  • Union of Bus Drivers and Mechanics
  • The Labour Party's leader Marcus Villanova owns InterBus and plays a major role in it's refounding. The Union expressed concern over the payment plan for the employees but quickly changed to apease the workers. InterBus pays there average bus driver 46,800 dollars including benefits and there mechanics 41,175 dollars including benefits, the leader of the Union said "compared to an American bus driver making about 50,000 dollars, this is not good either, but by the time of our next contract we will be working for more annual pay."
  • The Labour Party's leader Marcus Villanova owns InterBus and plays a major role in it's refounding. The Union expressed concern over the payment plan for the employees but quickly changed to apease the workers. InterBus pays there average bus driver 46,800 dollars including benefits and there mechanics 41,175 dollars including benefits, the leader of the Union said "compared to an American bus driver making about 50,000 dollars, this is not good either, but by the time of our next contract we will be working for more annual pay."