  • Googolmegaplex
  • The name of this number is based on SI prefix "mega-" and the number "googolplex". Sbiis Saibian mentions this number on his website, although he its not the googologist who coined it. The earliest known occurence of this number is from a large number list which appeared on November 17th, 2004. It is not known with certainty who the author of this googolism is, but it has since spread and become a popular extension on the googol and googolplex.
  • The name of this number is based on SI prefix "mega-" and the number "googolplex". Sbiis Saibian mentions this number on his website, although he its not the googologist who coined it. The earliest known occurence of this number is from a large number list which appeared on November 17th, 2004. It is not known with certainty who the author of this googolism is, but it has since spread and become a popular extension on the googol and googolplex.