  • Vanora Galedeep
  • Name: Vanora Galedeep Gender: Female Species: Sea otter Origin: a holt west of Southsward Weapons: the Galedeep Blades, twin curved swords belonging to her ancestor, the legendary Finnbarr Galedeep, who gave his life to stop the Foxwolf Urgan Nagru. She's never been able to use a bow and arrow no matter how hard she's tried. Scars: her facial scar, her right ear has a notch in it. Motto: "Keep your mind as sharp as your swords" Warcry: Galedeeeeeeeep! Her daughter was Rhiannon Galedeep Vanora learned a trick from a former Flitchaye named Jibtail.
  • Name: Vanora Galedeep Gender: Female Species: Sea otter Origin: a holt west of Southsward Weapons: the Galedeep Blades, twin curved swords belonging to her ancestor, the legendary Finnbarr Galedeep, who gave his life to stop the Foxwolf Urgan Nagru. She's never been able to use a bow and arrow no matter how hard she's tried. Physical appearance: Vanora is a large otter with a tall, muscular build and jet black fur inherited from her mother, Kiaori Wakecrester. Her eyes are a piercing ice-blue. She has a jagged scar tracing down her face from her forehead around and down the right side of her jaw to her neck, and a single tattoo on her left forearm, a pair of crossed swords. Vanora wears a simple black short-sleeved tunic with a black vest and a dark gray scarf bound around her brow to keep the sun off her head. Scars: her facial scar, her right ear has a notch in it. Motto: "Keep your mind as sharp as your swords" Warcry: Galedeeeeeeeep! Her daughter was Rhiannon Galedeep Vanora learned a trick from a former Flitchaye named Jibtail.