  • Gandalf
  • Gandalf
  • Gandalf
  • Gandalf
  • Gandalf
  • Gandalf
  • Gandalf
  • Gandalf
  • Gandalf
  • Gandalf
  • This player has won the following TBT Scummy Awards: * Currently none.
  • Γνωστός και ως Rambo, κατοικούσε στην Middle-Earth. Συχνά μπερδεύεται με Κούρδο εξτρεμιστή. Επίσης, έχει πολλούς σωσίες, ώστε οι hackers του διαδικτύου να μην τον βρίσκουν εύκολα.
  • Gandalf was a wizard of Middle-Earth during the Third Age.
  • Gandalf, throughout his life, has experienced the current social differences of the half century.
  • Gandalf is smart, experienced, and politically savvy, and it is his planning, knowledge, and persuasion that spur people to do the things that need to be done so that evil doesn't take over the world. He's also, at the same time, a humble person who is content to play a supporting role as an advisor, rejecting worldly power as contrary to his duties. This caused him to reject the leadership of the White Council against Galadriel's wishes. He is the keeper of Narya, one of the three Elvish Rings of Power, which has a red stone and is associated with fiery things such as hope and courage. At the end of The Return of the King, Gandalf ships out to the Undying Lands with fellow ring-bearers Galadriel, Elrond, Frodo, and Bilbo, and is never seen again in Middle-earth.
  • Nicole te amo :)
  • Gandalf is a powerful wizard found in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium, appearing prominently in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. The elves call him Mithrandir, as do the men of Gondor. Gandalf is not a popular guest in many places, simply because he tells the truth and demands action. those who prefer to hide or watch the war go by hate him. Mithrandir means the Grey Pilgrim. It is revealed by Faramir to Frodo that one of Gandalf's Names is Olorin, disclosing the fact that Gandalf is a Maiar of great power who came from the West.
  • Gandalf is a famous Wizard. He is a Maiar. Some think Erasmus might be Gandalf If he was cast in a sitcom he would be everyone's favorite little Maiar-tian.
  • thumb|300px|Pojedynek Gandalfa z Balrogiem Gandalf – 8000-letni młodzieniec, mocno uzależniony od tajemniczej używki zwanej fajkowym zielem. Po jego zażyciu miewał wizje. Widział między innymi: elfy, krasnoludki i potomków dawno wygasłych linii królewskich. Miłośnik fajerwerków, petard i zimnych ogni.
  • Gandalf der Graue, auch Gandalf Graurock, Mithrandir (Sindarin für: Grauer Pilger), Olórin (sein Name bevor er nach Mittelerde entsendet wurde) oder Gandalf Sturmkrähe genannt, ist eine der Hauptfiguren in den Romanen Der Herr der Ringe und Der Hobbit. Er ist ein Maia, der im Dritten Zeitalter in Mittelerde in Form einer der fünf Istari in Erscheinung tritt.
  • Gandalf was a name used to refer to the Doctor. When sent a message to Martha Jones via a television broadcast, he showed her the aged Tenth Doctor and sarcastically said, "Say hello, Gandalf." (TV: Last of the Time Lords) The Eleventh Doctor compared himself to the character, saying he was "the outer space Gandalf", but incorrectly followed this by describing him as "the little green one in Star Wars." (TV: Meanwhile in the TARDIS)
  • Gandalf il Grigio, più tardi conosciuto come Gandalf il Bianco, fu uno dei 5 Istari. Gli Istari furono Maiar scelti personalmente dai Valar per aiutare i popoli della Terra di Mezzo nella loro lotta contro il male. Gli Istari (chiamati dagli Uomini "Stregoni") presero la forma di Uomini, ma possedevano poteri fisici e mentali molto più grandi. Per circa 2,000 anni, Gandalf lavorò accuratamente e senza sosta contro i crescenti poteri del male nella Terra di Mezzo
  • Kategoria:Artykuły do poprawy Gandalf – majar żyjący w Amanie, w Trzeciej Erze wysłany do Śródziemia, by wspierać Wolne Ludy w walce z Sauronem, drugi spośród grona Istarich, nazywany Gandalfem Szarym. Po śmierci i przywróceniu do świata żywych jako Gandalf Biały głowa Istarich, członek, a później przewodniczący Białej Rady. Jako jedyny z istarich wypełnił swoją misję i w 1 roku Czwartej Ery powrócił do Amanu.
  • Gandalf the Grey is a hero for the Men of the West faction (or for Gondor in BFME 1).
  • Because Gandalf traveled around so much, and hung out with so many different kinds of people, he went by a lot of different names. Some of Gandalf's more famous monikers included * Gandalf the Grey (most commonly) * Gandalf the White (after he "returned" from the "dead") * Gandalf Greyhame (among the descendents of Númenor) * Mithrandir (to the elves) * Olórin (in the Eastern Isles, before coming to Middle Earth) * Tharkûn (his name amongst the Dwarves) * Gandalf Stormcrow (but only amongst those under Saruman's corrupting influence)
  • On croyait Gandalf le Blanc définitivement installé auprès des Valar, avec les elfes et les porteurs de l'anneau, mais il semblerait que quelque chose l'ait appelé à sortir de cette retraite. Sollicité par les Sans-Destin ayant découvert son bâton dans une profonde forêt, il accepte de les suivre, et va aller de découverte en découverte sur le Luastria.
  • Gandalf is a very old wizard in Middle Earth along with his clones Dumbledore and Merlin.
  • In the Edain Mod you can recruit Gandalf the Grey in the Citadel at a cost of 3000. To get Gandalf the White you must gain a 2pp Spellbook ability called Gandalf the White. After that he will transform into the White Wizard automatically. As the White Wizard Gandalf gains +30% bonus on magic attacks and -25% recharge time for his spells. Both non-Ring versions of Gandalf (the Grey and the White) have the same abilities!
  • Gandalf ist ein Zauberer. Er gehört zum Orden der Istari, Thorin & Co., sowie der Gemeinschaft des Ringes. Gandalf befindet sich in Bilbos Zimmer im Letzten Heimeligen Haus in Bruchtal, wo er mit Frodo Beutlin spricht. Zudem tritt er noch an weiteren Orten auf: * Zwergen-Intro in Thorins Tor * Gasthaus "Zum Tänzelnden Pony" in Bree * Thurimen im Düsterwald * Feste Dunhoth in Enedwaith * Lothlórien * Methel-Bühne im Auenland - Geburtstage * Ost-Rohan - Sitzungsspiel * Fangorn * Epic-Quests
  • mały||Gandalf ze swym mieczem Gandalf (Gandalf Szary, Gandalf Biały, Mithrandir, Olórin, Szary Pielgrzym, Incánus, Tharkun) był Majarem i Istharim, jedną z głównych postaci we Władcy Pierścieni i Hobbicie.
  • Gandalf is the level ten master. His weapon is Huge Fireballs. He has 1,800 Hit Points and a strength of 800. You require 4,000,000 experience to challenge Gandalf.
  • Gandalf ist eine Minifigur aus der Baureihe The Lord of the Rings, die 2012 auf den Markt gekommen ist.
  • Gandalf (Norse; IPA: [gand:alf] - "Elf of the Wand" or "Wand-elf") the Grey, later known as Gandalf the White, and originally named Olórin (Quenya; IPA: [oˈloːrin] - "Dreamer" or "Of Dreams"), was an Istar (wizard), sent by the West in the Third Age to combat the threat of Sauron. He joined Thorin and his company to reclaim the Lonely Mountain from Smaug, convoked the Fellowship of the Ring to destroy the One Ring, and led the Free Peoples in the final campaign of the War of the Ring.
  • Of all the five Istari, Gandalf (Rh."Elf of the Wand" W."Wanderer") possessed the greatest feeling for the dangers and burdens of their mission. Manwe chose the Grey Wizard despite Gandalf's misgivings about his own ability. It was hardly surprising that, unlike Saruman and Alatar, Gandalf chose to go to Middle-earth without taking a lesser companion. (Saruman chose Radagast, while Alatar selected Pallando.) Gandalf came last and entered Endor alone. In Valinor he was known as Olorin and he was the wisest of the Maiar.
  • Gandalf is one of the Istari, an order of maiar sent into the world of men to find and slay sparklepires. All have perished except for one coven: the Cullens. Sauron has bribed these wicked undead into seducing foolish maidens into gathering in their name, abandoning proper worship of Eru. The worst of this band is Edward Cullen, a pale youth who looks fair yet feels foul. Gandalf has followed Edward from Mordor, across the fields of Rohan, and all the way to Gondor. The White Wizard has seen many preppy maidens wish they were goth like the Nazgûls, and idolize Edward to compensate. Gandalf is within inches of slaying the whole coven, but Sauron (in the guise of a scribe named Meyer) is planning to call down a host of demons to possess men's bodies. The only way to prevent this is if Frodo
  • Gandalf es un personaje ficticio perteneciente al legendarium del escritor británico J.R.R. Tolkien. Es uno de los principales de las novelas El hobbit y El Señor de los Anillos, aunque también aparece en El Silmarillion, donde se narran sus orígenes. Es un espíritu Maia, uno de los Ainur menores, enviado a la Tierra Media durante la Tercera Edad del Sol para ayudar a sus habitantes en la lucha contra el Señor Oscuro Sauron. Allí adoptó el aspecto de un anciano de barba luenga y de color blanca grisácea, vestido con una gran capa gris, un sombrero puntiagudo de color azul y un gran cayado.
  • Gandalf is a very old, very wise and very powerful wizard and one of the Ainur who entered the world of Arda at the dawn of creation. He is a major character in J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-Earth saga and Peter Jackson's live-action adaptations of the books respectively, serving as the Deuteragonist of The Lord of the Rings .
  • Gandalf de Grijze, later bekend als Gandalf de Witte, ook wel Olórin (Dromer), Tharkun en Mithrandir genoemd, was een tovenaar (Istar). Hij was naar het Westen van Midden-aarde gestuurd om de macht van Sauron te bevechten en zijn bedreiging te neutraliseren. Tijdens zijn vele omzwervingen door Midden-aarde is hij bevriend geraakt met het volk kleine mensen, de Hobbits, ook wel halflingen genoemd.
  • Gandalf is a very old, very wise and very powerful wizard and one of the Ainur who entered the world of Arda at the dawn of creation. He is a main character as well as one of the main heroes in J.R.R Tolkien's Middle-Earth saga and Peter Jackson's live-action adaptation of the books respectively.
  • Masculin
  • 3
  • Grijs, later wit
Monde d'Origine
  • Arda
Lata życia
  • --01-25
Attack Type
  • Single
  • Single Target
Row 8 info
  • Wizard, Sage, Light Lord
  • Mężczyzna
Row 4 info
  • Wizard
  • Normal
  • Blauwgrijs
  • Gandalf
  • Valinor , Zachodnie Śródziemie
Row 7 title
  • Goals
  • Männlich
Row 1 info
  • Gandalf Greyhame
  • 1
  • Grau, später weiß
Inne imiona
  • Gandalf Biały , Gandalf Szary , Greyhame - Szary Płaszcz , Incánus , Láthspell - Zła Nowina , Mithrandir - Szary Pielgrzym , Olórin , Tharkun - Człowiek z Laską
  • Gandalf
Row 8 title
  • Type of Hero
  • Gandalf Biały.png
Row 4 title
  • Occupation
  • Różdżka, Glamdring
  • 250
Row 2 info
  • Gandalf the Grey, Gandalf the White, Mithrandir, The White Rider, The Grey Pilgrim, Gandalf stormcrow.
Row 6 info
  • Smoking
Nom Usuel
  • Gandalf
  • Am Anfang aller Tage
Row 1 title
  • Full Name
  • Zauberer
Row 5 info
  • Magic, Swordsmanship, Glamdring, Immortality, Magical Telekinesis, Illumination, Calling Gwaihir, Counter-Spell, Blinding Light
Row 2 title
  • Alias
  • siehe links
Row 6 title
  • Hobby
  • 60.0
Row 5 title
  • Powers
  • x
Row 3 info
  • The Hobbit
Row 3 title
  • Origin
  • Unsterblich
  • segelt 3019 D.Z. nach Valinor
  • Man
  • Weißer Rat, Ringgemeinschaft, Thorin & Co.
Row 7 info
  • Guide Frodo to Mordor, Protect Middle-Earth from Sauron
Box Title
  • Do-Gooder
  • Gandalf
  • siehe links
  • Blue-grey
  • Grey, later white
  • Gandalf
  • Gandalf the Grey
  • Gandalf
  • Gandalf der Graue ist einer der mächtigsten Zauberer in ganz Mittelerde. Seine zuverlässigste magische Waffe ist sein Stab. Mit ihm kann er Zauber bewirken und zudem dient er auch als guter Gehstock. Er schließt sich der Mission an, das Zwergenkönigreich Erebor und den lange verlorenen Schatz aus den Klauen des Feuer speienden Drachen Smaug zurückzugewinnen. Unterwegs stößt Gandalf auf Hinweise, dass möglicherweise ein uraltes Böse seinen Weg zurück in diese Welt gefunden hat. Um die Wahrheit ans Licht zu bringen, muss Gandalf seine Freunde verlassen und sich auf eine Reise begeben, die ihn an die dunkelsten Orte von Mittelerde führen wird.
  • Gandalf de Grijze
  • Gandalf portrayed by Ian McKellen in The Lord of the Rings trilogy and The Hobbit trilogy
  • Bree-land
  • Rivendell
Andere Namen
  • Gandalf de Witte
  • Mithrandir
  • Olórin, Mithrandir, Incánus, Tharkûn, Greyhame, Old Greybeard, Gandalf the Grey, Gandalf the White, the Grey Pilgrim, Stormcrow, the White Rider, Láthspell, Big Greybeard, Long Greybeard, Pointy Hat, Tall Fellow, Gandalf the Fool
  • Mago
  • Gandalf
  • Gandalf
  • Istar , Servant of the Secret Fire, Wielder of the Flame of Anor, Ring-bearer, Elf-friend
  • 12
Image size
  • 300
  • 5702
  • #FFD799
  • 3000
  • Olórin, Mithrandir, Tharkûn, Incánus
  • Istari
  • Bree
  • The Last Homely House
  • *The Lord of the Rings *The Hobbit
  • Rivendell
  • Bree
Image File
  • Gandalf White.jpg
  • Male
  • --01-25
  • Istari , Maia of Manwë and Varda
  • 9469
  • MV5BMTc2NjQ1MDExOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTYzNDM2MzE@. V1 SX1784 SY876 .jpg
  • Before the the Shaping of Arda
  • The Prancing Pony
  • Bilbo's Room/December 24th
Kolor włosów
  • Szare, potem białe
  • 29.77
  • 29.64
  • 3.38
  • 51.28
Power Used To Summon
  • Gandalf the Grey
Recruitement Location
  • Citadel
  • This player has won the following TBT Scummy Awards: * Currently none.
  • Γνωστός και ως Rambo, κατοικούσε στην Middle-Earth. Συχνά μπερδεύεται με Κούρδο εξτρεμιστή. Επίσης, έχει πολλούς σωσίες, ώστε οι hackers του διαδικτύου να μην τον βρίσκουν εύκολα.
  • Gandalf de Grijze, later bekend als Gandalf de Witte, ook wel Olórin (Dromer), Tharkun en Mithrandir genoemd, was een tovenaar (Istar). Hij was naar het Westen van Midden-aarde gestuurd om de macht van Sauron te bevechten en zijn bedreiging te neutraliseren. Tijdens zijn vele omzwervingen door Midden-aarde is hij bevriend geraakt met het volk kleine mensen, de Hobbits, ook wel halflingen genoemd. Om zijn doel te bereiken maakte Gandalf gebruik van zijn wijsheid, levenservaring en manipulatieve vaardigheden. Zo leidde hij een groep van 13 dwergen naar Erebor om daar de draak Smaug te bevechten en zo Thorin Eikenschild zijn plaats in te laten nemen als koning van de dwergen. Hoewel Thorin de strijd niet overleefde, was het uiteindelijke doel bereikt, en konden de dwergen weer zitting nemen in Erebor. Ook stuurde Gandalf zijn hobbit-vriend Frodo Balings er op uit om de Ene Ring te vernietigen in het vuur van de Doemberg.
  • Gandalf is one of the Istari, an order of maiar sent into the world of men to find and slay sparklepires. All have perished except for one coven: the Cullens. Sauron has bribed these wicked undead into seducing foolish maidens into gathering in their name, abandoning proper worship of Eru. The worst of this band is Edward Cullen, a pale youth who looks fair yet feels foul. Gandalf has followed Edward from Mordor, across the fields of Rohan, and all the way to Gondor. The White Wizard has seen many preppy maidens wish they were goth like the Nazgûls, and idolize Edward to compensate. Gandalf is within inches of slaying the whole coven, but Sauron (in the guise of a scribe named Meyer) is planning to call down a host of demons to possess men's bodies. The only way to prevent this is if Frodo Baggins throws copies of Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner, and The Host (as well as the manuscript of Midnight Sun) into Mount Doom.
  • Gandalf was a wizard of Middle-Earth during the Third Age.
  • Gandalf, throughout his life, has experienced the current social differences of the half century.
  • Gandalf is smart, experienced, and politically savvy, and it is his planning, knowledge, and persuasion that spur people to do the things that need to be done so that evil doesn't take over the world. He's also, at the same time, a humble person who is content to play a supporting role as an advisor, rejecting worldly power as contrary to his duties. This caused him to reject the leadership of the White Council against Galadriel's wishes. He is the keeper of Narya, one of the three Elvish Rings of Power, which has a red stone and is associated with fiery things such as hope and courage. At the end of The Return of the King, Gandalf ships out to the Undying Lands with fellow ring-bearers Galadriel, Elrond, Frodo, and Bilbo, and is never seen again in Middle-earth.
  • Nicole te amo :)
  • Gandalf is a powerful wizard found in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium, appearing prominently in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. The elves call him Mithrandir, as do the men of Gondor. Gandalf is not a popular guest in many places, simply because he tells the truth and demands action. those who prefer to hide or watch the war go by hate him. Mithrandir means the Grey Pilgrim. It is revealed by Faramir to Frodo that one of Gandalf's Names is Olorin, disclosing the fact that Gandalf is a Maiar of great power who came from the West.
  • Gandalf is a famous Wizard. He is a Maiar. Some think Erasmus might be Gandalf If he was cast in a sitcom he would be everyone's favorite little Maiar-tian.
  • thumb|300px|Pojedynek Gandalfa z Balrogiem Gandalf – 8000-letni młodzieniec, mocno uzależniony od tajemniczej używki zwanej fajkowym zielem. Po jego zażyciu miewał wizje. Widział między innymi: elfy, krasnoludki i potomków dawno wygasłych linii królewskich. Miłośnik fajerwerków, petard i zimnych ogni.
  • Gandalf der Graue, auch Gandalf Graurock, Mithrandir (Sindarin für: Grauer Pilger), Olórin (sein Name bevor er nach Mittelerde entsendet wurde) oder Gandalf Sturmkrähe genannt, ist eine der Hauptfiguren in den Romanen Der Herr der Ringe und Der Hobbit. Er ist ein Maia, der im Dritten Zeitalter in Mittelerde in Form einer der fünf Istari in Erscheinung tritt.
  • Gandalf is a very old, very wise and very powerful wizard and one of the Ainur who entered the world of Arda at the dawn of creation. He is a main character as well as one of the main heroes in J.R.R Tolkien's Middle-Earth saga and Peter Jackson's live-action adaptation of the books respectively. Being thousands of years old, he is known far and wide by all: men, elves, dwarves, hobbits, and evil such as Sauron and orcs. Has many friends and known as Gandalf the Grey, Gandalf the White, Mithrandir, the White Rider, the Grey Pilgrim, etc. He is the servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor, which is said where he is to be from. During the third age, he guides Frodo in destroying the One Ring, and participating several battles during the War of the Ring. Once a member of the High Order of wizards, he travels all around Middle-Earth visiting friends and embarking on journeys. In the hobbit and the first film, the Fellowship of the Ring, he was Gandalf the Grey, cloaked in all gray and wields a wooden staff. He offers to guide Frodo to Mordor to destroy the Ring and several comrades of all races join them. While traveling through the mines of Moria, he duels with a monstrous demon of fire: the Balrog. He sacrifices himself and falls to his supposed death. He returns in the last two films reincarnated: Gandalf the White, having survived the fall. This time, his hair, beard, cloak and staff are all white, which some mistake him for Saruman. In all the films, he is portrayed by Sir Ian McKellen.
  • Gandalf was a name used to refer to the Doctor. When sent a message to Martha Jones via a television broadcast, he showed her the aged Tenth Doctor and sarcastically said, "Say hello, Gandalf." (TV: Last of the Time Lords) The Eleventh Doctor compared himself to the character, saying he was "the outer space Gandalf", but incorrectly followed this by describing him as "the little green one in Star Wars." (TV: Meanwhile in the TARDIS)
  • Gandalf es un personaje ficticio perteneciente al legendarium del escritor británico J.R.R. Tolkien. Es uno de los principales de las novelas El hobbit y El Señor de los Anillos, aunque también aparece en El Silmarillion, donde se narran sus orígenes. Es un espíritu Maia, uno de los Ainur menores, enviado a la Tierra Media durante la Tercera Edad del Sol para ayudar a sus habitantes en la lucha contra el Señor Oscuro Sauron. Allí adoptó el aspecto de un anciano de barba luenga y de color blanca grisácea, vestido con una gran capa gris, un sombrero puntiagudo de color azul y un gran cayado. Gandalf es considerado junto a Merlín como el prototipo del mago de la cultura occidental.
  • Gandalf il Grigio, più tardi conosciuto come Gandalf il Bianco, fu uno dei 5 Istari. Gli Istari furono Maiar scelti personalmente dai Valar per aiutare i popoli della Terra di Mezzo nella loro lotta contro il male. Gli Istari (chiamati dagli Uomini "Stregoni") presero la forma di Uomini, ma possedevano poteri fisici e mentali molto più grandi. Per circa 2,000 anni, Gandalf lavorò accuratamente e senza sosta contro i crescenti poteri del male nella Terra di Mezzo
  • Kategoria:Artykuły do poprawy Gandalf – majar żyjący w Amanie, w Trzeciej Erze wysłany do Śródziemia, by wspierać Wolne Ludy w walce z Sauronem, drugi spośród grona Istarich, nazywany Gandalfem Szarym. Po śmierci i przywróceniu do świata żywych jako Gandalf Biały głowa Istarich, członek, a później przewodniczący Białej Rady. Jako jedyny z istarich wypełnił swoją misję i w 1 roku Czwartej Ery powrócił do Amanu.
  • Gandalf the Grey is a hero for the Men of the West faction (or for Gondor in BFME 1).
  • Because Gandalf traveled around so much, and hung out with so many different kinds of people, he went by a lot of different names. Some of Gandalf's more famous monikers included * Gandalf the Grey (most commonly) * Gandalf the White (after he "returned" from the "dead") * Gandalf Greyhame (among the descendents of Númenor) * Mithrandir (to the elves) * Olórin (in the Eastern Isles, before coming to Middle Earth) * Tharkûn (his name amongst the Dwarves) * Gandalf Stormcrow (but only amongst those under Saruman's corrupting influence)
  • On croyait Gandalf le Blanc définitivement installé auprès des Valar, avec les elfes et les porteurs de l'anneau, mais il semblerait que quelque chose l'ait appelé à sortir de cette retraite. Sollicité par les Sans-Destin ayant découvert son bâton dans une profonde forêt, il accepte de les suivre, et va aller de découverte en découverte sur le Luastria.
  • Gandalf is a very old wizard in Middle Earth along with his clones Dumbledore and Merlin.
  • In the Edain Mod you can recruit Gandalf the Grey in the Citadel at a cost of 3000. To get Gandalf the White you must gain a 2pp Spellbook ability called Gandalf the White. After that he will transform into the White Wizard automatically. As the White Wizard Gandalf gains +30% bonus on magic attacks and -25% recharge time for his spells. Both non-Ring versions of Gandalf (the Grey and the White) have the same abilities!
  • Gandalf ist ein Zauberer. Er gehört zum Orden der Istari, Thorin & Co., sowie der Gemeinschaft des Ringes. Gandalf befindet sich in Bilbos Zimmer im Letzten Heimeligen Haus in Bruchtal, wo er mit Frodo Beutlin spricht. Zudem tritt er noch an weiteren Orten auf: * Zwergen-Intro in Thorins Tor * Gasthaus "Zum Tänzelnden Pony" in Bree * Thurimen im Düsterwald * Feste Dunhoth in Enedwaith * Lothlórien * Methel-Bühne im Auenland - Geburtstage * Ost-Rohan - Sitzungsspiel * Fangorn * Epic-Quests
  • Of all the five Istari, Gandalf (Rh."Elf of the Wand" W."Wanderer") possessed the greatest feeling for the dangers and burdens of their mission. Manwe chose the Grey Wizard despite Gandalf's misgivings about his own ability. It was hardly surprising that, unlike Saruman and Alatar, Gandalf chose to go to Middle-earth without taking a lesser companion. (Saruman chose Radagast, while Alatar selected Pallando.) Gandalf came last and entered Endor alone. In Valinor he was known as Olorin and he was the wisest of the Maiar. Gandalf's purposeful independence and tremendous self-discipline lead him to journey tirelessly and without want of accolades or reward. He never settled in any one place, nor did he accumulate wealth; thus the label "Grey Pilgrim." His possessions remained few. Gandalf always remained an emissary of the Valar and never permitted worldly ways to sway his actions. Despite the urges inherent in his adopted form, he resisted pride and avoided the hunger for power. The Grey Wizard exhibited emotions, and his posture and gait spoke of his burden, but his true fire always burned deep.
  • Gandalf is a very old, very wise and very powerful wizard and one of the Ainur who entered the world of Arda at the dawn of creation. He is a major character in J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-Earth saga and Peter Jackson's live-action adaptations of the books respectively, serving as the Deuteragonist of The Lord of the Rings . Being thousands of years old, he is known far and wide by all: men, elves, dwarves, hobbits, and evil such as Sauron and orcs. Has many friends and known as Gandalf the Grey, Gandalf the White, Mithrandir, the White Rider, the Grey Pilgrim, etc. He is the servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor, which is said where he is to be from. During the third age, he guides Frodo in destroying the One Ring, and participating several battles during the War of the Ring. Once a member of the High Order of wizards, he travels all around Middle-Earth visiting friends and embarking on journeys. In the hobbit and the first film, the Fellowship of the Ring, he was Gandalf the Grey, cloaked in all gray and wields a wooden staff. He offers to guide Frodo to Mordor to destroy the Ring and several comrades of all races join them. While traveling through the mines of Moria, he duels with a monstrous demon of fire: the Balrog. He sacrifices himself and falls to his supposed death. He returns in the last two films reincarnated: Gandalf the White, having survived the fall. This time, his hair, beard, cloak and staff are all white, which some mistake him for Saruman. In all the films, he is portrayed by Sir Ian McKellen.
  • mały||Gandalf ze swym mieczem Gandalf (Gandalf Szary, Gandalf Biały, Mithrandir, Olórin, Szary Pielgrzym, Incánus, Tharkun) był Majarem i Istharim, jedną z głównych postaci we Władcy Pierścieni i Hobbicie.
  • Gandalf is the level ten master. His weapon is Huge Fireballs. He has 1,800 Hit Points and a strength of 800. You require 4,000,000 experience to challenge Gandalf.
  • Gandalf ist eine Minifigur aus der Baureihe The Lord of the Rings, die 2012 auf den Markt gekommen ist.
  • Gandalf (Norse; IPA: [gand:alf] - "Elf of the Wand" or "Wand-elf") the Grey, later known as Gandalf the White, and originally named Olórin (Quenya; IPA: [oˈloːrin] - "Dreamer" or "Of Dreams"), was an Istar (wizard), sent by the West in the Third Age to combat the threat of Sauron. He joined Thorin and his company to reclaim the Lonely Mountain from Smaug, convoked the Fellowship of the Ring to destroy the One Ring, and led the Free Peoples in the final campaign of the War of the Ring.
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