  • Cassidy Phillips
  • Cassidy Phillips
  • Cassidy Phillips
  • Cassidy Phillips
  • Cassidy Phillips
  • Cassidy Phillips
  • Cassidy Phillips
  • Cassidy Phillips
  • Titolo Attore AltCasting Doppiatore AltDoppiatore Prima Ultima Apparizione Menzionato Count Centric Nome AKA Età Nascita Morte EpMorte Luogo Professione PerchéAustralia PerchéDestinazione PerchéIsola Familiari Connessioni Cassidy Phillips è una donna divorziata che si innamora di Sawyer, ma viene truffata da quest'ultimo. Qualche mese dopo dà alla luce la figlia di James, Clementine. Diventa anche amica di Kate.
  • Cassidy Phillips era uma recente divorciada quando se apaixonou por Sawyer. Desse relacionamento nasceu Clementine. O relacionamento acabou e ela teve uma amizade com Kate.
  • Cassidy Phillips est une femme divorcée qui est tombée amoureuse de Sawyer, qui l'a escroquée. Elle donnera plus tard naissance à Clementine, la fille de Sawyer.
  • Cassidy Phillips ist eine kürzlich geschiedene Frau, die von Sawyer um 600.000 Dollar betrogen worden ist.
  • Cassidy Phillips是被Sawyer欺騙的女人之一,亦是Clementine的母親。起初她真的愛上了Sawyer,還與他一起去進行多次騙局,但是直到她的金錢被騙走後才對他死心。後來她在賣假首飾時遇到Kate,而她更決定幫助Kate去與她的母親見面,因此她與Kate成了好友。之後她成功控告Sawyer,因此他被關進監獄。此外她還誕下了她與Sawyer的女兒Clementine,並一直獨自照顧她。
  • Cassidy Phillips era una recién divorciada a la que Sawyer estafó unos 600.000 dólares. Después de descubrir el timo habitual de Sawyer de dejar caer "accidentalmente" el maletín lleno de dinero, le pide que le enseñe a estafar. Pasaron unos meses juntos trabajando en pequeños timos. Una vez que ella ya estaba segura de sus habilidades, le pidió a Sawyer que le enseñara a hacer una gran estafa, y le ofreció su dinero como capital. Puede que estuvieran enamorados, pero Sawyer la estafó y se llevó todo su dinero.
  • Cassidy was a recently divorced woman whom Sawyer conned out of a known $600,000. After she thwarted his usual routine of "accidentally" dropping the briefcase full of money, she asked him to teach her how to con and they spent the next few months working small scams, while apparently becoming closer as a couple. Once she felt confident in her skills, she asked Sawyer to teach her a long con, and offered her own money as capital. Sawyer told his partner that he could not go through with taking Cassidy's money because he had genuinely fallen in love with her. However, his partner replied that he would shoot Sawyer and Cassidy if the con did not go ahead, and in the end Sawyer finished the con, took Cassidy's money, and disappeared. ("The Long Con")
  • Cassidy Phillips was a divorcée who had a relationship with Sawyer, and when he attempted to pull his usual scam where he would use a briefcase with a broken lock that would expose the cash in his possession, Cassidy caught on and called him on it. She told him that he should have done his homework as she hadn’t taken anything from her husband in the divorce, and that she wasn’t even worth his trouble. Intrigued by his lifestyle, Cassidy decided to find out exactly what it was Sawyer did, and how to con people. (The Long Con)
  • Przed katastrofą znała Sawyera. Została przez niego oszukana. Kochała go (być może z wzajemnością). Spotkała się z Kate, opowiadając jej o oszustwie dokonanym przez Sawyera. Wspomina także o córce - Clementine. Pomaga Kate w spotkaniu z pilnie strzeżoną matką.
  • Character appearances#Cassidy PhillipsS5
  • Character appearances#Cassidy PhillipsS5
  • Aiuta Kate a parlare con la madre
  • Si prende cura di Aaron e Clementine
  • Vittima di un raggiro di Sawyer
  • "Every Man for Himself"
  • "Left Behind"
  • "The Long Con"
  • "Whatever Happened, Happened"
  • Iowa, US
  • Cassidy Phillips
  • Kobieta
  • Cassidy.jpg
  • Nieznane
  • Cassidy
  • Unknown
  • Cassidy
  • Phillips
  • Vivante
  • Kim Dickens
  • 4
  • Clementine - Córka
  • Kim Dickens
  • Clementine Phillips - Fille
  • Stati Uniti
  • Desconocida
  • Clementine Phillips - Tochter
  • Cassidy Phillips
  • Cassidy Phillips
  • Cassidy Phillips
  • 不明
  • Desconhecida
  • Estafadora
  • Alive
  • Żyje
  • 在生
  • am Leben
  • Viva
  • Viva
  • 2
  • 3
  • 5
  • Baby_Clementine.JPG
  • CassidyUndercover.jpg
  • Estados Unidos
  • Kim Dickens
  • Kim Dickens
  • Kim Dickens
  • Kim Dickens
  • Kim Dickens
  • Cassidy
  • Cassidy Phillips
  • Cassidy Phillips
  • Cassidy Phillips
  • 250
  • Ofiara przekrętów Sawyera, połączyło ich uczucie, mają córkę Clementine
  • Clementine Phillips - Figlia
  • Ex-marito sconosciuto
  • 200
  • Vítima de um grande golpe de Sawyer, possível interesse romântico dele
  • Ayuda a Kate a hablar con su madre
  • Helped Kate talk to her mother
  • Opfer von Sawyers Betrug
  • Took care of Aaron and Clementine
  • Victim of a long con by Sawyer
  • Víctima de una estafa de Sawyer
  • hilft Kate dabei, mit ihrer Mutter zu reden
  • Cassidy
  • Cassidy Phillips
  • Cassidy Phillips
  • Cassidy Phillips
  • Cassidy.jpg
  • left
  • right
  • Cassidy Phillips
  • Desconhecida
  • 騙子
  • Aspiring grifter
  • Viva
  • Clementine Phillips
  • Unnamed ex-husband
  • Clementine Phillips - Daughter
  • Clementine Phillips - Filha
  • Daughter - Clementine Phillips
  • James "Sawyer" Ford - Ex-lover
  • James "Sawyer" Ford - 前男朋友
  • 名字不詳的前夫
  • United States
  • 美國
  • Estados Unidos
  • Female
  • Kim Dickens como Cassidy
  • 4
  • 不明
  • Cassidy goes undercover to help Kate.
  • Cassidy is surprised by Kate's visit.
  • Cassidy wants in on Sawyer's con.
  • Kate helps Cassidy out of a failed con.
  • Photo of Clementine.
  • Aspirante disegnatrice
  • Kim Dickens
  • Francesca Fiorentini
  • Katrin Zimmermann
  • Victime de Sawyer
  • Mère de la fille de Sawyer
  • Barbara Tissier
  • Character appearances#Cassidy PhillipsS3
  • Character appearances#Cassidy PhillipsS3
  • Character appearances#Cassidy PhillipsS2
  • Character appearances#Cassidy PhillipsS2
  • Cassidy Phillips era una recién divorciada a la que Sawyer estafó unos 600.000 dólares. Después de descubrir el timo habitual de Sawyer de dejar caer "accidentalmente" el maletín lleno de dinero, le pide que le enseñe a estafar. Pasaron unos meses juntos trabajando en pequeños timos. Una vez que ella ya estaba segura de sus habilidades, le pidió a Sawyer que le enseñara a hacer una gran estafa, y le ofreció su dinero como capital. Puede que estuvieran enamorados, pero Sawyer la estafó y se llevó todo su dinero. Después de darse cuenta de que había sido estafada, decidió vivir de los timos. Mientras estaba en Iowa, intentó estafar con las técnicas que había aprendido. Desafortunadamente, no tenía tanto éxito como ella esperaba. En una gasolinera, un hombre al que intentaba estafar amenazó con llamar a la policía. Pero en ese momento una mujer se ofreció a comprar sus joyas falsas para ayudarla a salir del lío. Esa mujer era Kate (a la que no le interesaba que la policía estuviera por allí). Fueron juntas a beber a un bar, en donde Cassidy le prometió a Kate que le ayudaría a hablar con su madre, Diane. Primero la ayudó yendo a la casa de la madre de Kate disfrazada de una vendedora de biblias muy parecida a Kate, para que así pudieran tener una idea de la vigilancia a la que estaba siendo sometida la madre de Kate. Después de ser detenida e interrogada, Cassidy y Kate decidieron tomar una aproximación diferente. Cassidy fue a la cafetería en la que trabajaba Diane, y le tiró encima algo de comida, para que así tuviera que ir al baño, donde le esperaba Kate para hablar con ella.Intentó que comprendiese su situación pero no la convenció de que la perdonara por lo que había hecho y retirase la acusación, solamente le dió unos minutos para que se marchase antes de llamar a la policía. Después, Cassidy le contó su historia con Sawyer (aunque nunca dijo su nombre) y el hecho de que estaba embarazada. Kate fue la que la animó a denunciarlo a la policía. Cuando acabaron, cada una siguió su camino. Cassidy denunció a Sawyer a la policía, lo que le llevó a la prisión. Mientras estaba en la cárcel, Cassidy le visitó y le enseñó la foto de un bebé llamado Clementine Phillips, de quien ella decía que él era el padre. Sawyer negó que esa pudiera ser su hija, pero después abrió una cuenta de banco en Albuquerque, a nombre de Clementine, con las ganancias de su trato en prisión.
  • Titolo Attore AltCasting Doppiatore AltDoppiatore Prima Ultima Apparizione Menzionato Count Centric Nome AKA Età Nascita Morte EpMorte Luogo Professione PerchéAustralia PerchéDestinazione PerchéIsola Familiari Connessioni Cassidy Phillips è una donna divorziata che si innamora di Sawyer, ma viene truffata da quest'ultimo. Qualche mese dopo dà alla luce la figlia di James, Clementine. Diventa anche amica di Kate.
  • Cassidy Phillips era uma recente divorciada quando se apaixonou por Sawyer. Desse relacionamento nasceu Clementine. O relacionamento acabou e ela teve uma amizade com Kate.
  • Cassidy Phillips was a divorcée who had a relationship with Sawyer, and when he attempted to pull his usual scam where he would use a briefcase with a broken lock that would expose the cash in his possession, Cassidy caught on and called him on it. She told him that he should have done his homework as she hadn’t taken anything from her husband in the divorce, and that she wasn’t even worth his trouble. Intrigued by his lifestyle, Cassidy decided to find out exactly what it was Sawyer did, and how to con people. (The Long Con) The two started out small by conning two men named Arthur and Peter out of their money by selling them phony jewelery. After going through an endless list of cons in Sawyer’s arsenal and repeating a few, Cassidy decided that it was time for a “long con”. Sawyer explained that to proceed with a long con they needed the one thing they didn’t have: money. Cassidy then spoke up and stated that she had taken $600,000 from her husband in her divorce. (The Long Con) Once the con was set in place, Sawyer returned to the house and showed her a black car that was parked out on the street, and that inside was his partner Gordy who was going to kill them if Sawyer didn’t present him with the money. Sawyer explained to Cassidy that he knew about the $600,000 from the beginning and that she was the long con. Infuriated, Cassidy slapped Sawyer and told him to leave, however, Sawyer calmed her down by explaining that their relationship was real, and that the only reason Gordy was going to kill them was because Sawyer told him he wasn’t going to give him the money. Sawyer took the money out of a briefcase and placed it into a duffel bag and handed it to Cassidy and told her to go to a hotel where he would meet up with her. After she left, Sawyer returned to the house, and retrieved another duffel bag which contained the actual money. (The Long Con) Cassidy later found herself attempting to con people into purchasing fake jewelry as Sawyer had previously taught her to do. However, on one particular occasion at an Iowa service station, the service station attendant threatened to call the police on Cassidy for attempting to sell fakes. When Kate showed up and intervened, claiming that her father was a jeweler and that she could spot a fake, she bought a necklace from Cassidy for $60, and the attendant backed off. When Cassidy asked why she helped her, Kate claimed that it was just one girl looking out for another, but Cassidy thought the real reason was because she didn't want the police to be called. (Left Behind) Kate and Cassidy headed to a bar where they exchanged conversation about their current situations. After hearing Kate's story, Cassidy decided to help Kate get in contact with her mother. Cassidy dressed in Kate's clothes and headed to Diane's house posing as a Bible saleswoman, dressing as Kate would alert the federal agents who were waiting to apprehend her, and would also give Kate and Cassidy a better idea of what they were up against. Cassidy would later head to the diner where Diane worked and spiller her food on Diane, forcing her to head to the back to clean herself up, where Kate was waiting for her. When Kate asked for the name of the man who conned Cassidy so that she could find him for her, Cassidy revealed to Kate that she was pregnant and that the baby was his. (Left Behind) Although Sawyer appears to be through with Cassidy, she presses charges and he is sent to a eight year sentence in prison. Cassidy visits Sawyer in prison after two years, telling him that she gave birth to his daughter, Clementine. In prison, Sawyer meets a man named Munson, who was sent to prison for stealing a large quantity of money. Munson asks Sawyer to have this money moved as he is unable to. Sawyer instead tells the warden where the money is, in exchange for a cut of the money and the commutation of his sentence. Sawyer asks that the money be put in an anonymous bank account for Clementine. (Every Man for Himself)
  • Cassidy was a recently divorced woman whom Sawyer conned out of a known $600,000. After she thwarted his usual routine of "accidentally" dropping the briefcase full of money, she asked him to teach her how to con and they spent the next few months working small scams, while apparently becoming closer as a couple. Once she felt confident in her skills, she asked Sawyer to teach her a long con, and offered her own money as capital. Sawyer told his partner that he could not go through with taking Cassidy's money because he had genuinely fallen in love with her. However, his partner replied that he would shoot Sawyer and Cassidy if the con did not go ahead, and in the end Sawyer finished the con, took Cassidy's money, and disappeared. ("The Long Con") After her relationship with Sawyer ended, Cassidy set out on the road. While in Iowa, she tried to con people using the techniques she had been taught by Sawyer. Unfortunately, she was not as successful as she hoped. When a man she was trying to con at a service station threatened to call the police, a young lady stepped forward and pretended to buy her fake jewelry to help her out. The woman turned out to be Kate. The two got together for drinks at a local bar where Cassidy promised to help Kate talk to her mother, Diane. Cassidy first helped Kate by going to Diane's house disguised as a Bible saleswoman who could easily be mistaken for Kate, so that they could have an idea of how heavily guarded Diane's house was. After being taken in for questioning and eventually released, Cassidy and Kate decided to take a different approach. While in the diner that Diane worked at, Cassidy spilled some food on Diane, forcing her to go to the bathroom where Kate was waiting to talk to her. Cassidy told Kate about her affair with Sawyer, but did not mention his name. She told Kate that she was now pregnant with Sawyer's child. Cassidy said she was considering pressing charges against Sawyer, but wasn't sure whether to do so. (She did not explain how she planned to find him.) She and Kate then went their separate ways. ("Left Behind")
  • Cassidy Phillips est une femme divorcée qui est tombée amoureuse de Sawyer, qui l'a escroquée. Elle donnera plus tard naissance à Clementine, la fille de Sawyer.
  • Przed katastrofą znała Sawyera. Została przez niego oszukana. Kochała go (być może z wzajemnością). Spotkała się z Kate, opowiadając jej o oszustwie dokonanym przez Sawyera. Wspomina także o córce - Clementine. Pomaga Kate w spotkaniu z pilnie strzeżoną matką. Gdy Kate opuściła Wyspę udała się do Cassidy i powiedziała jej, że poznała Sawyera, który poprosił ją, aby znalazła jego córkę i powiedziała jej, że ojciec nigdy o niej nie zapomniał. Cassidy nie była jednak poruszona - uznała, że Sawyer wyskoczył z helikoptera, bo po prostu bał się odpowiedzialności, a Clementine była przykrywką.Cassidy domyśla się również, że Kate nie jest biologiczna matką Aarona. Pyta ją dlaczego kłamie, na co ta odpowiada, że musi, po czym odchodzi. 3 lata później Kate znowu odwiedza Cassidy i Clementine. Mówi Cassidy, że Jack namawia ją do powrotu na Wyspę, wspomina także, że wpadła w paranoję jak Aaron zgubił się w sklepie, bo sądziła, że go porwano. Phillips uznała, że Kate boi się zabrania jej dziecka, bo sama go komuś odebrała. Kate tłumaczy, że Claire zostawiła dziecko, a ona musiała się nim zająć, bo maluch jej potrzebował. Cassidy twierdzi jednak, że to Kate potrzebowała dziecko, aby nie załamać się po stracie Sawyera. („Whatever Happened, Happened”)
  • Cassidy Phillips ist eine kürzlich geschiedene Frau, die von Sawyer um 600.000 Dollar betrogen worden ist.
  • Cassidy Phillips是被Sawyer欺騙的女人之一,亦是Clementine的母親。起初她真的愛上了Sawyer,還與他一起去進行多次騙局,但是直到她的金錢被騙走後才對他死心。後來她在賣假首飾時遇到Kate,而她更決定幫助Kate去與她的母親見面,因此她與Kate成了好友。之後她成功控告Sawyer,因此他被關進監獄。此外她還誕下了她與Sawyer的女兒Clementine,並一直獨自照顧她。
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