  • Tret Akleen
  • Tret Akleen
  • Tret Akleen
  • Tret Akleen was een Cardassian historische figuur die de "vader" van de Cardassian unie genoemd werd. Akleen werd geboren in het Ventani systeem, op de planeet Ventani II. (DS9: "Tears of the Prophets") Het is niet bekend wanneer Tret Akleen precies leefde; je zou kunnen denken dat hij 500 jaar geleden leefde als je afgaat op Dukat's opmerking in "Defiant" over de leeftijd van de Cardassian regering. Deze informatie is uit een verwijderde scène afkomstig.
  • Tret Akleen is the Cardassian revolutionary largely responsible for the overthrow of the Hebitian society and the establishment of the dictatorial Cardassian Union. He began his life on the colony world of Ventani II, located along what is now the Federation-Cardassian border, but subsequently moved to Cardassia Prime just in time for the beginning of the disastrous Cataclysm.
  • Tret Akleen es una importante figura histórica para los Cardassianos, quienes lo consideran el "padre" de la Unión Cardassiana. Se sabe poco de él, aunqué sí se sabe que nació en Ventani II, en el Sistema Ventani. En 2374, Elim Garak propuso la captura del mundo natal de Akleen, alegando que sería una victoria propagandística para la Alianza de la Federación. (DS9: "Tears of the Prophets")
  • Akleen was born on the second planet in the Ventani system, which was therefore considered sacred ground by Cardassians everywhere. Elim Garak suggested that the Federation Alliance attack that system (instead of the Chin'toka system as was later decided), to give the Federation a propaganda victory over the Cardassians because the loss of Akleen's birthplace would be felt as devastating to them. Worf noted the Ventani system held no strategic value and Benjamin Sisko commented that the loss would have no effect on the Jem'Hadar. (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion - A Series Guide and Script Library)
  • Tret Akleen was a male Cardassian who founded the Cardassian Union. The Akleen Sector of Cardassia City was named after him. (DS9 novel: A Stitch in Time) The Akleen Memorial in Cardassia City was dedicated to him. (DS9 novel: The Never-Ending Sacrifice) Akleen founded the Union on the principle that service to the state was the most important aspect of Cardassian life. Akleen's writings were among the literature available to Obsidian Order members. (DS9 novel: Fearful Symmetry)
  • Man
  • Tret Akleen
  • Tret Akleen was a male Cardassian who founded the Cardassian Union. The Akleen Sector of Cardassia City was named after him. (DS9 novel: A Stitch in Time) The Akleen Memorial in Cardassia City was dedicated to him. (DS9 novel: The Never-Ending Sacrifice) Akleen founded the Union on the principle that service to the state was the most important aspect of Cardassian life. Akleen's writings were among the literature available to Obsidian Order members. (DS9 novel: Fearful Symmetry) In 2374, Elim Garak suggested that the Federation Alliance should attack Ventani II, Akleen's planet of birth. It was ruled out as a target as it had little strategic value and the Jem'Hadar would not consider it sacred like the Cardassians did. (DS9 episode: "Tears of the Prophets") In 2376, the Cardassian people voted in a competition between the Directorate, the Reunion Project and other political parties on Cardassia on the anniversary of Akleen's founding of the Union. (DS9 novel: A Stitch in Time)
  • Akleen was born on the second planet in the Ventani system, which was therefore considered sacred ground by Cardassians everywhere. Elim Garak suggested that the Federation Alliance attack that system (instead of the Chin'toka system as was later decided), to give the Federation a propaganda victory over the Cardassians because the loss of Akleen's birthplace would be felt as devastating to them. Worf noted the Ventani system held no strategic value and Benjamin Sisko commented that the loss would have no effect on the Jem'Hadar. (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion - A Series Guide and Script Library) In A Stitch in Time, Andrew Robinson describes Akleen as being: "The putative founder of modern Cardassia."
  • Tret Akleen was een Cardassian historische figuur die de "vader" van de Cardassian unie genoemd werd. Akleen werd geboren in het Ventani systeem, op de planeet Ventani II. (DS9: "Tears of the Prophets") Het is niet bekend wanneer Tret Akleen precies leefde; je zou kunnen denken dat hij 500 jaar geleden leefde als je afgaat op Dukat's opmerking in "Defiant" over de leeftijd van de Cardassian regering. Deze informatie is uit een verwijderde scène afkomstig.
  • Tret Akleen is the Cardassian revolutionary largely responsible for the overthrow of the Hebitian society and the establishment of the dictatorial Cardassian Union. He began his life on the colony world of Ventani II, located along what is now the Federation-Cardassian border, but subsequently moved to Cardassia Prime just in time for the beginning of the disastrous Cataclysm. Tret Akleen first appears in a scene cut from DS9: "Tears of the Prophets" where he is named as the father of the Cardassian people and his origin on Ventani II is stated. While this scene was cut, a reference to it was adopted in Andrew J. Robinson's A Stitch in Time, and from there into numerous fanfic continuities.
  • Tret Akleen es una importante figura histórica para los Cardassianos, quienes lo consideran el "padre" de la Unión Cardassiana. Se sabe poco de él, aunqué sí se sabe que nació en Ventani II, en el Sistema Ventani. En 2374, Elim Garak propuso la captura del mundo natal de Akleen, alegando que sería una victoria propagandística para la Alianza de la Federación. (DS9: "Tears of the Prophets") No se conoce el periodo exacto en el que Tret Akleen vivió; Se puede asumir que vivió alrededor del siglo 19 basándonos en el comentario de Dukat en el episodio "Defiant" acerca de la antigüedad del sistema gubernamental de los Cardassianos.