  • Hair of Gold/Playing With
  • Basic Trope: A blond character is good. * Straight: A blond character is sweet, wholesome, and good, making her a big contrast from the witch who is out to get her. * Exaggerated: Hair like pale spun-gold, Incorruptible Pure Pureness. * Justified: She grew up with love and affection because she's so pretty (and she knows this and is kind to those who did not get treated so). * Inverted: The evil blonde attacks the poor innocent character. * Subverted: * The blond character tricks all and sundry with her sweet facade. * The blond character is cynical or a broken cutie. * Double Subverted: * Except that Good Is Not Nice and she had to worm her way into the villain's confidence. * She's a Knight in Sour Armor * Parodied: A villain dyes her hair bl
  • Basic Trope: A blond character is good. * Straight: A blond character is sweet, wholesome, and good, making her a big contrast from the witch who is out to get her. * Exaggerated: Hair like pale spun-gold, Incorruptible Pure Pureness. * Justified: She grew up with love and affection because she's so pretty (and she knows this and is kind to those who did not get treated so). * Inverted: The evil blonde attacks the poor innocent character. * Subverted: * The blond character tricks all and sundry with her sweet facade. * The blond character is cynical or a broken cutie. * Double Subverted: * Except that Good Is Not Nice and she had to worm her way into the villain's confidence. * She's a Knight in Sour Armor * Parodied: A villain dyes her hair blond and undergoes an instant Heel Face Turn. Her Mooks kidnap her and dye it bubble-gum pink. She revert and kills them all for laying hands on her. * Deconstructed: * A character who treats a blond character as good is horribly betrayed by him. * Alternately, the blond character is so good and pure that she don't understand that other people are capable of being evil, so she routinely gets tricked by people with bad intentions. * Reconstructed: But she's rescued by another blond character, who reveals the first one dyed his hair. * Zig Zagged: She reveals that she dyes her hair. Cue the Costume Test Montage as her younger self goes through a dozen hair styles and colors before settling on blonde. No one is really sure what her alignment is supposed to be now. * Averted: Hair color is not connected to morality; the good character can just as easily be a brunette or a redhead. * Enforced: How will the audience tell if they're not Color Coded for Your Convenience? * Lampshaded: "Hair dye might do more to make the world a better place than all magic and fighting we do." * Invoked: "Trust me! I'm blond!" * Defied: "I'm not going to turn into some namby-pamby Incorruptible Pure Pureness because of my hair color!" * Discussed: "What, you expected me to save you idiots just because I'm blonde?" * Conversed: ", I wonder which one is going to betray the bad guy?" Back to Hair of Gold