  • Xavian
  • Xavian
  • Xavian
  • Xavian
  • Rasse Satyrn Führer Geltharis Zugehörigkeit Brennende Legion Rufstufe zu Beginn Stufenbereich Ort Eschental Hauptstadt Zone Gebiet 200px Fraktionen Stufe Xavian ist ein Posten der Satyrn im Eschental, der die Ruinen eines Nachtelfentempels beherbergt.
  • Xavian is named after Xavius, one of the night elves responsible for summoning the burning legion through a portal manifested from the Well of Eternity in Zin-Azshari in what became later known as the War of the Ancients. Sargeras transformed Xavius into the first satyr when he became unhappy with his progress with the portal. With as close as Xavian is to Azshara, it's easy to assume that this is why it's named so. Terestian Illhoof in Karazhan may be related in some way to Xavian, as he drops .
  • Xavian is the former Immortal of Darkness, known for having taken over Really Cool Land in the past, before being defeated by Ventus and the Artifacts of Wisdom. He has since been replaced by Zais. Unlike other Immortals, Xavian did not choose Zais to replace him, rather Zais developed his powers on his own and forcefully usurped Xavian's position, although the details of the coup are not known. Xavian was imprisoned in another dimension somewhere, and has attempted to excape and reclaim his position at least once, through his vessel, Myrxxan. Defeated by Johnny and Ventus, he remains trapped, but still alive.
  • thumb Xavian to osada satyrów położona w północno-wschodniej Jesionowej Kniei na ruinach starożytnej świątyni nocnych elfów. To jedno z trzech siedlisk satyrów w regionie, obok Satyrnaaru i Nocnego Gonu. Xavian jest ich główną osadą, na co wskazuje obecność księcia Raze i Geltharisa.
  • Xavian ist ein Satyrlager im nordöstlichen Eschental, nördlich von Satyrnaar und östlich von Waldeslied gelegen. Hier befinden sich, unter anderem, Ruinen eines Nachtelfentempels sowie der Zweig des Cenarius.
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  • Xavian
  • Xavian
  • Eschental
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  • Xavian_Cata.jpg
  • Rasse Satyrn Führer Geltharis Zugehörigkeit Brennende Legion Rufstufe zu Beginn Stufenbereich Ort Eschental Hauptstadt Zone Gebiet 200px Fraktionen Stufe Xavian ist ein Posten der Satyrn im Eschental, der die Ruinen eines Nachtelfentempels beherbergt.
  • thumb Xavian to osada satyrów położona w północno-wschodniej Jesionowej Kniei na ruinach starożytnej świątyni nocnych elfów. To jedno z trzech siedlisk satyrów w regionie, obok Satyrnaaru i Nocnego Gonu. Xavian jest ich główną osadą, na co wskazuje obecność księcia Raze i Geltharisa. Xavian to nazwa nadana na cześć Xaviusa, jednego z nocnych elfów odpowiedzialnych za przywołanie Płonącego Legionu przez portal otwarty w Studni Wieczności w Zin-Azshari. Następstwem tego wydarzenia była Wojna Starożytnych. Xavius został przemieniony przez Sargerasa, niezadowolonego ze zbyt powolnego otwierania portalu, w pierwszech z satyrów..
  • Xavian is named after Xavius, one of the night elves responsible for summoning the burning legion through a portal manifested from the Well of Eternity in Zin-Azshari in what became later known as the War of the Ancients. Sargeras transformed Xavius into the first satyr when he became unhappy with his progress with the portal. With as close as Xavian is to Azshara, it's easy to assume that this is why it's named so. Terestian Illhoof in Karazhan may be related in some way to Xavian, as he drops .
  • Xavian is the former Immortal of Darkness, known for having taken over Really Cool Land in the past, before being defeated by Ventus and the Artifacts of Wisdom. He has since been replaced by Zais. Unlike other Immortals, Xavian did not choose Zais to replace him, rather Zais developed his powers on his own and forcefully usurped Xavian's position, although the details of the coup are not known. Xavian was imprisoned in another dimension somewhere, and has attempted to excape and reclaim his position at least once, through his vessel, Myrxxan. Defeated by Johnny and Ventus, he remains trapped, but still alive.
  • Xavian ist ein Satyrlager im nordöstlichen Eschental, nördlich von Satyrnaar und östlich von Waldeslied gelegen. Hier befinden sich, unter anderem, Ruinen eines Nachtelfentempels sowie der Zweig des Cenarius. Datei:Eschental Icon.jpg Eschental Datei:Cataclysm-Logo-Small.PNG Astranaar - Bathrans Schlupfwinkel - Blutreißers Lager - Bolyuns Lager - Dämonenhügel - Dämonensturz (Dämonenstieg) - Donnergipfel - Falathimsee - Grabhügel von Dor'Danil - Haus von Edune - Heulendes Tal - Himmelssturzsee - Höllschreis Wacht - Holzfällerlager des Kriegshymnenklans (Burg Kargathia) - Krolgs Hütte - Lager der Distelfelle (Höhle der Distelfelle) - Laubtatzenlichtung - Maestras Posten - Mondbrunnen der Reinheit - Mystralsee - Nachtflucht - Nachtweisenwald - Orendils Zuflucht - Rajenbaum (Rajenbaumturm) - Ruinen von Ordil'Aran - Ruuzels Insel - Satyrnaar - Schattengrün - Schattenwinkel - Schrein des Sengenden Feuers - Schrein von Aessina - Silberwindzuflucht - Splitterholzposten - Sternenstaubruinen - Stinkwerke - Stützpunkt an der Grotte - Überreste des Irissees - Waldeslied - Xavian - Zoramstrand
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