken the damage! "Your Phantom State is so fucking annoying." Randy said weakly with his arms hanging to his side. "I'll beat the shit out of you. I'll make you regret ever crossing my path!" Randy let off some of the Nine Tails Chakra which caused a small shockwave. Randy gave Seitoshi a grim look. "I've had it with you!" Chakra surged around Randy. Seitoshi stud up and staggered towards Randy, spitting blood at the bay as he drew near. "Then kill me, and all of those innocent people with me." Seitohsi dared. Seitoshi managed to get within arms reach of Randy and slapped him across the face. "Go head you spoiled brat, kill your mother!" Randy's ponytail unraveled releasing his bleach blonde hair, flowing in the air as the Nine Tails Chakra continued to surge around him. "I'm out of opinions. I'll have to kill him. I'm so sorry, mom." A single tear trickled down Randy's cheek. Grabbing Seitoshi's hand and tightly crushing it. Randy proceeded to wrap his hand around Seitoshi's throat, squeezing his grip. "As you wish.... I will kill you!" Randy roared choking Seitoshi. Seitoshi managed a smile as he reached forward, using his superior reach to grab Randy by the face. Squeezing his thumb into the cut on Randy's cheek, Seitoshi established Soul Lock, immediately activating Inner Fear. Seitoshi flooded Randy's mind with images of the aftermath of his killing Seitoshi. His father's eternal disappointment, ridicule from all his peers and exile from the village. Randy was left with an image of himself standing over a cliff, defeated mentally and emotionally, closing his eyes as the sensation of falling took over. "These images you place in my head are false! My father would never be disappointed with me for kill someone who threatened his village!" Randy grabbed Seitoshi's hand, removing it from his face. Clenching his fists, Randy gave Seitoshi a fierce punch to the stomach. "You'll regret all of this!" Seitoshi coughed up blood onto the ground as Randy delivered his blow. Seitoshi looked up at Randy. "My life has been nothing but regret. I'm just someone's grand mistake and always will be. Don't even attempt to make me feel remorseful of my actions." Seitoshi leaned back and unleashed a haymaker, striking Randy over the already opened cut on his cheek, sending droplets of blood sprinkling the soil. "You will never understand the pain I suffer by just being alive!" Around the two battling ninja the Leaf Ninja spectating the battle began shouting, trying to push Randy on. "Kill that bastard Randy!" Some of them shouted. "Don't let him win!" Some others shouted. The Leaf Ninja erupted with shouts of encouragement, urging Randy to win the battle and save the villagers. Each word of encouragement was like an energizing battle cry to Randy, and a demonic symphony to Seitshi. Comato continued to watch while practically wanting to defeat Seitoshi himself. "I'm starting to get annoyed. This fight needs to" Kaio jumped from a roof top and landed next to Comato. "Bro...this fight has been going on forever. I'm wanting to just end it myself." Comato chuckled lightly. "Yeah. You and me both. I'll give Randy five more minutes." Randy retaliated. "Nor do I care! I don't care about the struggles you went through. So telling me that won't save you.....not from me. You're about as good as dead......Say's about time to put you to rest." Randy rushed forward to unleash an assault upon Seitoshi. Seitoshi delivered a flurry of strikes as well, the fury ever so present in his eyes. The Leaf Ninja continued their cheers as Soul Strikes, Gentle Fist attacks and classic haymakers flew between Seitoshi and Randy. Many of the blows collided with other strikes, many were either blocked or dodged in the melee but each ninja was landing hits. None of the spectating ninja knew how either of them were still standing, absorbing a direct punch to the head, only to rear back and deliver a shot of their own. The cut across Randy's cheek was now gushing blood, which was running down Randy's face and neck. The Gentle Fist Strikes had caused internal bleeding throughout Seitohsi's body and much of it was being coughed up into his mouth and escaping with each blow exchanged. Externally, Randy had caused several small wounds on Seitoshi's face, blood trickling from each one. Both combatants looked beaten and battered, each showing signs of fatigue. The blows slowed, as both Seitoshi and Randy began to tire, until they were simply taking turns delivering straight punches to each other. Randy landed a straight right to Seitoshi, feeling his enemy's nose begin to crack. Seitoshi leaned back but remained upright, then learned forward as he delivered a hook, hitting Randy over the temple with a bloody knuckle. Randy slumped over after receiving the punch. Only to retaliate stronger, by infusing Nine Tails Chakra into his lion fists. Their color changed to a hue of dark red. "I'm done with this fight!" Randy summoned a clone that quickly came behind Seitoshi. "I think this could be my last attack. I must make it count!" Randy and his clone double teamed Seitoshi, both delivering their own series of Gentle Fist strikes. Seitoshi quickly focused his chakra, mustering all his strength to fortify his Phantom state. The blows partially fazed through Seitoshi's body, but not entirely. Randy's clone vanished, having been hit by the excess chakra from Randy's attack, but Randy remained standing, not seeming to have taken any damage. Seitoshi staggered back, barely able to maintain his footing. "Very good Uzumaki." Seitoshi said meekly, but mustering an unnerving smile. Seitoshi lost his footing, falling back onto the ground. As Seitoshi lay there motionless, the Ninja that had been speculating the fight all let out cheers, believing Randy had finally vanquished the enemy. Randy, who was seemingly the victor of the prolonged battle had collapsed due to exhaustion and major damage inflicted to his mind and soul. Suffering from this left Randy in an unconscious state. Comato rushed to his friend's side. "He needs medical attention now!" Randy was taken from the scene to the damaged hospital. Leaving Seitoshi behind for the other to dispose of his body. "First we need to take him to the Intel Division to find out why he attacked Randy." Two shinobi lifted Seitoshi and carried him to the Intel Division. Comato felt unsteady about Seitoshi being dead. He followed the to leaf shinobi to make sure nothing would happen. Seitoshi still had a smile on his face as he was dragged away by the Intel Division. "Persistent bastard wasn't he?" One of the ninja said. "Sure was." The other ninja replied. "Any word on whether he was responsible for the plague?" "Probably was. Too much of a coincidence for the plague to happen and then this guy attack Randy. It will all be sorted out once the Hokage returns from his meeting." "By the way, why was everyone just watching the fight. Why didn't we simply all attack?" "I'm not sure. I got there and was told not to interfere under any circumstances." "Weird. Anyway, he's no threat now." Fools Seitoshi thought. The two shinobi reached the Intel Division and proceed in handing Seitoshi over to a member of the Yamanaka Clan, who specialize in mind-related techniques. "So this is the guy responsible for the outbreak?" The Yamanaka man asked. "He sure is....but there's no need to worry. Lord Hokage's son was able to put him down." One of the shinobi stated. "Just what we'd expect from him. Now we need to get info on why he attacked." Comato watched from above, seeing no reason to continue watching them he headed towards the hospital to accompany Randy. Randy had awoken from his short slumber. "So where is Seitoshi?" Randy asked Comato. "Hm? I don't know who that is." There was a moment of complete silence as Comato thought about who Seitoshi was. "Oh! You mean the guy you fought. Well, he's dead.....or at least that's what everybody thinks. Everyone is still unconscious though. If he were died then shouldn't the people wake up?" Randy jumped out of the hospital bed causing a sharp pain on his shoulder. "If Seitoshi is dead that means everyone that's infected is dead also!" Randy rushed out of his room, heading toward his mother's. Seitoshi made his way up the west side wall of the hospital, using his Phantom State to evade detection. "How naïve." Seitoshi murmured out loud, amazed at how easy it was to fool the Leaf ninja into believing he had been killed. After absorbing traces of life energy and chakra from the souls inside his body, Seitoshi managed to recharge his chakra and heal himself without destroying any one of the souls. After incapacitating the Yamanaka ninja and the chunin that had dragged him away, he began making his way to the hospital to retrieve his Transportation Scroll. No doubt that the young Uzumaki and the Uchiha child would be there, going over the aftermath of the battle. Seitoshi though how easy it would be to simply slip in and kill the damn Uzumaki, but in the end he decided to honor his loss. When they fought again, Seitoshi would accept nothing less than defeating the Uzumaki in a one on one battle to the death. This wasn't an assassination any longer. Seitohsi had all but forgotten about the bounty on the young boy's head. Seitoshi stud on the hospital roof, looking out into the village. So it stands for another day. Seitohsi thought, suppressing his anger. The Uzumaki child will learn a lesson in loss one way or another. Seitoshi smirked, moments before several explosions erupt throughout the village. As the smoke from the blasts began filling the sky, Seitoshi fazed through the hospital roof, landing in the middle of Hinata's hospital room. The lone medical ninja in the room didn't even notice as Seitoshi silently dropped to the floor. Seitoshi quickly struck down the medical ninja with a heavy Soul Strike to the back of her head, rendering her unconscious. As the medical ninja dropped to the floor, Seitoshi was already removing the soul filled scrolls from his chest. He unrolled each scroll and spread them around his body in a triangular pattern. Placing his hands together, Seitoshi released his technique. Souls began floating up from the scrolls, all moving towards their respective bodies. Seitoshi watched as many of the souls floated through the hospital walls. One of the souls started to hover over Hinata's body, gently floating towards her. Seitoshi quickly snatched the soul before it could complete its return. You coast me this battle. You disrupted my jutsu, from within my own body. Seitoshi drew a chakra tag from his tool pouch and shoved the soul into the symbol in the center. The ink on the tag immediately shifted, forming the name 'Hinata Hyūga' in the center. I'm not done with you yet. With Hinata's soul sealed, Seitoshi reached under her pillow, removing his transportation scroll just as Randy burst into the room, Comato close behind. "You bastard! Stay away from my mother!" Randy clenched his fists. "Why won't you just die already!" Randy was more furious than ever. Comato came soon in after feeling the power of the explosions. "I knew it." Comato activated his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. "I'll end you!" Comato threatened Seitoshi. "Randy you stay back, this has gone on long enough!" Seitoshi once again lets a smirk cross over his face. "Things didn't turn out how I had hoped but no matter." Seitoshi starts. "I still have the soul of the Lady Hyūga." Seitoshi unrolls the scroll, dropping it to the floor. "I'll see you again soon Uzumaki." With a quick stomp of his foot, Seitoshi vanishes, taking Hinata's soul with him. "Nooo!" Randy shrieked as Seitoshi vanished. Randy Kew that his mother would never open her eyes again. The darkness of night had came again, Randy had spent the entire day weeping over his mother's bed. Disgusted by he inability to protect her he swore that he would seek revenge on Seitoshi by claiming his life. "I will kill him." Randy had never experienced such a thing as hate. He now knew how it feels to hate someone.