  • Ha-di
  • Ha-di, is an Egyptian spell that means "Destroy". The hieroglyph can be divided into three phonograms, or "sound pictures". The mace is hed, had, hid, hod, or hud or hwd. The second is a confirmation or support of the first - d. The third is ah, ai, or ii - So the word is H?d-d-ai/a/ii.
  • Ha-di, is an Egyptian spell that means "Destroy". The hieroglyph can be divided into three phonograms, or "sound pictures". The mace is hed, had, hid, hod, or hud or hwd. The second is a confirmation or support of the first - d. The third is ah, ai, or ii - So the word is H?d-d-ai/a/ii. It is primarily used to break and shatter objects, and often creates explosions. In The Red Pyramid, Sadie Kane uses this for the first time to break into the library at the Brooklyn House. After she gave up the power of Isis, she struggled with the spell, but regained the spell by the end of The Throne of Fire. It is also known as her favorite spell. In the Staff of Serapis, it proved useless against Serapis who simply crushed the hieroglyph to Sadie's astonishment. This was because Serapis had both Greek and Egyptian magic and controlled, consumed and replaced both.