  • Umbral Hand (3.5e Feat)
  • The hand can float up to 30 ft. away from you to perform any activity you could do one-handed. The hand behaves much as a mindless golem, able to understand simple commands and having a habit of performing the same activity ceaselessly until re-directed. If you move out of its 30 ft. range it will abandon it's current orders and follow you until back in range again. If you have over 10 HD, the range of the hand becomes 60 ft. Commanding the hand is a move action which does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Back to Main Page → 3.5e Homebrew → Character Options → Feats
  • So long as you retain a Shadow spell at ready, you can manipulate things with giant, quasi-real fists.
Author name
  • Eiji-kun
  • 2
  • 86400.0
date created
  • 1
  • Complete
  • Umbral Hand
  • Reserve
  • Fighter
  • The hand can float up to 30 ft. away from you to perform any activity you could do one-handed. The hand behaves much as a mindless golem, able to understand simple commands and having a habit of performing the same activity ceaselessly until re-directed. If you move out of its 30 ft. range it will abandon it's current orders and follow you until back in range again. If you have over 10 HD, the range of the hand becomes 60 ft. Commanding the hand is a move action which does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The hand can perform a single slam attack which deals 1d6 + 1 1/2 times its strength score, grapple, or employ any weapon you are proficient in making up to as many attacks as your BAB allows. As a secondary benefit, you gain a +1 competence bonus to your caster level when casting shadow spells. Back to Main Page → 3.5e Homebrew → Character Options → Feats