  • Brintall
  • Brintall was a city in Bajor's southern hemisphere. It is located in a mountainous area near the ocean. Asarem Wadeen was born in the village of Lecelon, close to Brintall, and considered the city to be her home. In 2376, several of the Europani from Europa Nova were settled briefly in Brintall, before becoming the first to return home. (DS9 - Mission Gamma novel: Twilight) Brintall Provincial College was located in the city. (DS9 novel: The Long Mirage)
  • Brintall was a city in Bajor's southern hemisphere. It is located in a mountainous area near the ocean. Asarem Wadeen was born in the village of Lecelon, close to Brintall, and considered the city to be her home. In 2376, several of the Europani from Europa Nova were settled briefly in Brintall, before becoming the first to return home. (DS9 - Mission Gamma novel: Twilight) Brintall Provincial College was located in the city. (DS9 novel: The Long Mirage)