  • Dark Gaia
  • Dark Gaia
  • Dark Gaia
  • Dark Gaia
  • thumb Hier könnt ihr eure Versionen von Dark Gaia vorstellen Kategorie:Canon-Chara Kategorie:Schurken Kategorie:Monster Kategorie:Magische Wesen Kategorie:Dark Gaias Minions
  • Dark Gaia is a Ginormous Monster that Ripped up Earth, and Awakening from the Planet. He is an Evil God Member, and Appeared in The Galaxy Star Kingdom Hearts Series.
  • Dark Gaia is a fictional character in the Sonic the Hedgehog series, first appearing in Sonic Unleashed.
  • Dark Gaia (ダーク・ガイア Dāku Gaia) ist der Hauptantagonist aus Sonic Unleashed und das Gegenstück zu Light Gaia. Dark Gaia ist der Repräsentant der Dunkelheit und Zerstörung, welcher durch Doktor Eggmans Kanone, zu Beginn von Sonic Unleashed, aus dem Erdinneren befreit wurde. Des Doktors Plan war es dabei die Kraft dieses Monstrums zu nutzen um die Welt zu erobern und sein Eggman Empire aufzubauen. Außerdem ist Dark Gaia der Schöpfer der, in den Nachtleveln auftauchenden, Dark-Gaia-Schergen.
  • Dark Gaia is a titanic creature and a corrupted elemental, and is the main antagonist and final boss of Sonic Unleashed. Dark Gaia was the "dark" half of the Earth while Chip (also known as Light Gaia) represented the lighter half of existence. Every few millions of years, Dark Gaia would emerge to destroy the world, but Chip would always put it back together and seal Dark Gaia in the Earth's core again.
  • When Amy Rose met Sonic the Hedgehog for the first time at Never Lake, an illustration that heavily resembled Dark Gaia (as well as Chip) could be seen on one of her tarrot cards (the same set that allegedly predicted her first meeting with Sonic), possibly fortelling of the beasts eventual awakening. (StH: #290)
  • Dark Gaia (ダークガイア Dākugaia?) is one of the main antagonists and the final boss of Sonic Unleashed. It is a primordial hyper energy organism from the dawn of time and the incarnation of darkness, night and destruction. Since its birth, Dark Gaia has been in an eternal conflict with Light Gaia, where they maintain a cycle of destruction and rebirth of the planet.
  • Dark Gaia (ダークガイア Dākugaia?) – jeden z głównych antagonistów w grze Sonic Unleashed i przedostatni boss. Jest to mityczna istota istniejąca od zarania dziejów, wcielenie mroku, nocy i zniszczenia. Dark Gaia jest w konflikcie z Light Gaią, w którym próbuje zniszczyć Ziemię ale zostaje zawsze powstrzymany przez swojego odpowiednika.
  • In the present day, Dark Gaia was awoken prematurely by Dr. Eggman, who planned to use its power to establish the Eggman Empire, which caused it to break apart and scatter across the world. After being reassembled, Dark Gaia attempted to destroy the world, but was defeated and returned to dormancy by Sonic the Hedgehog and, Ahri and Light Gaia, restoring it's cycle. Despite its bestial behavior, Dark Gaia appears to be a sapient being to some extent, such as showing cunning in battle and planning an attack that Chip could not figure out
  • Dark Gaia (ダークガイア Dākugaia) es uno de los principales antagonistas y el jefe final de Sonic Unleashed. Es un organismo de energía hiper primordial desde el principio de los tiempos y la encarnación de la oscuridad, la noche y la destrucción. Desde su nacimiento, Dark Gaia ha estado en un eterno conflicto con Light Gaia, donde ellos mantienen un ciclo de destrucción y renacimiento del planeta.
  • Evil
  • *Gaia Colossus *Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Brak
  • Dark Gaia.png
  • Keine Angaben
  • Unbekannt
  • Neutral
  • Bóstwo
  • Antagonist
Inne media
  • *Destrucción del planeta *Super fuerza *Durabilidad mejorada *Resistencia al Calor *Proyección de Energía *Manipulación de Oscuridad **Manipulación de Energía Oscura *Manipulación de Energía Emocional *Creación de Dark Gaia's Minions *Inmortalidad
  • Sonic Unleashed
  • Egg Dragoon
  • Niszczyć świat
  • Perfect Dark Gaia
  • *Sonic Unleashed *Sonic Generations
  • Białe i zielone
Super Forms
  • *Perfect Dark Gaia
  • Dark Gaia
  • Marrón, azul neón
type of villain
  • Dark Energy Being
  • Brązowa, niebieska, neonowa
  • Azul, blanco
  • *Krallenangriff *Energieprojektionen *Erschaffung von Monstern *Hohe körperliche Kraft
  • Ninguno
Nie lubi
  • Light Gaia i Sonica
  • *Chip/Light Gaia
  • Unbekannt
  • Sonic Unleashed
  • Keine Angaben
  • Nieznany
  • *Light Gaia
  • Frank Welker
  • Destroy the world, Destroy Sonic & Chip .
  • *Sonic Unleashed *Sonic Generations
  • Dark Gaia
  • Sonic Unleashed
  • Existiert seit Anbeginn der Zeit
  • Vast dark powers
  • *Planet destruction *Super strength *Enhanced durability *Heat resistance *Energy projection *Darkness manipulation **Dark energy manipulation *Emotional energy manipulation *Dark Gaia's Minions creation *Immortality
  • Light Gaia
  • Villain
  • Dark Gaia
  • Dark Gaia
  • Sonic Unleashed
  • Dark Gaia en su verdadera forma, Perfect Dark Gaia.
  • Malvado
Skin Color
  • Brown, neon blue
  • Deity
  • *Deity
  • *Dark Gaia
  • Dark Gaia
  • The battle against Dark Gaia has several phases. In both versions, the player takes control of the Gaia Colossus in order to attack Dark Gaia. In the Xbox 360/PS3 versions, Sonic has to hurry to help Gaia Colossus by passing through platforming sections as fast as possible in order to hit one of Dark Gaia's large eyes.
  • Gallery
  • Main page
  • Energy being, Manifestation of darkness, Gaia
  • Light Gaia
  • Dark Gaia
Eye Color
  • Green, white
  • Male
  • None
  • Mustafar
  • n/a
  • 250
  • 300
  • Dark Gaia (ダークガイア Dākugaia?) is one of the main antagonists and the final boss of Sonic Unleashed. It is a primordial hyper energy organism from the dawn of time and the incarnation of darkness, night and destruction. Since its birth, Dark Gaia has been in an eternal conflict with Light Gaia, where they maintain a cycle of destruction and rebirth of the planet. In the present day, Dark Gaia was awoken prematurely by Dr. Eggman, who planned to use its power to establish the Eggman Empire, which caused it to break apart and scatter across the world. After being reassembled, Dark Gaia attempted to destroy the world, but was defeated and returned to dormancy by Sonic the Hedgehog and Light Gaia, restoring its cycle.
  • thumb Hier könnt ihr eure Versionen von Dark Gaia vorstellen Kategorie:Canon-Chara Kategorie:Schurken Kategorie:Monster Kategorie:Magische Wesen Kategorie:Dark Gaias Minions
  • Dark Gaia (ダークガイア Dākugaia) es uno de los principales antagonistas y el jefe final de Sonic Unleashed. Es un organismo de energía hiper primordial desde el principio de los tiempos y la encarnación de la oscuridad, la noche y la destrucción. Desde su nacimiento, Dark Gaia ha estado en un eterno conflicto con Light Gaia, donde ellos mantienen un ciclo de destrucción y renacimiento del planeta. En el día de hoy, Dark Gaia fue prematuramente despertado por el Dr. Eggman, quien planeó utilizar su poder para establecer el Eggman Empire, lo que provocó que se rompiera y dispersara por todo el mundo. Después de volver a unirse, Dark Gaia intentó destruir el mundo, pero fue derrotado y vuelto a la latencia por Sonic the Hedgehog y Light Gaia, restaurando su ciclo.
  • Dark Gaia is a Ginormous Monster that Ripped up Earth, and Awakening from the Planet. He is an Evil God Member, and Appeared in The Galaxy Star Kingdom Hearts Series.
  • Dark Gaia is a fictional character in the Sonic the Hedgehog series, first appearing in Sonic Unleashed.
  • In the present day, Dark Gaia was awoken prematurely by Dr. Eggman, who planned to use its power to establish the Eggman Empire, which caused it to break apart and scatter across the world. After being reassembled, Dark Gaia attempted to destroy the world, but was defeated and returned to dormancy by Sonic the Hedgehog and, Ahri and Light Gaia, restoring it's cycle. Dark Gaia is best likened to an innate and malevolent force of nature. Most of the time, it shows little more than the mindset of an incredible hostile and abominable beast, attacking anyone in its way, and seemingly lacks any consciousness or wisdom. Existing for the sole purpose of destroying the world, Dark Gaia is driven only by its singular instinct to bring the end of the world, not showing any reasons, regrets or thoughts about its actions. Despite its bestial behavior, Dark Gaia appears to be a sapient being to some extent, such as showing cunning in battle and planning an attack that Chip could not figure out
  • Dark Gaia (ダーク・ガイア Dāku Gaia) ist der Hauptantagonist aus Sonic Unleashed und das Gegenstück zu Light Gaia. Dark Gaia ist der Repräsentant der Dunkelheit und Zerstörung, welcher durch Doktor Eggmans Kanone, zu Beginn von Sonic Unleashed, aus dem Erdinneren befreit wurde. Des Doktors Plan war es dabei die Kraft dieses Monstrums zu nutzen um die Welt zu erobern und sein Eggman Empire aufzubauen. Außerdem ist Dark Gaia der Schöpfer der, in den Nachtleveln auftauchenden, Dark-Gaia-Schergen.
  • Dark Gaia (ダークガイア Dākugaia?) – jeden z głównych antagonistów w grze Sonic Unleashed i przedostatni boss. Jest to mityczna istota istniejąca od zarania dziejów, wcielenie mroku, nocy i zniszczenia. Dark Gaia jest w konflikcie z Light Gaią, w którym próbuje zniszczyć Ziemię ale zostaje zawsze powstrzymany przez swojego odpowiednika. Dark Gaia został przedwcześnie przebudzony podczas wydarzeń z gry Sonic Unleashed. Z tego powodu musiał rozdzielić swoją energię pomiędzy swoich sługusów - mroczne stwory atakujące świat w nocy. Doktor Eggman planował odbudować Dark Gaię i wykorzystać go do podboju świata. Jednakże potwór miał inne plany co do Ziemi i omal jej nie zniszczył. Ostatecznie pokonali go Sonic i Light Gaia.
  • Dark Gaia is a titanic creature and a corrupted elemental, and is the main antagonist and final boss of Sonic Unleashed. Dark Gaia was the "dark" half of the Earth while Chip (also known as Light Gaia) represented the lighter half of existence. Every few millions of years, Dark Gaia would emerge to destroy the world, but Chip would always put it back together and seal Dark Gaia in the Earth's core again.
  • When Amy Rose met Sonic the Hedgehog for the first time at Never Lake, an illustration that heavily resembled Dark Gaia (as well as Chip) could be seen on one of her tarrot cards (the same set that allegedly predicted her first meeting with Sonic), possibly fortelling of the beasts eventual awakening. (StH: #290)
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