  • New Germany
  • New Germany was a country that existed on Earth in the parallel universe called "Pete's World". When the President of Great Britain rejected John Lumic's Ultimate Upgrade project in 2007, Pete Tyler told Lumic that there was always New Germany. (TV: Rise of the Cybermen)
  • In 1943, the Nazis attack and conquer Hawaii and other islands in the Pacific that belong to the USA. President Franklin D. Roosevelt orders all of the US army to fight back, but are overpowered, leading to all of the American Continent being ruled by the Nazis and soon after that, the world!
  • New Germany was a country that existed on Earth in the parallel universe called "Pete's World". When the President of Great Britain rejected John Lumic's Ultimate Upgrade project in 2007, Pete Tyler told Lumic that there was always New Germany. (TV: Rise of the Cybermen)
  • In 1943, the Nazis attack and conquer Hawaii and other islands in the Pacific that belong to the USA. President Franklin D. Roosevelt orders all of the US army to fight back, but are overpowered, leading to all of the American Continent being ruled by the Nazis and soon after that, the world!