  • Gondola
  • Gondola
  • The Forerunners created large frying pans made from rock and horse dung in order to get to place to place in a really alien way... besides the fact that they were made from stone and dung, and maybe a few jet packs, the didn't sink when they where faced with water, because a big Bungie executive broke into Steve's office and changed them. When Halo 2 was released, Steve later found out that Fred had made the Gondolas better than they should of been, thus leading to the completion of the level, and soon releasing Halo 3. After Halo 3 was sold, Fred and Steve reached for their Battle Rifles and Plasma Grenades, thus leading to a nuclear explosion that destroyed Bungie H.Q. That's why there isn't going to be a Halo 4.
  • A gondola is the part of a hot air balloon or blimp that the pilot, crew and passengers ride in. Batman and Robin, after being shrunk by Doctor Hiram Gulliver's miniaturizing ray, jumped onto the gondola of Gulliver's Balloon.
  • Godnola lub Wagon – funkcja trybu zombie i środek transportu występujący na mapach Mob of the Dead i Der Eisendrache.
  • Gondolas serve as a method of transportation for Booker and Elizabeth during the game. Often the pair will have to fight a battle to get to a gondola or perform a task to get the gondola to work. Gondola trips give the two characters an opportunity to talk without being interrupted or to observe something of importance.
  • The Boiling Rock had a pair of gondolas on a pulley system to use for transportation between the prison and the island itself. Designed to be the only way to cross the lake of boiling water that surrounded the prison, they were used to transfer new prisoners into the prison, as well as shuttling prison guards back and forth between their shifts. There were two separate gondola tracks that ran parallel to each other and in opposite directions, so when one gondola car was at the prison station, the other car was at the outer crater station, and they passed each other at the midpoint. The gondola cars were large and enclosed with open windows.
  • The ship, which is slightly larger than an Athabasca-class Freighter, is often seen docked on places like and .
  • __NOWYSIWYG__ Gondola is a consumable in FarmVille. It was used for building Ferris Wheel.
  • In 1481, Ezio Auditore's first encounter with Caterina Sforza was when he had to rescue her with a gondola from an island near Forlì, Romagna, where her husband had left her. He also ensured the safety of Rosa's gondola in Venice – being piloted by Ugo – which was en route to the Venetian Thieves Guild after her leg had been pierced by an arrow.
  • Capri de Vapida and Pixel rode in a gondola with interviewer Candy Coco while in Venice, Italy.
  • The Gondola was part of the series Around the World and was released in late 2010. It was the 1st item brought in the series.
  • Gondolas (possibly also known as Trams or The Subway) were a cable-car-like rail based public transport system seen in Meridian in Blood Omen 2.
  • Gondola – daimon, który pojawił się jedynie w [[Sera Myu|musicalu Usagi - Ai no Senshi e no Michi. Powstał z połączenia jaja z gondolą. Kiedy na randce Mamoru i Usagi płynęli gondolą, nagle pojawił się daimon i skradł czyste serce Chibiusy. Jednakże zanim zdołał uciec, pojawiły się Sailor Neptune i Sailor Uranus i zniszczyły go. Wrogowie: Bractwo Śmierci 50px
  • thumb|260px|Ezio pilotujący gondolę w Wenecjithumb|260px|Ezio pilotujący gondolę w Rzymiethumb|260px|Ezio pilotujący gondolę w KonstantynopoluGondola – obiekt, występujący w Assassin's Creed II, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood i Assassin's Creed: Revelations.
  • Gondolas (ゴンドラ) are boats found in Mac Anu.
  • A gondola was a type of boat particular to Venice, Italy. In 2371, Harry Kim and Jenny Delaney shared a gondola in a holoprogram based in Venice. While out of sight of Tom Paris and Megan Delaney, Jenny's sister, they conversed, and then Kim fell out of the boat. Later, when Paris and B'Elanna Torres questioned Kim about the boat ride, he told them nothing had happened, that they had spoken and he'd fallen out by accident. Tom attributed Kim's mishap to being unprepared for Jenny's "voracious" actions. (VOY: "Prime Factors")
  • The Coastal Villa Apartments are part of the exclusive Halvo community located in the prestigious Agora Foothills. Residents enjoy a host of interior upgrades, and each unit features an ocean view from a private patio or balcony. This quiet, gated community is located only a short gondola ride from the renowned shops and businesses of our active and thriving coastal community.
  • The gondola is a blue cup lined with a yellow rim. Yellow ropes connect it to a blue circle marked with a yellow arrow.
  • Gondolas are small, self-contained meeting places that are easy to search for listening devices. They offer participants panoramic scenery and a relaxing setting that can smooth over differences during negotiations, at least in calm waters and provided no greasy food is served.
  • Gondola jest zewnętrzną struktura obudowującą silnik statku kosmicznego. Gondole w promach i statkach zdolnych do lotów w warp zawierają cewki warp okrętowego napędu warp. Gondole warp w 23 stuleciu były czasami znane jako gondole mocy, gondole antymaterii, głowice napędu warp lub jednostki napędu warp/kosmicznego. (TOS: The Doomsday Machine, Bread and Circuses; TAS: Beyond the Farthest Star; TNG: Datalore) Gondole impulsowe promów podświetlnych mieściły napęd impulsowy. (TNG: „In Theory”, „Descent” wyświetlana grafika)
  • 15
default weapons
  • *Bolo Grenade *Booshka *Breechshot *Digger Launcher *Longshot Sniper Rifle *Scorcher Flamethrower *Torque Bow
  • Mężczyzna
  • Gondola
  • yes
  • 8900
pierwsze wystąpienie
  • ゴンドラー
  • #9B3939
kanji / kana
  • Gondorā
  • ゴンドラー
  • Gondola
  • R
  • 17800
  • yes
  • F-2813
  • 27
  • 2010-10-19
First Appearance
  • Blood Omen 2
  • Gondola
  • Gondolas
  • Wagon
  • Vehicles
  • Floor
  • On-rails
  • Gondorā
  • Kain arriving in the Upper City on a Gondola
  • Special tracks and rainbow ropes
  • Around the World
  • Urban
  • 6
  • Wymaga zasilenia woltomierzem
  • Transport
  • Floating vehicle, Ships, Locomotives
  • 1
  • 750
  • You can sit on this, takes up two blocks.
  • Common
  • 2813
  • Watercraft
  • Nov 1st 2010
  • 10.0
  • July 2008, 1/6
  • Male
  • The Forerunners created large frying pans made from rock and horse dung in order to get to place to place in a really alien way... besides the fact that they were made from stone and dung, and maybe a few jet packs, the didn't sink when they where faced with water, because a big Bungie executive broke into Steve's office and changed them. When Halo 2 was released, Steve later found out that Fred had made the Gondolas better than they should of been, thus leading to the completion of the level, and soon releasing Halo 3. After Halo 3 was sold, Fred and Steve reached for their Battle Rifles and Plasma Grenades, thus leading to a nuclear explosion that destroyed Bungie H.Q. That's why there isn't going to be a Halo 4.
  • A gondola is the part of a hot air balloon or blimp that the pilot, crew and passengers ride in. Batman and Robin, after being shrunk by Doctor Hiram Gulliver's miniaturizing ray, jumped onto the gondola of Gulliver's Balloon.
  • Godnola lub Wagon – funkcja trybu zombie i środek transportu występujący na mapach Mob of the Dead i Der Eisendrache.
  • Gondolas serve as a method of transportation for Booker and Elizabeth during the game. Often the pair will have to fight a battle to get to a gondola or perform a task to get the gondola to work. Gondola trips give the two characters an opportunity to talk without being interrupted or to observe something of importance.
  • The Boiling Rock had a pair of gondolas on a pulley system to use for transportation between the prison and the island itself. Designed to be the only way to cross the lake of boiling water that surrounded the prison, they were used to transfer new prisoners into the prison, as well as shuttling prison guards back and forth between their shifts. There were two separate gondola tracks that ran parallel to each other and in opposite directions, so when one gondola car was at the prison station, the other car was at the outer crater station, and they passed each other at the midpoint. The gondola cars were large and enclosed with open windows.
  • Gondola jest zewnętrzną struktura obudowującą silnik statku kosmicznego. Gondole w promach i statkach zdolnych do lotów w warp zawierają cewki warp okrętowego napędu warp. Gondole warp w 23 stuleciu były czasami znane jako gondole mocy, gondole antymaterii, głowice napędu warp lub jednostki napędu warp/kosmicznego. (TOS: The Doomsday Machine, Bread and Circuses; TAS: Beyond the Farthest Star; TNG: Datalore) Gondole impulsowe promów podświetlnych mieściły napęd impulsowy. (TNG: „In Theory”, „Descent” wyświetlana grafika) Cewki warp w gondolach tworzą pole podprzestrzenne, które zagina przestrzeń wokół statku, pozwalając mu "ślizgać się" po dystorsji przestrzennej, podróżując szybciej od światła. (ENT: „Cold Front”) Chociaż gondole warp nie zawsze są obecne statkach kosmicznych, są jednak najpowszechniejszym elementem lotów w warp, począwszy od pierwszego statku z technologią warp, Phoeniksa, autorstwa Zeframa Cochrane'a, ok 2063. (Star Trek: Pierwszy Kontakt) Na pokładzie większości jednostek nadświetlnych, cewki warp są wypełnione przewodami plazmowymi z rdzenia warp. Wypuszczenie plazmy z cewek czyni napęd warp nieskutecznym, aż do ponownego napełnienia cewek. (ENT: „Civilization”) Gondole są odseparowane od statku potężnymi pylonami, i zawierają z reguły kolektory Bussarda na przednim krańcu, używane głównie do zbierania wodoru z przestrzeni. Na dużych statkach klasy Galaxy, wnętrze gondoli obejmuje małe pomieszczenie kontrolne, dostępne w nominalnych warunkach przez tubę Jefferiesa, pozwalające na zarządzanie i monitorowanie ich działania. (TNG: „Eye of the Beholder”) Na pokładzie prototypowego Enterprise NX-01 w 22 stuleciu, przez całą długość gondoli ciągnęło się "kocie przejście", które w sytuacjach awaryjnych służyło załodze za schronienie przed pewnymi rodzajami promieniowania, generowanymi sztormem neutronowym. (ENT: „The Catwalk”, „The Crossing”) Aby podróże w warp były możliwe, obie gondole na pokładzie Enterprise muszą być spolaryzowane. W przypadku depolaryzacji jednej z nich, warp staje się niemożliwe. (ENT: „Fight or Flight”) Większość statków posiada dwie bliźniacze gondole. Aczkolwiek utrata jednej z nich nie uniemożliwia podróży w warp, a jedynie spowalnia. (VOY: „Year of Hell”; ENT: „Twilight”) Tak więc posiadanie przez statki odmiennej konfiguracji nie jest precedensem. Na przykład, federacyjne klasy Freedom, Saladyn, Hermes i Kelvin posiadały tylko jedną gondolę. Klasy Federation, Niagara z właściwej rzeczywistości, oraz Armstrong z alternatywnej, miały po trzy gondole. klasy constellation, Cheyenne i Prometheus posiadały cztery gondole. (Star Trek II: Gniew Khana; Star Trek III: W Poszukiwaniu Spocka; Star Trek 11; TNG: „The Battle”, „The Best of Both Worlds, Part II”; VOY: „Message in a Bottle”) Dwie dodatkowe gondole, są umieszczone na sekcji spodka klasy Prometheus, gdy wchodzi on w wielowektorowy tryb bojowy. Nie są one aktywne podczas normalnych warunków. W alternatywnej przyszłości, mającej miejsce w TNG: „All Good Things...”, odnowiona wersja USS Enterprise-D wyposażona była w trzy gondole. Nawet w prędkości podświetlnej, poważne uderzenie w gondole z broni, lub innego obiektu, może oznaczać dla statku katastrofę, ze względu na energetyczną reakcję zwrotną. Enterprise-D został w taki właśnie sposób zniszczony w alternatywnej linii czasowej, kiedy USS Bozeman zderzył się z jedną z jego gondoli. (TNG: „Cause and Effect”) Niektóre klasy okrętów jak Defiant i Steamrunner, posiadają gondole wbudowane w kadłub, bez pylonów. (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine; Star Trek: Pierwszy Kontakt) Statki obcych, jak należące do Dominium myśliwce Jem'Hadar, również posiadają gondole. (DS9: „Sons and Daughters”) In 2374, the crew of the USS Cortez had difficulty stabilizing the guidance thrusters on their port nacelle, forcing them to fall back from the position they were in as part of the Operation Return fleet. (DS9: „Favor the Bold”) When a class 2 shuttlecraft exceeded the speed of warp 9.7, tritanium depolarization created a velocity differential between the nacelles and fuselage. A depolarization matrix around the fuselage was required to avert the nacelles from tearing off due to subspace torque. (VOY: „Threshold”) In 2377, the expression "third nacelle" was analogous to "fifth wheel". (VOY: „Inside Man”)
  • The ship, which is slightly larger than an Athabasca-class Freighter, is often seen docked on places like and .
  • __NOWYSIWYG__ Gondola is a consumable in FarmVille. It was used for building Ferris Wheel.
  • In 1481, Ezio Auditore's first encounter with Caterina Sforza was when he had to rescue her with a gondola from an island near Forlì, Romagna, where her husband had left her. He also ensured the safety of Rosa's gondola in Venice – being piloted by Ugo – which was en route to the Venetian Thieves Guild after her leg had been pierced by an arrow.
  • Capri de Vapida and Pixel rode in a gondola with interviewer Candy Coco while in Venice, Italy.
  • The Gondola was part of the series Around the World and was released in late 2010. It was the 1st item brought in the series.
  • Gondolas (possibly also known as Trams or The Subway) were a cable-car-like rail based public transport system seen in Meridian in Blood Omen 2.
  • Gondola – daimon, który pojawił się jedynie w [[Sera Myu|musicalu Usagi - Ai no Senshi e no Michi. Powstał z połączenia jaja z gondolą. Kiedy na randce Mamoru i Usagi płynęli gondolą, nagle pojawił się daimon i skradł czyste serce Chibiusy. Jednakże zanim zdołał uciec, pojawiły się Sailor Neptune i Sailor Uranus i zniszczyły go. Wrogowie: Bractwo Śmierci 50px
  • thumb|260px|Ezio pilotujący gondolę w Wenecjithumb|260px|Ezio pilotujący gondolę w Rzymiethumb|260px|Ezio pilotujący gondolę w KonstantynopoluGondola – obiekt, występujący w Assassin's Creed II, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood i Assassin's Creed: Revelations.
  • Gondolas (ゴンドラ) are boats found in Mac Anu.
  • A gondola was a type of boat particular to Venice, Italy. In 2371, Harry Kim and Jenny Delaney shared a gondola in a holoprogram based in Venice. While out of sight of Tom Paris and Megan Delaney, Jenny's sister, they conversed, and then Kim fell out of the boat. Later, when Paris and B'Elanna Torres questioned Kim about the boat ride, he told them nothing had happened, that they had spoken and he'd fallen out by accident. Tom attributed Kim's mishap to being unprepared for Jenny's "voracious" actions. (VOY: "Prime Factors")
  • Gondolas are small, self-contained meeting places that are easy to search for listening devices. They offer participants panoramic scenery and a relaxing setting that can smooth over differences during negotiations, at least in calm waters and provided no greasy food is served. They are also fine places for elected officials to discuss public policy. As Orson Welles put it in The Third Man, when you are so high up, constituents with their diverse concerns "are just moving dots." Politicians in gondolas can conduct serious discussions wholly insulated from the distractions of reality, devising health-care coverage programs like overpriced theater-sized boxes of Dots, though unable to connect the Dots on terrorist threats.
  • The Coastal Villa Apartments are part of the exclusive Halvo community located in the prestigious Agora Foothills. Residents enjoy a host of interior upgrades, and each unit features an ocean view from a private patio or balcony. This quiet, gated community is located only a short gondola ride from the renowned shops and businesses of our active and thriving coastal community.
  • The gondola is a blue cup lined with a yellow rim. Yellow ropes connect it to a blue circle marked with a yellow arrow.