  • Super Smash Sisters 2/Enemy Intros
  • These are intros in SSS2, when the female playables and the male NPCs are approached as enemy generals. * Peach:Spins gracefully around then gives a pose and giggles. She then gestures for her opponent to attack while saying "Hi there. Can we give a nice talk someplace before?" * Zelda:Floats down from the sky and one of the player's troops tries to strike Zelda, but she blasts him away with her powers. * Krystal:Krystal first has her staff behind then she gracefully swings it saying "Welcome to the battlefield. I've been waiting for this." She then stops with her staff upwards. She then gives a stare and says "Make sure to go easy on me this once, okay?" then blows a kiss for her opponent. Then she waves her left hand while happily smiling "For my name is Krystal, the loveliest
  • These are intros in SSS2, when the female playables and the male NPCs are approached as enemy generals. * Peach:Spins gracefully around then gives a pose and giggles. She then gestures for her opponent to attack while saying "Hi there. Can we give a nice talk someplace before?" * Zelda:Floats down from the sky and one of the player's troops tries to strike Zelda, but she blasts him away with her powers. * Krystal:Krystal first has her staff behind then she gracefully swings it saying "Welcome to the battlefield. I've been waiting for this." She then stops with her staff upwards. She then gives a stare and says "Make sure to go easy on me this once, okay?" then blows a kiss for her opponent. Then she waves her left hand while happily smiling "For my name is Krystal, the loveliest member of Star Fox." * Katt Monroe:She punches and open hand 2 times them points to the camera "Here are my rules for my friends." Katt does a spin kick "Guard Falco,"then lunges with a punch "guard Falco," and stomps the ground in front of herself while bringing her right hand to her right knee "and guard Falco!" She then stands up firmly with her left hand on her waist then she says with an evil-like smile "Because, when you step near my lovebird the wrong way, you step on Katt Monroe's tail and die." * Fara Phoenix:We see Fara squatting then she raises her head. "Hi there guys. Sorry if I kept you all waiting." Fara giggles then gets to her feet. "Have I got a show to give you all...?" then she gives a handstand and spins herself and her legs around. She then stops while laying on her right side and gives a gesture and a grin. "Would you care to see what a lovely girl like myself can do in fighting? It's going to be fuuuun." * Jody Summer:Jody punches out one of the player's soldiers then she swings her arms like a cat for some while she says "After so many long F-Zero races, I finally get a chance to do battle." Jody then gymnastically raises her right leg before pointing a finger at the camera. Jody then says "Get ready to swing it with Jody Summer!" * Phoebe:We hear Phoebe laughing as her ghost Pokemon take out some of the player's troops. The camera turns to her relaxing on something high and announces "I'm Phoebe of the Elite Four. I did my training on Mt. Pyre." She then gets up and starts to walk to the arena "While I trained," then her ghost Pokemon encircle her "I gained the ability to commune with Ghost-type Pokémon." After she stops walking she says "Yes, the bond I developed with Pokémon is extremely tight." Phoebe then strikes a sexy pose while her Pokemon strike fighting ones "So, come on, just try and see if you can even inflict damage on my Pokémon!" * Iris:Swings from 2 vines, eventually gracefully kicking 2 of the player's soldiers in the face each. After Iris touches the ground she announces "Here she is, the loveliest little girl and cutest Pokemon trainer." She then takes some Pokeballs out with a smile "Iris, and we're going to have some fun you and I." * Lyn:2 of the player's soldiers run for Lyn, who quickly cuts them down then she says "That was all you toke?" Another soldier tries to strike, but Lyn kills him "Not worthy of my time!" She then points Sol Katti at the camera while making a left fist. "I, Lyn of Sacae, will happily grant you a duel...If you can survive that is!" * Mist:Walks in with Florete and her staff out as she states "My brother is willing to give up his position as leader of the Greil Mercenaries to me." She then swings Florete to the right then downwards. Mist then twirls a bit before kneeling herself ready "I am Mist, brother of Ike and future mercenary leader." * Petrine:Petrine first spins her flame lance above herself laughing evilly then says "Do you like your meat rare?" then strikes a fighting pose with her lance near the camera "Or do you like it charbroiled?" She then stands and swings her lance down "Let me know, and I'll cook you up as you ordered!" then she laugh evilly knowing she will win. * Amy Rose:Amy slams her Piko Piko Hammer down and lays her head on her right shoulder. "Just one of my personal protections." She brings the hammer up, lays it on her left shoulder and says "If you saw Sonic then" she turns to show her back "I'll get him as my husband." She then turns her head to see her opponent "For now, let's play for a while." * Felicia:Felicia in her white cat walks forth before stopping to meow. She then changes to her catgirl form and places her hands on her hips saying "Welcome all to the greatest performer's show on Earth." She then poses and shouts "Felicia's musical for cats!" Felicia then squats with her hands to the floor and smiles "Now let's have a good time tonight." * Matsu:Matsu points her naginata at the camera announcing "These are the Maeda clan's rules..." she then points her naginata away before she crouches with her weapon forward "Protect the clan," she then gets up swinging her naginata to the left "perfect your skills," before putting it at her side, then swings her naginata up "And most importantly" before she moves her polearm near her left leg "protect the clan's leader!" She then strikes another pose announcing "I am Toshiie Maeda's wife, Matsu...and I will stand by him until the end." * Manon Batiste:Manon looks at her brother's necklace as he says "Jacques, my dear brother, what will I do?" She then looks at her opponent and announces "I will take up resistance arms for France," then walks up and points a gun at the camera "and bring our country to a new light!" * King Hippo:King Hippo walks towards the camera with his hands near his chest. Suddenly, he trips and falls. Hippo removes his head stuck in the ground with a cartoonish pop sound. He then looks around before giving his trademark foghorn-like noise to the camera whiles his crown flies in midair of his head. * Slippy Toad:We hear Slippy yelling "Weeeeeeeeee!" until he kicks one of the player's soldiers in the head. "Here he is folks, the brains of Star Fox has arrived!" Slippy says as he is in a kneeling position with his hands near his left side. The toad dances with a wrench for a bit as he says "Whatever Arwings of ours gets broken, I can put back together!" then swings his wrench down then to the right "For I'm Slippy Toad!" The camera zooms to Slippy's face as he says "Now it's time to kick butt!" * Bald Bull:Bald Bull hits his own head on the ring turnbuckle a few times before he turns around and says "I'm gonna eat you up man!" in Turkish. He then gives a bull-like roar for his fans before he fights. * Dome Ace Tucker:Tucker spins to his spot as he laughs while his crowd cheers. He then crouches with his left hand on the floor as he says "Do you hear it?" then looks around his arena "This crowd! They're all itching to see our match!" he then gets up with his hands on his hips and laughs again. He lifts a leg saying "I bet you're twitching all over from the tension of getting to battle me!" then bows "But don't worry about a thing!" he then spins and stops with his right hand in the air announcing "I'm the No.1 star of the Battle Dome! I, Tucker the Dome Ace, will bathe you in a brilliant glow!" He then does some dance moves then says "Your strategy! Let's see it!" * Eltshan:Eltshan spins his sword in his right hand before pointing Mistletain at the camera then announces "I am the Lord of Nodion, Eltshan. This is the Demon Sword, Mistletain." He then steps forward with his swords together above his head "If you don't wish to become its prey," then stops as he spreads his swords apart "then don't come anywhere near me..." * Nacien:Nacien does 2 sword swings saying "I am strong..." then does a lance swing "I am wise..." spins his sword in front of himself in a circle then stops it "I am handsome..." then Nacien swings his lance up "and I am right!" then gives a sadistic smile "Always! More than anybody!" * Galle:Galle spins his spear above himself and point it at the screen. "My friend and I are like steel in Bern." Galle announces as his wyvern walks up to him. Galle holds a hand to himself and says "Even though I am bound to ride with him, we make a deadly combo when we fight together." After the wyvern roars, Galle walks up and readies his spear to fight "Try and break the bond we share, even for Milady!" * Ranmaru Mori (Samurai Warriors):Ranmaru does 2 nodachi swings saying "Look to my eyes, and you see a demon." Ranmaru then kneels with his sword planted in the ground as he announces "A demon who serves a demon king." He then stands up and holds his nodachi in two hands "Ranmaru Mori, son of Yoshinari Mori and royal guard of Nobunaga." * Kanbei Kuroda (Samurai Warriors):Kanbei looks into his crystal ball as he says "The future of the lands are to soon be decided." A demonic essense is seen the ball as Kanbei says "All flames in the world are to be doused, for a single spark can lead to an inferno." Kanbei then empowers himself with dark magic and says "I will do what is right to extinguish the war from this world." * Mitsunari Ishida (Sengoku Basara):One of the player's troops charges at Mitsunari but he cuts him down as he says "May blood rain down," Mitsunari sees 2 soldiers "baptizing me," We see a flash of light then Mitsunari sheathing his sword. We see the 2 soldiers cut down "absolving me," A group of soldiers surround Mitsunari, but are all slain. We see Mitsunari with his sword swung to the right as he says "Allowing me to purge the traitors from these lands." Mitsunari slowly sheathes his sword and says "I beg of you," then stands up straight "grant me permission to slaughter these foul men. Lord Hideyoshi, it is your name I fight, until the end." * Kotaro Fuma (Sengoku Basara):A number of the player's soldiers rain lifelessly down. Kotaro lands on one of the soldiers who was killed then he takes out his Ninjato ready to attack his next victim. * Sasuke Sarutobi:We see Sasuke resting on a castle top on one leg and his left hand on his chin. He moves his hand saying "Expectations? I would keep them low if I were you. The Takeda clan and I, can offer you nothing." He then jumps down to the floor and disappears into the ground. Sasuke then slinks back up from the ground with his 2 shurikens "I'm sorry, but you better leave." then stands up "'cause if you don't..." and readies himself to fight "I might get angry." * Kojuro Katakura:We see Kojuro's left hand over his right eye as he first announces "I once thought to gouge out my own eye," then turns his left hand into a fist "but such an act wouldn't change anything." He then swings his left hand down "Therefore, I made a vow" and has one of his swords ready "for my sins" then takes the bottom sword out with his left hand "I would protect him..." then moves his sword up some "and as his right eye, avenge the injustices of that day!" then readies himself to fight. * Yoshiaki Mogami: We see Yoshiaki's legs stepping to the camera. The camera goes to Yoshiaki's face and he announces "There are none in this world that compare to me." He then leans comically forward and says "The reknowned..." then up "The feared..." then forward again "Lord Yoshiaki!" Yoshiaki shows his sword the camera before waving it around and then fixing himself "And let me tell you something: you should consider yourself lucky for finding me in such a good mood." before putting his hands out then sips some of his tea. * Muneshige Tachibana (Sengoku Basara):We first see Muneshige's right chainsaw sword in his right while he says "There are two things that I inherited from my father:" then the camera goes to his left chainsaw "The first is the Lightning Edge" then he brings his chainsaws together "and the second, is the spirit of the samurai." He strikes his chainsaws past each other "I may not have great skill," then again "but I DO possess loyalty" and brings his arms together "and I vow never to dishonor, or disgrace my lord's name." then prepares to do battle. * Ujimasa Hojo:We see Ujimasa all mad as he swipes his right arm saying "What's the problem!?" then steps forward "Why am I angry?! I'll tell you why!" then thrashes his arms about "Why can't I be the one who wins?!" then looks at the sky a second before getting his antler spear. He holds his spear up diaognally "I want to restore the glory of the Hojo clan." then moves to his other side before moving it around "After that, I want to rulle all!" then his back suddenly breaks and he clutches it in pain. * Yoshishige Satake:We see Yoshishige's legs in his armor as he groans then says "It's hard to walk in this armor." the camera goes to his face and he says. "You see?" Suddenly, he walks into the camera and hurts himself. After fixing himself he says "Clumsiness doesn't help." before putting the blunt of his pike on the ground while still holding it. * Hirotsuna Utsunomiya:Hirotsuna thrusts his spear forward with a kung-fu yell before he encircles his spear around his sides, then stops with a swing to his right side. He points a fist at the camera "Don't use your fists," before pointing to himself "use your brains." A white tiger walks up to Hirotsuna as he spins his spear above himself "That's the only way to win." before he places the spear at his left side "Right Tiger?!" The tiger complies with a roar. * Harmasa Nanbu:We see Nanbu's back to the camera on top of some graves while souls wander about some dead officers as he prays "In death, no trees will bear fruit. Nor flowers bloom in the gardens of the netherworld." the souls go into the officers, you can also see House of the Dead zombies "Rise to right the turns of fortune, rise to shed the wrongs of sin, rise to live your life again! Embrace the life that wakes within." After the men are alive, Nanbu tells them "You have been reborn once more, a second chance to settle your score." * Yoritsuna Anegakoji:We see a tree standing still, then a sword strike hits part of the tree, sending that part to the ground. Yoritsuna comes out and telepathically says "It is my friend." We then see 2 trunks grow on Anegakoji's back. He then puts his right hand out "It is my family." then his left hand "The forest is everything."