  • Remind them that time is precious
  • From: [[]] A little pressure will impede their judgement. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • A step at a time
Failure title
  • Too much, too soon
Game Instructions
  • Gain more Progress.
Failure description
  • They've hardly bitten into their scone […] take their hand, and remind them that the hourglass is draining swiftly. Your mark frowns. "I'd hoped we'd be free of that this afternoon." They pull their hand away, standing. "Good day, [gendertitle]."
From Card/Storylet title
  • A Cordial Chat
Success description
  • Over plates of scones and cups of tea, you nudge the pleasantries toward your scheme. All it takes from there is a touch of their wrist, and a reminder that the opportunity is evanescent. Your mark nods; they do not pull away.
  • A little pressure will impede their judgement.
  • From: [[]] A little pressure will impede their judgement. [Find the rest of the story at ]