  • SoupCock PorkPie
  • SoupCock Porkpie
  • SoupCock Porkpie is a bizarre RED Demoman TF2 Monster created by YouTube user UntouchedShadovv. His theme is Luigi's Mansion - Dark Rooms.
  • SoupCock resides inside a Scrumpy Bottle that seems to be able to transport itself to different places. When someone enters the general vicinity of the bottle, he will emerge, burping in an odd continuous matter and moving through flipping and spinning causing dismemberment. Whatever his intentions for 'gluing' are have not been confirmed, but an example of his work can be seen from when he forced a Heavy to the wall and began ripping him to shreds and saying "glue glue glue glue glue". He can apparently teleport as well by taking a swig from his Bottle, as seen in a few videos such as the Trio of Freaks series.
type of hero
  • TF2 Freak
  • N/A
  • 2010-02-15
  • Floating
  • Fitting Inside Bottles
  • Gluing People to Walls
  • Unleashing Cats
  • SCP
  • Gluing Someone
  • Glue Manufacturer
  • SoupCock PorkPie
  • SoupCock resides inside a Scrumpy Bottle that seems to be able to transport itself to different places. When someone enters the general vicinity of the bottle, he will emerge, burping in an odd continuous matter and moving through flipping and spinning causing dismemberment. Whatever his intentions for 'gluing' are have not been confirmed, but an example of his work can be seen from when he forced a Heavy to the wall and began ripping him to shreds and saying "glue glue glue glue glue". He can apparently teleport as well by taking a swig from his Bottle, as seen in a few videos such as the Trio of Freaks series. His theme appears to be the Luigi's Mansion theme. When it begins playing, it means that someone has entered the SoupCock Zone and will possibly be glued. The song so far doesn't seem to change when gluing someone. As of yet, SoupCock PorkPie hasn't been on an adventure with certain freaks such as Ass Pancakes and Gentlespy. He seems to be the friendliest one of the bunch, but it's not yet confirmed.
  • SoupCock Porkpie is a bizarre RED Demoman TF2 Monster created by YouTube user UntouchedShadovv. His theme is Luigi's Mansion - Dark Rooms.